Infectious illnesses Flashcards
What causes Roseola Infantum?
Roseola is caused by the human herpes virus type 6B or 7.
What is the typical presentation of Roseola Infantum?
Common 6 months - 2 years
fever followed later by rash
wide-spread pink-red papules and macules (2-5 mm in diameter) mostly on the trunk, that blanch when touched.
febrile seizures common
Features of chickenpox
Fever initially
Itchy, rash starting on head/trunk before spreading.
Initially macular then papular then vesicular
Systemic illness is usually mild
Features of measles
Irritable, conjunctivitis and fever are prodromal symptoms
Rash starts behind ears then spreads to whole body
Kolpik spots in the mouth
Features of Mumps
Fever, malaise, muscular pain
Parotitis (‘earache’, ‘pain on eating’): unilateral initially then becomes bilateral
Features of Rubella
Rash: pink maculopapular, initially on face before spreading to whole body, usually fades by the 3-5 day
What type of lymphadenopathy occurs in Rubella?
suboccipital and postauricular
Features of Erythema infectiosum
- Also known as fifth disease or ‘slapped-cheek syndrome’
- Caused by parvovirus B19
- Lethargy, fever, headache
- ‘Slapped-cheek’ rash spreading to proximal arms and extensor surfaces
Features of scarlet fever
- Reaction to erythrogenic toxins produced by Group A haemolytic streptococci
- Fever, malaise, tonsillitis
- ‘Strawberry’ tongue
- Rash - fine punctate erythema sparing the area around the mouth (circumoral pallor), can feel “rough like sandpaper”
Features of hand, foot and mouth disease
Caused by Coxsackie A16 virus
Mild systemic upset i.e. sore throat, fever.
Vesicles in the mouth, palms and soles of feet
If a child has Rubella, when can they go back to school?
5 days from onset of rash
Which conditions require no exclusion from school?
hand foot and mouth
Parvovirus 19
When can a child with scarlet fever return to school?
24 hours after commencing antibiotics
When can children with whooping cough return to school?
2 days after commencing antibiotics (or 21 days from onset of symptoms if no antibiotics)
When can a child with measles return to school?
4 days from onset of rash