Inflammation and Cell Injury/Death Flashcards
Explain the three major components of acute inflammation.
- Dilation of small vessels; leads to increased blood flow to affected
area. - Increased permeability of microvasculature; leads to movement of
fluid and plasma proteins from circulation into tissue (exudation). - Emigration of leukocytes (white blood cells) from microcirculation,
with their accumulation at site of injury and activation to eliminate
offending agent.
a. Circulating cells - Neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils,
lymphocytes, basophils and platelets
b. Cells in tissue – Mast cells, macrophages and lymphocytes
Describe four common types of stimuli that trigger acute inflammation
- Infections and microbial toxins
- Tissue necrosis – May be due to ischemia, trauma, or
physical/chemical agents (i.e. burns, frostbite, irradiation) - Foreign bodies
- Immune reactions – Autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity
Understand the two major results of the vascular response in acute
inflammation to be vasodilation and increased vascular permeability, and
describe the forces favoring fluid movement out of vessels.
Early event in acute inflammation, which primarily affects arterioles
1. Mechanism – Actions of chemical mediators (i.e. histamine and
nitric oxide) on vascular smooth muscle
2. Result – Opens capillary beds increased blood flow
Increased vascular permeability
1. Primarily involves post-capillary venules
2. Forces favor fluid movement out of vessels into extravascular
a. Increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure due to
increased blood flow
b. Decreased intravascular oncotic pressure due to loss of
3. Lack of endothelial integrity – Fluid and proteins must breach the
endothelium to gain access to extravascular space. Some
mechanisms to explain how this occurs:
a. Formation of endothelial gaps (contraction of endothelium
leads to increased space between endothelial cells)
i. Immediate, transient response – Due to actions of
histamine (primarily), although other chemical
mediators (bradykinin, leukotrienes) play a part
ii. Delayed prolonged leakage – Due to thermal injury,
b. Direct endothelial injury – Due to burns, microbes
i. Leads to endothelial necrosis and detachment
c. Leukocyte mediated vascular injury – Due to actions of
inflammatory cells and their mediators
d. Increased transcytosis – Direct movement of fluid and
proteins through specialized channels within endothelial
cell cytoplasm
e. Leakage from new blood vessels (angiogenesis) - New
vessels are leaky until endothelial cells mature and form
intercellular junctions
Name the chemical mediator responsible for the primary, transient
vascular permeability response and identify the type of blood vessel in
which increased permeability primarily occurs.
post capillary venules
Know the sequence of events in leukocyte extravasation, and explain how
adhesion molecules are involved at various steps
- Margination – Leukocyte slow down and accumulate to the periphery
of the vessel near the endothelium
a. Due to changes in blood flow (stasis) that occurs secondary to
vascular dilation and loss of intravascular fluid - Rolling – Slow “tumbling” of cells with transient interactions to the
endothelium (adherence, detachment and re-adherence).
a. Adhesion molecules: Selectins – Low affinity binding - Adhesion to endothelium – Leukocytes come to rest and adhere
a. Adhesion molecules: Integrins – High affinity binding - Transmigration (diapidesis) – Leukocytes squeeze through
intracellular junctions, then across the basement membrane
a. Adhesion molecules: Immunoglobulin superfamily
b. Occurs primarily in post-capillary venules
The type of inflammatory cell involved depends on time course and type
of injurious agent. Generally in acute inflammation, neutrophils
predominate in first 6-24 hours while monocytes start to replace
neutrophils after 24-48 hours. Neutrophils are short lived in tissue and
disappear after 48 hours. Note that neutrophils may continue to be
recruited if the injury is repeated or with certain types of stimuli.
Explain the three main steps of phagocytosis, and describe four
processes that are important in the third step (killing and degradation of
Once activated, inflammatory cells phagocytose and kill/degrade the
microbial agent or foreign invader in three main steps:
1. Recognition and attachment – Special receptors on the surface of
leukocytes bind directly to the microbe
a. Examples: Mannose receptors, scavenger receptors,
integrins, receptors for opsonins
2. Engulfment – Extensions of cell cytoplasm (pseudopods) flow around
the microbe and enclose it within a space (phagosome) created within
the cell cytoplasm. The phagosome then fuses with the cell lysosome (containing enzymatic granules) to create a hybrid organelle
3. Killing and degradation – Occurs within phagolysosome. This step is
highly oxygen dependent (“respiratory burst”) with several main
a. Oxidation of NADPH to generate reactive oxygen species
(ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
b. Action of myeloperoxidase (MPO) – Enzyme within
neutrophil lysosomal granules. MPO converts hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) to a potent antimicrobial agent called
hypochlorite (active ingredient in bleach) in the presence of
c. Nitric Oxide – Soluble gas derived predominantly from
endothelium. Combines with superoxide anion to generate
free radical molecule which contributes to microbial killing.
d. Lysosomal enzymes – Various enzymes such as
proteases degrade proteins and extracellular matrix
Name two diseases that occur due to defects in leukocyte function.
