Infectious Heart Disease Flashcards
List the common etiological agents infective endocarditis:
Most are part of the normal microbiota
Gram (+) bacteria:
- Staphylococcus aureus – anterior nares
- Coagulase-negative staphylococci (e.g. S. epidermidis) – skin
- viridans streptococci (e.g. S. sanguis, S. mutans, S. mitis) – oral cavity
- enterococci (E. faecalis, E. faecium) – GI tract
How do the etiological agents gain access to the endocardium?
Access to endocardium provided by transient bacteremia
How are IE pathogens successful?
- able to survive antimicrobial components of serum
- able to adhere avidly to endocardium
viridans streptococci
- dextran (exopolysaccharide)
- adhesins (surface proteins; FimA, GspB, PblA, PblB) that mediate attachment to platelets and fibrin
S. aureus
- fibrinogen-binding adhesins (ClfA, coagulase)
viridans streptococci
How is vegetation beneficial to IE pathogens?
Life in a vegetation:
- heterogeneous matrix of deposited bacteria, platelets, fibrin, other matrix ligands
- protection from immune cells
- bacteria can achieve high densities
- limitations on nutrient exchange, high cell density – bacteria are not growing rapidly
How do vegetations impact antibiotic therapy?
Implications for antibiotic therapy:
- Bactericidal activity
- parental administration for sustained activity
- long-term treatment required
What does the cell wall determine for bacteria?
Cell Wall (Peptidoglycan) defines shape
spheres (cocci)
- single cells
- pairs (diplococci)
- chains (streptococci)
- tetrads (micrococci)
- grapelike clusters (stapylcocci)
rods (bacilli)
- coccobacilli ⇒ long rods
- comma-shaped (Vibrio) ⇒ 4-20 coils (Spirochetes)
Cell wall:
Gram (+) vs. Gram (-) bacteria
- Gram Positive: Thick Peptidoglycan
Gram Negative: Thin Peptidoglycan
- Crosslinked to the Outer Membrane
- Outer Membrane:Permeability barrier
- Crosslinked to the Outer Membrane
What is the laboratory delineation of IE pathogens?
- **Blood culture **
- Positive vs. Negative
- Cocci vs. Rods vs. Other
- Chains vs. Clusters
- Streptococcus vs. Staphylococcus
- Other tests
List the cell wall antibacterial agents:
- cefazolin, ceftriaxone, penicillin, nafcillin
- vancomcyin
- daptomycin
List the protein synthesis inhibitors:
List the RNA synthesis inhibitor:
Describe the mechanism for β-lactam antibiotics:
block peptidoglycan crosslinking by inhibting PBPs
How do β-lactam antibiotics differ?
Four basic types of β-lactam
- modification at “R” groups alters properties of the antibiotic
How do bacteria resist β-lactam antibiotics?
Mutations in PBPs that prevent binding of β-lactam antibiotics (modification of antibiotic target)
- Most common mechanism of β-lactam resistance found in Gram-positive bacteria:
- Streptococcus
- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Most common mechanism of β-lactam resistance found in Gram-positive bacteria:
How does Vancomycin differ from the β-lactam antibiotics?
- Glycopepetide antibiotic
Mechanism: binds to D-Ala-D-Ala
- Blocks PBPs from transglycosylation/transpeptidation
- Not effective against G (-) due to outer membrane (permeability barrier)
- Used for β-lactam resistant infections (e.g. MRSA) or in patients w/ β -lactam hypersensitivity
What is the mechanism of resistance for Vancomycin? Where are the genes for this found?
- Mechanism of resistance: Modification of antibiotic target
- Bacteria acquire genes encoding machinery to produce altered peptidoglycan structure that lacks D-Ala-D-Ala groups
- contain D-Ala-D-Lac
- Vancomycin is unable to bind efficiently to these modified precursors
- Genes encoding vancomycin resistance are usually found on plasmids or transposons
Describe the mechanism for Daptomycin.
What is its spectrum?
- **Lipopeptide **
- Bactericidal, narrow spectrum (Gram+ bacteria)
Mechanism of action:
- thought to bind to and disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane
- possibly via loss of membrane potential
- leading to death
Describe the mechanism of Rifampin.
How is it useful?
- Bactericidal, narrow spectrum (G+ bacteria)
Mechanism of action:
- binds to and inhibits RNA polymerase to prevent gene expression (inhibits transcription of DNA into RNA)
- Resistant mutants arise due to point mutations in the target of the drug
- RpoB subunit of RNA polymerase
- Not generally used as monotherapy – use in combinations for synergy
- What do the aminoglycosides target?
