Effectively communicate to influence others and drive results.
Backup design choices with stakeholders.
WHY: Rationale behind.
Reason for each element.
Situation: Raised Bed Gardens
Action: Illos
Result: Friendly beginners approachable
Candor/direct, constructive communication
How deal with conflict
Situation: Report consistently missing deadlines, which made me have to make up the extra time.
Action: Explained how it was impacting me. We brainstormed various solutions to help with deadlines.
Result: She chose one she felt most comfy with. Writing out each monring. Never missed deadlines again.
Candor/direct, constructive communication
Giving Feedback
Situation: Mindfulness ADHD Workbook. Young designer. Design was Busy lots of design elements Distracting. Esp for someone with ADHD
Action: Told her what was working. So she could hear. Asked her to focus on reader’s needs. Easy-to-use. Approachable. Asked her to try simplifying.
Result: Easy to use workbook. Could have told her what to cut, but gave practice self-editing.
Positively influence change.
Time you helped team by making change.
Situation: Editors struggling w/accurate page counts. No tools.
Action: Spreadsheets dividing down into sections, using different word count. CO, Running Text, w/illos
Result: Shared with editors. Thrilled. More accurate.
Wise decisions & effectively communicate them.
Wise Decision
Situation: Postpartum Book for Christians.
Editor wanted a baby symbol. A lone teddy. Pacifier
Action: That focused on emtpiness/grief. Needed hope. B/W flowers that slowly filled with color. Renewal. Hope.
Result: Year later still #2 Postpartum Christian Books
Actively listener. Open to their ideas and views.
Me Critiqued… How handled?
Situation: Regularly shared work in “peer critique” group.
Action: Pause after hearing critique. Ask questions to make sure I understood.
Result: See new approaches. Not just one way to do things.
Example: CBT WB for Therapists.
Abstract, hopeful pattern.
Critique: More geared to therapist. Triangle diagram.
Great Reviews from Therapists. #1-15 in US.
Challenge assumptions. Suggest better approaches.
Challenge Assumptions. New Ideas—Illos
Situation: Auto lllo schedules based on dependencies were off. Sometimes illos due after went to printer. People were manually adjusting, taking hours.
Action: Spreadsheets to easily auto calculate dates, revise illo schedules.
Result: Shared with team, make everyone’s process more efficient.
Challenge assumptions. Suggest better approaches.
Challenge Assumptions. New Ideas—page counts
Situation: Editors were struggling with accurate page counts.
Action: Spreadsheets dividing down into sections, and using different word count.
Result: Shared with editors. Able to more accurately calculate page count
Challenge assumptions. Suggest better approaches.
Challenge Assumptions. New Ideas—art budget
Situation: Given total art budget, time consuming to figure how to allocate.
Action: Spreadsheets to easily figure out scope within budget.
Result: Shared with team, make everyone’s process more efficient.
Strengths/Tell me about you
Passion Devoted career to Ad and D books. Travelnut—other cultures
Years experience. 150+ books. Pool of designers for freelance work.
Hit Ground Running Self-starter. Short Learning curve.
Templates, Styles, GREP. More efficient and consistent.
Creative & Strategic Equally comfortable. Both sides of brain.
Problem Solver Both Design & Process. Efficient.
Strong partnerships with other depts. Book building team effort.
Strong work ethic. Best Book. Deadlines. Above and Beyond