These generally manifest as increased vulnerability of patient to infection.
Defects can occur at all phases of leukocyte activity.
1. Specific types:
a. Defects in leukocyte adhesion – Recurrent infections,
impaired wound healing
b. Defects in phagolysosome function - Recurrent bacterial
and fungal infections
Example: Chediak-Higashi syndrome
c. Defects in formation of reactive oxygen species –
Recurrent bacterial and fungal infections
Example: Chronic granulomatous disease
d. Bone marrow suppression – Multiple causes, leads to
generalized immune suppression due to reduced
production of leukocytes
Know the two main types of vasoactive amines, their source and explain
their main effects.
Vasoactive = effects on blood vessels
1. Histamine
a. Principal mediator of the primary, transient vascular
response of inflammation
b. Source: Mast cells (predominantly), also derived from
basophils and platelets
c. Effects: Dilation of arterioles, increased permeability of
post-capillary venules by inducing endothelial gaps
2. Serotonin
a. Source: Mostly platelets
b. Effects: Neurotransmitter in GI tract, also vasoconstriction.
Importance in inflammatory response still unclear.
Know the two main pathways of the arachidonic acid cascade and
describe where anti-inflammatory medications act in the cascade to inhibit
the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
Arachadonic acid (AA) is a fatty acid present in the cell membrane that is
activated by an enzyme (phospholipase A) as a result of various stimuli. Activation of AA leads to an enzyme cascade resulting in formation of
multiple lipid metabolites which affect inflammation. Many common antiinflammatory medications work by inhibiting various aspects of the AA
cascade. The cascade has two main pathways:
1. Cyclooxygenase pathway
a. Generates prostaglandins – Effects on vascular tone and
permeability, platelet aggregation, pain and fever
b. Enzymes: COX-1 and COX-2
2. Lipoxygenase pathway
a. Generates leukotrienes and lipoxins
i. Leukotrienes – Promotes leukocyte
chemotaxis/activation, vasoconstriction, vascular
permeability, and bronchospasm (important in
ii. Lipoxins – Regulatory function to inhibit leukocyte
recruitment (suppress inflammation)
3. Anti-inflammatory medications
a. Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) – Inhibit
prostaglandin pathway (COX-1, COX-2 enzymes)
b. Zileuton, Montelukast – Inhibits lipoxygenase and leukotriene
pathways, used in treatment of asthma
c. Corticosteroids – Broad spectrum inhibition of both pathways
(inhibit phospholipase A2 as well as COX-2), reduce production of
pro-inflammatory cytokines
. Explain how nitric oxide acts as an endogenous regulator of inflammation.
As described in section IIID above, nitric oxide is a soluble gas produced
by endothelial cells and macrophages, which can combine with
superoxide to form reactive nitrogen species and contribute to killing of
microbes. In addition to this antimicrobial effect, nitric oxide also serves a
regulatory function to reduce some of the effects of inflammation. To this
end, NO is a potent vasodilator, reduces platelet aggregation, inhibits
mast cells and regulates leukocyte recruitment.
Know two main cytokines involved in inflammation and describe their
major effects.
Cytokines are proteins produced by many cell types which mediate and
regulate various aspects of inflammation.
1. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) are
important cytokines which trigger local and systemic acute phase
responses to acute inflammation:
a. Systemic: Fever, loss of appetite, slow wave sleep, leukocyte
b. Local: Trigger endothelial and leukocyte activation, promote
leukocyte adhesion to endothelium and migration into tissue
2. TNFα and IL1 mediate many of the effects of septic shock (a systemic
response that occurs when bacteria gain access to the blood stream)
Recognize the complement, kinin and clotting systems as enzyme
cascades that can act to modify the inflammatory response.
Several important enzyme cascades can be triggered within cells during
inflammatory rections, resulting in the creation of various proteins which
futher mediate the effects of inflammation. The activation of these
cascades are tightly regulated.
