Infections, Tumors, and Mutations Flashcards
Antibiotic resistant staph infection, presents as painful, red, swollen and warm to the touch area (skin), treated with drainage
Parasitic disease that invades red blood cells causing them to burst/destruct, has classic flu symptoms but the distinguishing one is jaundice, treated with antimalarial pills.
Staph infection
Infection caused by “Staph” bacteria, can be deadly if invades organs, treated w/ antibotics.
Furuncle aka Boil, Carbuncle (Boils plural)
A pocket of pus that develops in a hair follicle or oil gland, treated with drainage. Will be red, swollen and tender.
A painful rash, that has a honey colored crust, and may contain large blisters that ooze fluid. Treated w/ topical or oral antibiotics.
An infection similar to impetigo but is deeper within layers of the skin, will have ulcers that ooze discharge. Since deep, cant treat w/ topical antibiotic, have to treat w/ oral antibotics.
Staph Scalded Syndrome
Staph infection so bad, it leaves skin raw and looking like its burned. Requires hospitalization, due to pain and is treated with IV antibiotics.
Food Poisoning
The common symptoms are fever-nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. But a less common distinguishing symptom is low blood pressure.
Means “blood poisoning,” symptoms are fever and low blood pressure, distinguishing symptom is that internal organs start to become affected. Treated w/ antibiotics.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Staph infection caused by tampons and certain wounds, has all classic flu symptoms, but distinguishing symptoms include rash on feet, and confusion.
Natural Immunity vs Acquired Immunity
Getting infected and your body building a response to it vs your body building a response from a vaccine.
Humoral Immunity vs Cell Mediated Immunity
Humoral is immunity conducted by blood cells, proteins and peptides. Cell Mediated is our main form of immunity against everything that is conducted by t-cells.
Predisposing factor
A condition or situation that makes one more susceptible to disease.
Phenotype vs Genotype
Physical Characteristics vs Genetics
Monogenic vs Polygenic Disorders
Disorders caused by a single gene vs several genes.
Autosomal-Dominant vs Autosomal Recessive
Only one gene from one parent is needed to inherit the disease vs both parents having to have the gene for it to show up.
Dominant X-Linked vs Recessive X-Linked
One of the x chromosomes has the mutation (either parent can be the carrier), vs Both the x chromosomes has the mutation (both parents have the mutation)
Cells that divide so rapidly they dont even look like the normal cells. Indicate malignant and aggressive cancer.
Excessive cell growth (too many cells)
Excessive cell growth of cells that also look abnormal.
Benign Tumors
Tumors that grow slowly, remain localized, do not spread to other organs, and do not reoccur after being removed. Two types are Adenoma and Osteoma
Malignant Tumor
Anaplastic Tumor that grows rapidly, spreads to other organs, is usually fatal, several types are Testicular, Prostatic, Bladder, and Colorectal.
4 Stages of Cancer (1-4)
- Growth stays in original site
- Growth spreads a little but still in primary area.
- Growth has spread to other regions near primary area.
- Growth has spread to far distances in the body.
Burning cancer tissue w/ an electric current, commonly used for rectal cancer.
Laser Surgery
Using a powerful light (laser) to vaporize cancer tissue.
Using liquid nitrogen to freeze/destroy cancer cells often used for early stages of skin cancer.
Mohs Surgery
A surgery where you shave off skin layers gradually, and one by one until the cancer is gone.
Aggressive cell migration, cancer cells move over cells, change the normal cytoskeleton of regular cells to squeeze past them and enter the blood so they can spread to other places.
Near Drowning
When a person (usually a child) takes in water and it gets into the airway reducing oxygenation. Symptoms include coughing & shortness of breath (respiratory distress).
An immunity response caused by certain foods, medications, environments, substances etc.
Stridor & Dyspnea
Experiencing labored and difficult breathing.
Dislocation aka Luxation (Subluxation)
When a bone gets separated from the joint, usually happens to the shoulder or vertebral column (partial dislocation)
“Nursemaid’s Elbow”
When young children dislocate their elbow.