Infiltration & Embedding Flashcards
Used for bones and brain specimens
A substitute for paraffin wax that is used for infiltrating eye specimens?
Product of paraffin with rubber
Tissue mat
Eliminates dehydration and clearing process
Uses 70-80% alcohol for storage
Wet Celloidin Method
Melting point of 56-58 °C
Method of paraffin wax infiltration that uses Autotechnicon
Automatic Processing
Most rapid method of paraffin wax infiltration
Vacuum Embedding
Removes clearing agent and fills up cavities
Requires 4 changes of wax at 15 minutes interval in order to insure complete removal of the clearing agent from the tissue
Manual Processing
T or F. Prolonged process of paraffin wax infiltration method may cause excessive shrinkage and tissue hardening
Melting point for routine work
Celloidin Infiltration
Harder than paraffin and requires heavy duty type of microtome (e.g. sliding or sledge type microtome)
Ester wax
Melting point 46-48°C
Ester wax
Water soluble wax
Another form of celloidin soluble in equal concentration of ether and alcohol; highly explosive
Low Viscosity Nitrocellulose (L.V.N.)
Mixture of highly purified paraffin and synthetic plastic polymer
Combination of chloroform and cedarwood oil
Components of Gilson’s mixture
Prevents growth of molds
1% phenol
Substitue for paraffin wax that is used for enzyme histochemistry
Remedy when Carbowax is used?
Add soap to water or 10% polyethylene glycol 900
Commonly used embedding medium
Paraffin wax
Tissue infiltrated with this tends to crack
Low Viscosity Nitrocellulose (L.V.N.)
What to add in Low Viscosity Nitrocellulose (L.V.N.) to prevent from tissues in cracking?
Uses Gilson’s Mixture for storage
Dry celloidin
Methods of Celloidin Infiltration for infiltrating eye specimens
Dry Celloidin
Methods of Celloidin Infiltration for infiltrating bones, large brain sections, teeth, and whole organs
Wet Celloidin Method
Difficult to float out when this is used
No longer requires clearing, only dehydration
Ester wax
Concentration is 4-6% for 5-7 days
Medium Celloidin
Consist of 2 L-shaped strips of heavy brass or metal arranged on a flat metal plate and which can be moved to adjust the size of the mold to the size of the specimen
Leuckhart’s Embedding Mold
Recommended only for frozen sections and histochemical and enzyme studies
Gelatin Infiltration
Concentration is 2-4% for 5-7 days
Thin Celloidin
Used if there is need to be embed more than 1
Compound embedding unit
It is equipped with a warm plate to manage the impregnated specimen, and a cold plate at -5°C for rapid solidification of the block
Tissue Tek
Consist of a special stainless steel base mold fitted with a plastic embedding ring, which later serves as the block holder during cutting
Plastic embedding rings and base molds
Cutting off excess paraffin wax to form a 4-sided prism
Concentration is 8-12% for 3-5 days
Thick Celloidin
A disposable mold that can produce perfect block even without trimming
Temperature of melted paraffin used for embedding
5-10° above its melting point
This is done when we infiltrate using celloidin then embedding using paraffin wax
T or F. Inadequate process in paraffin wax infiltration method may cause retention of clearing agent
It is more rapid because it is heat generated, constant agitation (make the processing time shorter)
Automatic Processing
Recommended for urgent biopsies, for delicate tissues such as lungs, brain, connective tissues, decalcified bones, eyes, spleen and CNS
Vacuum Embedding
Carried out using paraffin wax infiltration and an oven
Manual Processing
NOT FOR fatty tissue because we need to apply heat (fats will dissolved)
Paraffin Wax Infiltration Method/Paraffin processing
It is soluble to 95% ethyl alcohol
Ester wax
For tissue with large and hallow cavities that tends to collapse
Celloidin Infiltration Method
Does not add heat so the process is slow
Nitrocellulose Method (Low Viscosity Nitrocellulose)
Tissue for processing should be 2-3mm thick
Gelatin Infiltration Method