1. Complement system
a. System of plasma proteins and membrane receptors crucial to
the defense against microbial agents, also active in pathologic
inflammatory reactions
b. Two pathways: Classical (triggered by antibodies) and
Alternative (triggered by microbial surfaces or other
substances, in the absence of antibody)
c. Effects: Lysis of microbial cells, histamine release (vascular
dilation, increased permeability), leukocyte adhesion,
chemotaxis, more effective phagocystosis
2. Kinin system
a. Enzyme cascade that closely interacts with the clotting system
b. Results in the release of bradykinin – Potent vasoactive
peptide that increases vascular permeability, causes
contraction of smooth muscle, dilation of blood vessels, and
causes pain (when injected)
3. Clotting system
a. Cascade of proteins that culminates in the formation of a fibrin
clot in response to injury (coagulation)
b. Coagulation and inflammation are tightly linked
i. Acute inflammation can trigger activation of clotting
ii. Components of coagulation cascade can bind to
receptors on various cells to induce inflammation
Explain the four common morphologic patterns of acute inflammation in
tissues, and be able to give an example of each pattern
A) Serous inflammation
Outpouring of thin (cell-poor) fluid into the extracellular space or within
body cavities lined by peritoneum, pleura or pericardium (Examples: skin
blister, pleural effusion).
B) Fibrinous inflammation
Fluid plus fibrinogen collects within the extracellular space and forms an
exudate containing fibrin.
1. Seen with more severe injury – Greater vascular permeability
allows for leakage of larger molecules like fibrinogen
2. Can also occur in areas lining body cavities (Example: fibrinous
3. Fibrin appears pink and amorphous in histologic sections
C) Purulent (suppurative) inflammation
Production of large amounts of purulent exudate (containing numerous
neutrophils, necrotic debris and edema fluid) (Examples: acute
appendicitis, bronchopneumonia)
1. Most frequent cause is bacterial infection - certain bacteria are
“pyogenic” (pus-producing) and characteristically produce this
2. Abscess – Localized collection of purulent inflammation, buried
deep within a tissue, organ or confined space
D) Ulcer
Local defect of the surface of a tissue or organ due to shedding of
inflamed and/or necrotic tissue
1. Occur most commonly in GI tract, genitourinary tract and skin
(Example: gastric ulcer)
Describe the three main outcomes of acute inflammation and explain
factors favoring each outcome. Explain why some types of ongoing or
repeated injury responses may display a mixed (both acute and chronic)
inflammatory picture.
A) Complete resolution
Resolution can occur when the injury is limited or short-lived, with minimal
tissue destruction and/or there is ability of the cells to regenerate. It
involves the neutralization of chemical mediators, return of normal
vascular permeability, cessation of leukocyte infiltration, apoptosis of
neutrophils, and removal of fluid, protein and cell debris.
B) Healing by connective tissue replacement (i.e fibrosis, scarring)
Fibrosis is a common outcome to acute inflammation that follows
significant tissue destruction, when tissues are unable to regenerate, or
when there is abundant fibrinous exudate that cannot be quickly removed.
Connective tissue grows into area of injury, creating a mass of fibrous
tissue or scar. This process is also called organization.
C) Progression to chronic inflammation
A transformation from acute to chronic inflammation occurs when the
body cannot resolve the acute inflammation, due to persistent
injury/stimulus or interference with the normal healing process.
In some cases of ongoing infection or repeated injury, there may be a
mixed inflammatory picture, with a base of chronic inflammation that is
continuously present, and phases of superimposed acute inflammation
during times of severe or active injury.
Describe the various types of extracellular fluid collections, including
exudate, transudate, edema and pus
- Exudate – Fluid with a high protein concentration, containing
cellular debris, and specific gravity >1.020 - Transudate – Fluid with a low protein content (mostly albumin),
minimal cells, and specific gravity <1.020 - Edema – General term for excess fluid in the interstitial space or
serous cavities (can be exudate or transudate) - Pus (i.e purulent exudate) – Inflammatory exudate containing
numerous leukocytes (especially neutrophils), cellular debris with
dead cells, and often, microbes
LO #1: Define chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is inflammation of prolonged duration (often weeks
to months), in which active inflammation, tissue destruction and repair are
occurring simultaneously.
LO #2: Describe three major causes of chronic inflammation, and be able to
give an example of each.
- Persistent infections – Examples include persistent bacterial
infections, as well as viruses, fungi, parasites, and mycobacteria
(a special class of microorganisms, of which one species causes
tuberculosis) - Autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivity responses –
Pathologic immune reactions due to excessive or inappropriate
activation of the immune system. In autoimmune disease, the
patient develops an inflammatory reaction against their own
tissues (Examples: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
erythematosus) - Prolonged exposure to toxic agents (Examples: exposure to
asbestos or coal causing pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis;
alcohol abuse causing liver cirrhosis)
LO #3:Describe the morphologic features of chronic inflammation, including
the predominant cell types.
- Infiltration with mononuclear inflammatory cells (macrophages,
lymphocytes and plasma cells)
In cases of sufficient duration, organized lymphoid tissue with
germinal centers may form. - Tissue destruction, due to the persistence of the injury process
- Healing by connective tissue replacement (scar formation or
fibrosis), with proliferation of blood vessels (angiogenesis)
LO #4: Describe the main functions of macrophages in chronic inflammation.
