Infertility - Exam 1 Flashcards
Define infertility
Inability to achieve a successfulpregnancy based on a patient’s medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, physical findings, diagnostic testing, or any combination of those factors
When should you start evaluating a women for infertility based on age?
Inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse of reasonable frequency in women <35yo
Inability to conceive after 6 months of unprotected intercourse of reasonable frequency in women >35yo
> 40yo – more immediate evaluation and treatment is warranted
What conditions would cause an infertility work up to be immediate?
Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea
Known or suspected uterine, tubal or peritoneal disease
Stage 3 or 4 endometriosis
Known or suspected male infertility
What is the MC etiology behind infertility? what is second?
Ovulatory 27%
then male 25%
What would you want to ask your female pt about when starting a work up for infertility?
menstruation hx
prior contraceptive use
History of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, leiomyomas, STDs, PID
History of abnormal pap smears
What effect does conization have on the cervix?
can decrease cervical mucus quality and alter cervical anatomy
What is good pt education regarding coital timing when trying to get pregnant?
Chance of conception increased 5 days preceding ovulation and should have daily intercourse during this period to maximize chances
What is good pt education regarding lubricants when trying to get pregnant?
Avoid oil based lubricants that can harm sperm
Water based lubricants are preferred
What 7 things if you see it in a women’s history would make it harder to get pregnant? Which 2 are the most serious?
Androgen excess -> PCOS
Thyroid disease
High BMI
consider looking at this chart again
What are common causes of female infertility?
Ovulatory disorders
Pelvic adhesions
Tubal blockage or other tubal problems
Uterine or cervical factors
When should you consider genetic testing when looking for a cause of female infertility?
History of recurrent pregnancy loss 3 or more consecutive losses at ≤ 20 weeks gestation or with a fetal weight <500grams
Premature ovarian failure (<40yo) due to menopause at a younger age
If your female pt is having 3 or more consecutive losses at less than 20 weeks gestation, ______, ______ or ______ could be the cause
Parental chromosomal abnormalities
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Uterine abnormalities
50% of spontaneous miscarriages are due to aneuploidy: Most common is _____
Monosomy X: Turner’s syndrome
What is the average age of menopause?
Ovulation can be affected by abnormalities in the _____, ______ or _____. Clear inverse relationship between _____ and infertility due to _____
female age
loss of viable oocytes
_____ is excellent predictor of regular ovulation. Cyclic menses every ____ days with a duration of _____ indicates ovulation
Menstrual history
3-7 days
______ midcycle pelvic pain associated with ovulation
______ breast tenderness, acne, food cravings, mood changes
Moliminal symptoms
What temp are women during the follicular phase? Postovulatory rise in progesterone levels increase basal temperature by _____ and strongly predicts ______
What are the benefits and limitations of basal body temping?
Benefits: Inexpensive, easy
Limitations: Insensitive in many women
Consider looking at this chart again, she really likes it and references it many times
maybe do it?
What can an US show in terms of infertility diagnostic testing?
Can help evaluate ovarian reserve as well as uterine and adnexal pathology
Serial exams can demonstrate maturation of an antral follicle and its collapse during ovulation
Count less than 5-7 can indicate diminished ovarian reserve
What do ovulation predictor kits test? What is the pt education? Who are these NOT good for? When will ovulation happen?
urinary LH
Woman should begin testing 2-3 days before predicted LH surge and continue daily
Women with PCOS may have a chronic elevated level of LH so not reliable method
Ovulation will occur the day following the urinary LH peak
When should you check a serum progesterone for infertility? should be ____ in the follicular phase. Should be ____ in ovulation
check serum progesterone on day 21 or 1 week prior to expected menstruation. Can also be checked 7 days following ovulation
Follicular phase <2ng/mL
Indicative of Ovulation >3 ng/mL
What is the limitation of checking serum progesterone?
Progesterone secreted in pulses and a single measurement may not be indicative of overall production
____ is a sensitive predictor of ovarian reserve. With _____ ovarian reserve (how many eggs), ____ inhibin is secreted.
Serum FSH
______ inhibits FSH. FSH level _____ is associated with diminished ovarian reserve