Infections: UTI and AOM Flashcards
What is the general flow of UTI likelihood in children?
Females > uncircumcised males > circumcised males
What presentation indicates a likely UTI?
Children <12 who present with fever
What is retrograde ascent?
Pathogens entering through the urethra and migrating to the bladder
What is nosocomial infection?
Introduction of foreign body to the UT (catheters for example) -> more resistant organisms
What are s/s of UTI in neonates?
- Jaundice
- Weight gain
- Fever
- Difficulty feeding
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Irritability
What are s/s of UTI in children <2?
Similar to neonates
- Without jaundice
- Cloudy/malodorous urine
- Hematuria, frequency, dysuria
What are s/s of UTI in children >2?
- Fever
- Hematuria, frequency, dysuria
- Abdominal pain
- Enuresis (accidents)
T/F: Rapid urine tests may not be used to replace urine cultures for diagnosis.
What is the gold standard for UTI diagnosis?
Suprapubic aspiration (SPA)
Since SPA is invasive and not commonly preferred, what other methods are commonly used for diagnosis?
- Transurethral catheterization
- Clean catch (unreliable)
What is diagnostic criteria for UTI?
Significant bacturia + pyuria
- Clean catch >100,000 cfu/mL of one bacteria
- Catheter: >50,000 cfu/mL of one bacteria
- SPA: any growth of bacteria
What is first line treatment for UTIs?
B-lactam/B-lactamase inhibitor
When is parenteral treatment required for UTI?
- Sepsis
- Infants <2 months
- Immunocompromised
- Unable to tolerate PO
-> continue until stable and afebrile
What is the treatment duration for uncomplicated UTI?
7 days
What is the treatment duration for pyelonephritis?
14 days
What is VUR?
Urinary backflow from bladder to ureters or kidneys (1% incidence)
What is the estimated prevalence of VUR in febrile children with UTI?
What are risk factors for VUR?
- Febrile UTI
- Parent/sibling with VUR
- Prenatal hydronephrosis