Macrophages are the dominant cell of the chronic inflammatory response.
They are part of the “mononuclear phagocyte system”, a group of closely
related cells that are derived from precursor cells in the bone marrow and
originally give rise to blood monocytes. In tissues, monocytes can
differentiate into further specialized cells, including macrophages,
histiocytes and giant cells.
1. Examples of specialized tissue macrophages: Kupffer cells (liver),
sinus histiocytes (spleen and lymph nodes), and alveolar
macrophages (lungs).
Macrophages are recruited relatively early in acute inflammation (within
48 hours). Once activated (by cytokines, bacterial toxins or other stimuli),
they secrete a large variety of active substances which help to kill
microbes and initiate repair. Macrophages also display antigens to Tlymphocytes and respond to signals from T-cells, as part of the cellmediated chronic inflammatory response.
In chronic inflammation, there is active proliferation of macrophages at
the site of injury and immobilization of macrophages by certain
substances to prevent them from migrating away. Macrophages also
release factors that activate fibroblasts to lay down collagen (resulting in
fibrosis) and stimulate angiogenesis.
LO #5:Understand that unregulated inflammation can cause tissue damage
and identify two types of substances macrophages secrete that can
injure host tissues.
If there is prolonged interaction with host tissues (which commonly occurs
in chronic inflammation), substances secreted by macrophages can also
result in tissue injury and fibrosis. Some of these potentially toxic
products include reactive oxygen species and enzymes that degrade
proteins or extracellular matrix (proteases).
LO #6:Define granulomatous inflammation (i.e. formation of granulomas) and
recognize granulomas in tissue.
Specialized form of chronic inflammation characterized by
nodular collections of activated macrophages with similar appearance
to epithelium (called “epithelioid histiocytes”), often with T
lymphocytes, and sometimes with central necrosis
LO #7:Know the two main types of granulomas and list the common
causative agents of granuloma formation.
) Etiologies and Main Types of Granulomas:
1. Foreign body granulomas:
a. Incited by inert foreign material, too big for a cell to
phagocytose, in the absence of T-cell mediated immune
b. Examples: Talc (associated with IV drug use), sutures,
fibers, food, starch
c. Foreign material may be identified in histologic sections
using polarized light
2. Immune type granulomas:
a. Caused by agents capable of inducing a T-cell mediated
inflammatory response
b. Usually associated with persistent (difficult to eradicate)
microbes or self-antigens. Micro-organisms associated
with granulomas include:
i. Mycobacteria: M. tuberculosis hominis, M. avium.
Tuberculosis is the prototype of granulomatous
inflammatory disease, and should always be
considered when granulomas are present.
ii. Fungi: Coccidioides (cause of Valley Fever),
Histoplasma, Blastomyces, and Cryptococcus
iii. Parasites: Shistosoma, Dirofilaria
iv. Bacteria: Francisella tularensis (cause of catscratch fever), Yersinia pestis, syphilis
c. Sarcoidosis: Granulomatous disease primarily affecting
lungs and lymph nodes, although many other organs may
be involved) Etiologies and Main Types of Granulomas:
1. Foreign body granulomas:
a. Incited by inert foreign material, too big for a cell to
phagocytose, in the absence of T-cell mediated immune
b. Examples: Talc (associated with IV drug use), sutures,
fibers, food, starch
c. Foreign material may be identified in histologic sections
using polarized light
2. Immune type granulomas:
a. Caused by agents capable of inducing a T-cell mediated
inflammatory response
b. Usually associated with persistent (difficult to eradicate)
microbes or self-antigens. Micro-organisms associated
with granulomas include:
i. Mycobacteria: M. tuberculosis hominis, M. avium.
Tuberculosis is the prototype of granulomatous
inflammatory disease, and should always be
considered when granulomas are present.
ii. Fungi: Coccidioides (cause of Valley Fever),
Histoplasma, Blastomyces, and Cryptococcus
iii. Parasites: Shistosoma, Dirofilaria
iv. Bacteria: Francisella tularensis (cause of catscratch fever), Yersinia pestis, syphilis
c. Sarcoidosis: Granulomatous disease primarily affecting
lungs and lymph nodes, although many other organs may
be involved
LO #8:Diagram the dynamic cellular events and mediators involved in
granuloma formation
The formation of granulomas is a dynamic process with multiple steps
and overlapping components:
1. The offending antigen is captured by a macrophage, processed,
and prepared for presentation. The macrophage secretes
interleukin-1 (IL-1).
2. A naive CD4+ T cell recognizes a peptide from the offending
substance, which is in association with class II molecules.
