Infective Endocarditis Case Studies Flashcards
What are key risk factors for infective endocarditis?
abnormal heart valves and risk of bacteremia
Aberrant flow results in platelet-fibrin thrombus on injured
Bacteria enter bloodstream through skin or mucosal surfaces and adhere to thrombus
What predisposing heart conditions can increase chance of getting IE?
prosthetic valves
mitral prolapse w/ regurg or thickened leaflets
Rheumatic heart disease
Complex congential heart
mitral regurg/ AS/ aortic regurg/ ventricular septal defect
What procedures can predispose you to IE?
Dental work or poor hygiene- especially associated w/ bleeding
IV drug use (Right sided especially)
Focal infection with typical organism
What are common clinical presentations for IE?
Almost always fever, and heart murmur. Often have chills and sweats with occasional anorexia/malaise
Lab abnormalities and non-cardiac manifestations 5-50%
What noncardiace manifestations appear with IE?
Emolic events 25-50% time… often to CNS (extremeties/spleen or kidneys)
Splenomegaly, clubbing, petechiae less common
What peripheral manifestations are seen with IE?
Splinters hemorrhages in the finger nails
When are Splinter hemorrhages more concerning for IE?
when they are proximal or mid nail and more if they are red/purple (opposed to brown)
tender violaceious subQ nodes in the fingers or toes. D/t inflammation and immune complexes
Osler nodes
nontender erythematous or hemorrhagic macules or papules in fingertips, palms or soles dt septic emboli
Janeway lesions seen in IE
What are roth spots?
retinal lesions–hemorrhagic with white central spot, immunologic process seen in IE
What key lab anormalities do we see in IE
anemia 70-90% time
leukocytosis 20-30% time
microscopic hematuria 30-50%
and elevated sed rate and CRP
Most common organisms in IE in acute cases:
Staphylococcus aureus
Most common organisms in IE in prosthetic valves :
coagulase-negative Staph
Most common organisms in IE in elderly:
Enterococcus sp.
Most common organism in IE in a native valve
Most common organism in IE in early prosthetic valve replacement:
Coag-Neg staph or possibly staph aureus, but not steptoccocci in early valve replacement (more common for a native valve)
Most common organism in IE in late prosthetic valve replacement:
streptococci (almost same as it would be for native)