Cardiac Arrhythmias pt 3 Flashcards
Most common form paroxysmal SVT • Reentry utilizing two AV nodal pathways, fast (rapid conduction and long refractory period) and slow (slow conduction and short refractory period)
SVT: AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
SVT: AV nodal reentrant tachycardia relies on:
transient unidirectional block in one pathway and relatively slow conduction in the other
Young male comes in with palpitations, dizziness, chest pain and dyspnea. Your attending diagnoses him with SVT: AV nodal reentrant tachycardia and asks you to describe the conduction in this pts heart
Typically conduction antegrade from A to V occurs over slow pathway and retrograde limb of reentrant circuit is over fast pathway. (usually in young pts with symptoms listed)
Pt comes in with dyspnea, palpitations, and chest pain. She is 15 years old and doctor dx with AVNRT…. what is the acute tx recommendation?
Acute treatment aimed at termination: valsalva maneuvers, adenosine, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers.
What is the chronic tx recommendation for AV nodal reentrant tachycardia?
• Chronic treatment: observation, AV nodal blockade, catheter ablation targeting “slow” pathway of AV node and infrequently Class I, III antiarrhythmic drugs.
What pathways are utilized in AV reentrant tachycardias (NOT AV nodal reentrant!)
Reentry utilizing bypass tract or accessory pathway = an abnormal band of muscle cells
crossing the AV groove to connect atrium and ventricle.
Is conduction retrograde (V–> A) or antegrade (A–> V) in Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia?
Can be either! If it’s tract conducts only retrograde can promote
supraventricular tachycardia but is termed “concealed”.
A Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia conducts antegrade (A–>V) will produce what findings on ECG?
Wolff-Parkinson-White or ventricular pre-excitation sydrome
Describe a delta wave
- conduction over AP beats AVN, short PR
- Slurred QRS due to slow ventricular activation by pathway other than HPS and fusion activation of ventricle by2 wavefronts, proceeding over AP and HPS
You see a short PR with slurred QRS on an ECG, looks like this: Dx?
Wolff Parkinson White syndrome; tract that conducts antegrade, produces this ventricular pre-excitation syndrome
No delta wave in orthodromic tachycardia(narrow QRS) because:
antegrade depolarization of ventricles occurs exclusively over AV node
compare and contrast WPW to orthodromic tachycardia
WPW we get angetgrade resulting in ventricular pre-excitation which gives us the delta wave ( short PR, slurred QRS)
In orthodromic tachycardia, have a narrow QRS as antegrade depolarization of ventcles occurs exclusievely over AV node
Therapy recommendation for pts with WPW:
- Acute therapy may require cardioversion if hemodynamically unstable.
- Definitive therapy with catheter ablation of accessory pathway is preferred in symptomatic and high risk patients.
What therapy should we avoid in pts with WPW?
digoxin, beta blockers and calcium channel blockers may actually shorten the refractory period of
accessory pathways, effectively speeding conduction
Instead use: IV amiodarone or procainamide may be used, slow accessory pathway conduction.
Premature ventricular beats or contractions ; includes V.tachycardia and V.fibrillation
ventricular arrythmias
What is more dangerous: SVT arrhthymias or ventricular arrhythmias?
Ventricular arrhythmias ; responsible for many cases of sudden death
Produced by firing of ectopic ventricular focus and produces a widened QRS because impulse originates from ectopic ventricular site and depolarizes ventricles not through the normal rapidly
conducting His Purkinje system but via slow cell-to-cell connections.
Ventricular Premature Beats or Contractions
In PVC, we will see inverted P wave in leads __, ___ and ___ due to ventricular origin with no relationship to P wave or retrograde V—> A conduciton
P wave inverted in II, III, and aVF
Do we see PVCs in normal hearts or hearts with cardiac disorders?
Pt comes in with high density PVCs ( > 20% of QRS complexes) , what do we worry about this pt forming?
may produce left ventricular systolic dysfunction which may be reversible with suppression of PVCs,
medically or with ablation.