3. The CD4+ T cells differentiate into TH1 cells under the influence of
interleukin-12 (IL-12) secretion by macrophages. The TH1 cells
undergo blast transformation and proliferation and secrete several
cytokines. These include:
a. Interferon-gamma (IFN-g). This cytokine activates
macrophages and makes them better able to kill
microorganisms and secrete polypeptide growth factors.
b. Interleukin-2 (IL-2). Causes proliferation of T cells, including
antigen-specific CD4+ T cells.
c. Tumor necrosis factor - alpha (TNF-alpha) and lymphotoxin
increase blood flow to the area, promote attachment of
passing lymphocytes and monocytes, and secrete
interleukin 8 (IL-8)
LO #9:Understand the relationship between blood monocytes, macrophages,
epithelioid histiocytes and giant cells.
- Monocytes: These blood cells are the source of the macrophages,
epithelioid cells, and giant cells that comprise granulomas. - Macrophages (Histiocytes): Monocytes in tissue that have
ingested material are referred to as macrophages; otherwise they
may be referred to as histiocytes. In general use, the term
macrophage has become the preferred term, whether or not there
is light microscopic evidence of phagocytosis. Macrophages
become activated, a change that increases their ability to secrete
various substances, enhances their phagocytic capacity, and
increases their ability to recognize and kill tumor cells. - Epithelioid Cells: Epithelioid cells are one of the most important
cells in formation of granulomas and are derived from
macrophages. They may have various appearances (often with
dense pink cytoplasm, resembling epithelia) and are poorly
phagocytic but quite secretory. - Multinucleate Giant Cells: These appear to be formed by the
fusion of several macrophages (simultaneous endocytosis). They
may be phagocytic. - Lymphocytes: Many of these are helper T lymphocytes, but
suppressor T cells and B-lymphocytes are also present. Chronic
Inflammation II: Granulomatous Inflammation 3 6. - Plasma Cells: Their presence is related to immunoglobulin
secretion. - Neutrophils and Eosinophils: The antigens causing some
granulomas trigger production of chemotactic factors for these
cells. - Fibroblasts: One of the fates of granulomas is organization by
fibroblasts, which lay down collagen. Old granulomas may be
paucicellular, comprised almost exclusively of fibrous tissue
LO #10:. Describe three common fates of granulomas.
- Monocytes: These blood cells are the source of the macrophages,
epithelioid cells, and giant cells that comprise granulomas. - Macrophages (Histiocytes): Monocytes in tissue that have
ingested material are referred to as macrophages; otherwise they
may be referred to as histiocytes. In general use, the term
macrophage has become the preferred term, whether or not there
is light microscopic evidence of phagocytosis. Macrophages
become activated, a change that increases their ability to secrete
various substances, enhances their phagocytic capacity, and
increases their ability to recognize and kill tumor cells. - Epithelioid Cells: Epithelioid cells are one of the most important
cells in formation of granulomas and are derived from
macrophages. They may have various appearances (often with
dense pink cytoplasm, resembling epithelia) and are poorly
phagocytic but quite secretory. - Multinucleate Giant Cells: These appear to be formed by the
fusion of several macrophages (simultaneous endocytosis). They
may be phagocytic. - Lymphocytes: Many of these are helper T lymphocytes, but
suppressor T cells and B-lymphocytes are also present. Chronic
Inflammation II: Granulomatous Inflammation 3 6. - Plasma Cells: Their presence is related to immunoglobulin
secretion. - Neutrophils and Eosinophils: The antigens causing some
granulomas trigger production of chemotactic factors for these
cells. - Fibroblasts: One of the fates of granulomas is organization by
fibroblasts, which lay down collagen. Old granulomas may be
paucicellular, comprised almost exclusively of fibrous tissue
LO #11Compare and contrast tissue regeneration with healing by scar
Regeneration is the growth of cells and tissues to replace lost structures.
It is most commonly seen in tissues with high proliferative rates, such as
skin, epithelia that line the GI tract, and hematopoetic cells. It requires an
intact connective tissue scaffold and viable stem cells which are capable
of proliferating and differentiating. The extracellular matrix is critical,
because it provides a framework for cell migration and maintenance of
the normal cell polarity that is needed to reconstitute complex, multi-layer
tissue. Regeneration is also the term used to describe the compensatory
growth that can occur in the liver after partial resection or tissue loss due
to injury.
In contrast, healing with scar formation is the common response to a
wound or to chronic inflammation in which the extracellular matrix is
damaged, insufficient numbers of viable stem cells are present, and the
original tissue cannot fully be reconstituted. In this scenario, fibroblasts
are activated to lay down collagen, which forms a connective tissue scar
that fills in the gap.