- What are adverse side effects?
- How are they resisted?
Mechanism of action: bind irreversibly to 30S ribosomal subunit and cause misreading and premature release of ribosome from mRNA
- incorporation of incorrect amino acid into growing protein
- Not good for monotherapy:
- do not penetrate many Gram-positives well
- usually used in combination with a cell-wall-active agent to enhance penetration
- Adverse effects: Ototoxic and nephrotoxic
- Mechanism of resistance: Enzymatic modification of the antibiotic to prevent aminoglycoside binding to the ribosome
Define endocardidtis
inflammatory disease of the endocardium
What is Libman-Sacks endocarditis?
sterile endocarditis
- related to systemic lupus erythematosus
Difference between acute IE and subacute IE:
Acute IE:
- invasive, caused by pathogenic organisms that give rise to a toxic course of disease
- characterized by a more severe and sudden onset than subacute IE
Subacute IE:
- more indolent course of disease caused by less pathogenic bacteria
What are predisposing factors for IE?
- valvular heart disease (rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease)
- prosthetic devices (valves, pacemakers)
- intravenous drug use
What simultaneous events occur that result in IE?
Alteration of valvular surface to produce a site suitable for bacterial adherence and colonization
- trauma
- turbulence
- result of congenital heart defect
Valvular alterations result in deposition of:
- platelets, fibronectin, fibrin, other matrix ligands
- Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis -NBTE
Transient bacteremia enables bacteria to reach the site and adhere, resulting in colonization and persistence
- resulting mass ⇒ “vegetation”
Rank the incidence of IE in heart valves (most common to least common):
Mitral > aortic > tricuspid > pulmonary
- mitral and aortic are the most common (left-sided)
- triscupid valve is most often affected in IV drug abusers
What processes contribute to the clinical manifestations of IE?
Contributing factors:
- infectious process on the valve and its complications
- embolization to other organs
- persistent bacteremia, often with metastatic foci of infection
- immunopathologic factors
- As a result, the clinical presentation of IE is highly variable and diagnosis can be delayed
What are some complications that can arise from IE?
- congestive heart failure (CHF)
- conduction defects (heart block)
- major embolic episodes (myocardial infarction, stroke)
- systemic abscesses
- renal failure
- mycotic aneurysm (infection of artery wall)
A definitive clinical diagnosis of IE is made based on the presence of:
Modified Duke Criteria:
- 2 major criteria
- 1 major criterion and 3 minor criteria
- 5 minor criteria
What are the major microbiologic criteria for IE?
Two blood cultures positive for organisms typically found in patients with IE in the absence of an alternative primary focus
- staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, HACEK
- Blood cultures persistently positive from cultures drawn more than 12 hours apart
- 3+ separate blood cultures drawn at least 1 hour apart
- _Positive serology for Coxiella burnetti _
What are the major echocardiographic criteria for IE?
Echocardiogram positive for IE
- documented by an oscillating intracardiac mass on a valve or on supporting structures in the path of regurgitant jets
- on implanted material in the absence of an alternative anatomical explanation
- Myocardial abscess
- Development of partial dehiscence of a prosthetic valve
- New-onset valvular regurgitation
What are the minor criteria for IE?
- Predisposing heart condition or intravenous drug use
- Fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher
- Vascular phenomena, including major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhage, conjunctival hemorrhage, or Janeway lesions
- Immunological phenomenon such as glomerulonephritis, Osler nodes, Roth spots, and rheumatoid factor
Positive blood culture results not meeting major criteria or serologic evidence of active infection with an organism consistent with IE
- Brucella, Legionella
What types of echocardiography can be used to aid in IE diagnosis?
Transthoracic echo (TTE)
- ~60% sensitive for detecting vegetations, primarily for right-sided IE
Transesophageal echo (TEE)
- ~95% sensitive for detecting vegetations and perivalvular abscesses
- preferred test for evaluation of prosthetic valves
- Indicated in patients with suspected IE
What are the most common G- bacteria that can cause IE?
HACEK group (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella)
- normal flora of the oropharynx
- generally fastidious Gram-negative rods that require special culture media and prolonged periods of culture for isolation
What bacteria are associated with acute IE?
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Coagulase-negative staphylococci
What bacteria are associated with subacute IE?
- Viridians streptococci
- Enterococci
- HACEK group (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella)
What are the most common fungi associated with IE?
When would surgery be necessary as treatment for IE?
Surgical therapy to debride or replace affected valves:
- severe valvular failure occurs
- perivalvular abscess needs drainage