Influences on Health Flashcards
Nuclear Family
traditional family, 2 parents and kids
Extended Family
grandparents, aunts, uncles
Blended Family
2 parents and unrelated kids from previous relationships
Cultural Assimilation
minorities living within a dominant group loose the characteristics that made them different
Cultural blindness
ignores differences and proceeds as if they didnt exist
Cultural Competence
demonstrating knowledge and understanding of a patients culture: accepting and respecting cultural differences
Culture Conflict
people become aware of differences and feel threatened; making fun of a culture
Cultural Imposition
the belief that everyone should conform to a majority belief system
Cultural Respect
the recoginiton, protection and continued advancement of inherent rights, cultures and traditions of a particular culture
belief that ones ideas are superior to others
large groups of people who are members of a larger cultural group
sense of identification with a collective cultural group
biology, linked with physical characterstics
Free Radical
oxidative stress damages cell membranes
Disengagement Theory
older adults withdrawl from society and become self focused
Activity Theory
sucessful aging includes ability to maintain high level of activity and functioning
Continuity Theory
continue similar patterns of behavior from young to middle adulthood
maintain social contacts and relationships/ find new and meaningful age related roles
Identity Diffusion
cant figure out who they are
dont feel like their thoughts are their own
Coopersmith Self Esteem
Significance, Competence, Virtue and power
Self Awareness
Self Recongition
18 mo
Self definition
3 yrs
Self concept
6-7 yrs
short term stress that promotes positive environmental response
Local Adaptation Syndrome
involves only one specific part of the body part
General Adaptation Syndrome
- alarm reaction
- stage of resistance
- stage of exhustion
Shelly and Fish
3 spiritual needs
1. need for meaning and purpose
2. need for love and relatedness
3. need for forgiveness