LO #12:Explain the differences between embryonic and adult stem cells
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells characterized by their prolonged
capacity for self renewal and asymmetric replication. Asymmetric
replication refers to the fact that within a given population of stem cells,
some will remain undifferentiated and continue to self replicate, while
others will mature and differentiate into nondividing, specialized cells.
Stem cells can be divided into embryonic and adult stem cells. Adult
stem cells are most important for regeneration and repair.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent (multiple potential) cells present
within a developing embryo, which can differentiate into all the specialized
tissues of the human body. They can be kept in tissue culture as
undifferentiated cells, or be induced to differentiate into multiple cell
lineages. Embryonic stem cells have contributed enormously to the study
of biology and medicine, although their use is controversial for ethical
Adult stem cells are found in specific sites within multiple organs. In
general, they are thought to have a more limited capacity for
differentiation compared with embryonic stem cells. However, one of the
two types of stem cells originating from the bone marrow (multipotent
stromal cells) have demonstrated the ability to differentiate along multiple
cell lineages and are thought to be closely related to embryonic stem
cells. Outside the bone marrow, adult stem cells are called tissue stem
cells. Although tissue stem cells usually reconstitute the organ in which
they reside, they can differentiate into an alternate tissue type if they areStem cells are undifferentiated cells characterized by their prolonged
capacity for self renewal and asymmetric replication. Asymmetric
replication refers to the fact that within a given population of stem cells,
some will remain undifferentiated and continue to self replicate, while
others will mature and differentiate into nondividing, specialized cells.
Stem cells can be divided into embryonic and adult stem cells. Adult
stem cells are most important for regeneration and repair.
Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent (multiple potential) cells present
within a developing embryo, which can differentiate into all the specialized
tissues of the human body. They can be kept in tissue culture as
undifferentiated cells, or be induced to differentiate into multiple cell
lineages. Embryonic stem cells have contributed enormously to the study
of biology and medicine, although their use is controversial for ethical
Adult stem cells are found in specific sites within multiple organs. In
general, they are thought to have a more limited capacity for
differentiation compared with embryonic stem cells. However, one of the
two types of stem cells originating from the bone marrow (multipotent
stromal cells) have demonstrated the ability to differentiate along multiple
cell lineages and are thought to be closely related to embryonic stem
cells. Outside the bone marrow, adult stem cells are called tissue stem
cells. Although tissue stem cells usually reconstitute the organ in which
they reside, they can differentiate into an alternate tissue type if they are
LO #13:Know the main growth factors involved in tissue regeneration and
- Epidermal growth factor (EGF) - Stimulates growth of a variety of
epithelial tissues, hepatocytes and fibroblasts. EGF is produced
by keratinocytes in the skin, macrophages and other inflammatory
cells. - Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) – Stimulates growth in various
epithelial cells, including hepatocytes and bile duct cells. It also
promotes cell migration in development. HGF is produced mainly
by fibroblasts and endothelial cells. Many tumors express
receptors for HGF. - Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) – Induces formation
of blood vessels, in embryotic development (vasculogenesis) and
in adults (angiogenesis). VEGF-induced vascular proliferation is
present in the setting of chronic inflammation, in wound
healing/repair and in tumor growth. - Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) – Stimulates the
proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and
monocytes. Produced by a variety of cells, including platelets,
activated macrophages and endothelial cells. - Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) – Produced by a variety of cells,
FGF is important for the migration of macrophages, endothelial
cells and fibroblasts into damaged tissues for wound repair. It can
also important in stimulating growth of keratinocytes in skin, and
promoting angiogenesis, hematopoesis and development. - Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) – A very potent
stimulator of fibrosis, TGF-ß is the most important factor in
synthesis and deposition of connective tissue. TGF-β stimulates
the proliferation of fibroblasts and smooth muscle, activates
fibroblasts and enhances the production of collagen and other
components of the extracellular matrix. It is produced by a variety
of cells, including macrophages, endothelial cells and platelets.
LO #14:Know the main components of granulation tissue and be able to
recognize its appearance in tissue.
Granulation tissue is a specialized type of tissue reaction to injury, seen
early in the repair process. The name is derived from the characteristic
red, granular appearance of this type of tissue on the surface of wounds.
Granulation tissue consists of new small blood vessels and proliferating,
activated fibroblasts, often containing admixed inflammatory cells. The
new vessels are often leaky, leading to an edematous or reddened
appearance due to leakage of proteins and red blood cells into the
extracellular space. In granulation tissue, activated fibroblasts start to lay
down collagen as a part of early scar formation. The earliest type of
collagen formed in granulation tissue is collagen type III (see part C,
Note: Although the terms sound similar, granulation tissue is NOT the
same thing as granulomatous inflammation or formation of granulomas).
LO #15: Explain two separate mechanisms of angiogenesis.
- Growth from endothelial precursor cells – Specialized stem cells
which are stored in the bone marrow and recruited to the site of
injury to initiate angiogenesis.
Growth from pre-existing vessels – Occurs through a complex
series of steps, including vessel dilation, degradation of the
extracellular matrix, migration of endothelial cells towards a
stimulus, proliferation of endothelial cells, and remodelling into
small tubules.
LO #16: Explain the three main processes in scar formation
- Fibroblast migration and proliferation – As mentioned above, the
formation of granulation tissue is an initial repair event, and
involves the prolifation and activation of fibroblasts. The migration
and proliferation of fibroblasts is stimulated by growth factors
(including TGF-ß, PDGF, EGF). Many of these factors are
secreted by macrophages at the area of injury as part of the
inflammatory response. TGF-ß is especially important for
stimulating fibroblast migration, proliferation, and synthesis of
collagen. - Deposition of the extracellular matrix (ECM) – Most of the growth
factors that promote fibroblast proliferation also stimulate the
synthesis of collagen. Collagen forms the major component of the
connective tissue in areas of repair. One of the first types of
collagens to be laid down is collagen type III, which is a relatively
loose and “young” type of connective tissue and is the primary
collagen present in granulation tissue. As repair progresses,
angiogenesis ceases, and the number of endothelial cells and
fibroblasts decreases. The final result will be a relatively
avascular pale scar. - Tissue remodelling – The transition from granulation tissue to scar
involves change in the components of the extracellular matrix,
including a transition from collagen type III to the denser and more
mature collagen type I fibrils. Over time, the scar must be
remodeled and shaped to a density and size that this optimal for
the anatomic site and tissue type. This remodelling is achieved by
establishing a fine balance between synthesis and degredation of
ECM components. The degredation of unecessary collagen and
proteins of the ECM occurs mostly through the actions of a family
of enzymes called metalloproteinases (MMP’s).
LO #17: Contrast wound healing by first intention to healing by second
First intention:
1. Immediately – Blood and fibrin moves into the narrow incisional
space and forms a clot
2. 24 hours – Neutrophils appear, epithelial cells start to move
inwards from the wound edges and deposit basement membrane
material until a thin continuous epithelial layer is formed (reepithelialization).
3. Day 3-5 – Granulation tissue is formed, angiogenesis begins, the
epidermal layer thickens
4. Second week – Maximal accumulation of collagen and
proliferation of fibroblasts
5. 1st month – Scar is mature and inflammation is largely gone.
Tensile strenth of the scar will continue to increase over several
Second intention - Same basic sequence of steps except:
1. Inflammatory reaction is more intense
2. Much more granulation tissue is formed
3. The wound contracts due to the actions of cells called
“myofibroblasts” (specialized fibroblasts with some characteristics
of smooth muscle). Contraction decreases the gap between
dermal edges.
4. The resulting scar is more prominent and the overlying epidermis
is thinned
LO #18:Recognize the main systemic and local factors that influence wound
healing and describe three complications of wound healing.
- Systemic factors –
a. Nutritional status (i.e. protein deficiency),
b. Circulatory status
c. Diseases such as diabetes
d. Use of anti-inflammatory medications such as
glucocorticoids (while effective in reducing inflammation,
glucocorticoids complicate the repair process because they
inhibit collagen synthesis) - Local factors –
a. Infection (most important cause of delayed healing)
b. Mechanical factors such as motion, foreign bodies
c. Size, location and type of the wound
Lo #19:Explain the main way in which fibrosis associated with chronic
inflammatory conditions differs from healing of a cutaneous wound
A familiar progression of events occurs in fibrosis associated with
chronic inflammatory states or diseases, such as liver cirrhosis due to
hepatitis, or lung fibrosis secondary to inhalation of coal or asbestos.
These include cell activation, migration and proliferation, cell-cell
interactions, deposition of collagen, and remodelling of the ECM.
However, compared to healing of a cutaneous wound, these diseases
often involve continuous tissue injury and active inflammation, due to
persistance of the initial stimulus that incited the inflammatory response.
Thus, the time course of events described above (in regards to
cutaneous wound healing) will not necessarily apply
Complications in wound healing
- Deficient scar formation – Can lead to wound dehiscence
(separation) or ulceration. - Excessive tissue formation – Can include exuberant granulation
tissue, formation of a hypertrophic scar or keloid, or a pathologic
fibroblastic response called “fibromatosis” - Formation of contractures – Exaggerated contraction of the
wound, leading to distortion of the scar or adjacent structures.
Often seen after severe burns.
LO #1: Explain why an elevated blood level of cardiac troponin is used as an
indicator of a myocardial infarct
• Part of a protein complex, located along the thin filaments of
myofibrils that regulates cardiac muscle contraction
• Diagnostic tests detect cardiac-specific troponins
• Proven to be better serum markers of heart damage than other
clinically-available biomarkers (e.g., myoglobin or the MB fraction
of creatine kinase, CK-MB)
Troponin is released during MI from the cytosolic pool of the myocytes. Its subsequent release is prolonged with degradation of actin and myosin filaments. Isoforms of the protein, T and I, are specific to myocardium.
LO #2: Differentiate the types of necrosis by their etiology and morphologic features. Coagulation Necrosis:
Coagulation necrosis:
• Occurs with hypoxic death of cells
• Protein denaturation is the dominant feature
• Grossly, the infarcted tissue remains firm
• Microscopically, the outline and architecture of the cells is
maintained but they are eosinophilic (i.e., increased redness in
H&E sections) and have nuclear changes indicative of cell death
(e.g., degradation of the chromatin, known as karyolysis)
LO #4: Understand the role of glutathione in cells
hypoxia and ischemia have slightly different meanings; hypoxia is reduced
delivery of oxygen to cells and ischemia is the reduced delivery of blood to
cells; while ischemia is the most frequent cause of hypoxia, there are additional
mechanisms by which tissues can be deprived of oxygen
LO #5: Describe the mechanism by which cyanide injures cells, and explain why Nacetylcysteine is used to treat acetaminophen poisoning.
Conversion to toxic metabolites: (e.g., acetaminophen)
1. occurs mainly through mixed oxidases of the P-450 system
2. metabolism of acetaminophen leads to the generation of a
free radical
3. glutathione (GSH) scavenges the free radical
4. when GSH levels are depleted, the free radical causes
oxidative damage to proteins, DNA and lipids
5. N-acetylcysteine works as an antidote because it can be
taken up by hepatocytes (GSH is not taken up by these
cells) and supplies the cysteine needed for glutathione
synthesis Direct toxicity: The chemical combines directly with cellular
constituent (e.g., cyanide binds cytochrome oxidase in
mitochondria and prevents ATP production by oxidative
LO #6: Summarize key differences between necrosis and apoptosis.
• Necrosis: results from severe stress placed on a cell, which
rapidly depletes the cellular ATP pool and results in cell lysis
• Apoptosis: an ATP-dependent process that eliminates cells in a
controlled manner for the benefit of the organism
LO #2: Differentiate the types of necrosis by their etiology and morphologic features. Liquefactive Necrosis:
Occurs with focal infection by bacteria and some fungi due to
accumulation of inflammatory cells (neutrophils)
• Tissue digestion is the dominant feature
• Grossly, it appears as an abscess (a localized collection of pus
buried in a tissue or organ)
• Microscopically, the tissue is digested and inflammatory cells and
debris are present
LO #2: Differentiate the types of necrosis by their etiology and morphologic features. Fat Necrosis:
• Special kind of necrosis affecting adipose tissue
• Occurs when acute pancreatitis or trauma leads to the digestion of
fat cell membranes and the triglycerides stored in the fat cells
• Grossly, it has a chalky white appearance due to fat saponification
– released fatty acids bind calcium to form “soaps”
• Microscopically, vague outlines of fat cells are present, with
basophilic calcium deposits
LO #2: Differentiate the types of necrosis by their etiology and morphologic features. Caseous Necrosis:
• Special kind of necrosis whose name is derived from the gross appearance, resembling soft cheese (from the German “käse”,
meaning cheese)
• Seen in the central areas of certain granulomas, representing
necrotic cell debris; granulomas are focal lesions seen in
particular types of chronic inflammation, which include
tuberculosis and Valley Fever (causative agent is Coccidioides
• Microscopically, cells do not retain their outlines and appear as
granular eosinophilic debris
LO #2: Differentiate the types of necrosis by their etiology and morphologic features. Fibrinoid Necrosis:
• Special kind of necrosis seen in injured blood vessels
• Microscopically, the tissue has a bright pink, granular appearance
resembling fibrin (hence the name), actually made up of a combination of fibrin, plasma proteins and complement
• Mechanism begins with injury to the vessel walls (e.g., due to
chronic hypertension or deposition of antigen:antibody complexes)
followed by increased permeability to fibrinogen and other plasma
proteins and focal death of cells in the vessel wall occurring with
an acute inflammatory reaction
Difference between “hypoxia” and “ischemia”
hypoxia and ischemia have slightly different meanings; hypoxia is reduced
delivery of oxygen to cells and ischemia is the reduced delivery of blood to
cells; while ischemia is the most frequent cause of hypoxia, there are additional
mechanisms by which tissues can be deprived of oxygen