Infection: HIV Flashcards
What is the classification of HIV?
It is an encapsulated RNA virus
Its a human retrovirus (uses reverse transcriptase to create DNA from its own RNA)
How is HIV treated?
Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART therapy) which is 2 nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors + a non nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor or a protease inhibitor.
Use 3 drugs as it is harder to develop resistance
Why is there decreasing CD4 T cell count in HIV?
The virus replicates inside CD4 T cells which destroys the cells and weakens the immune system
What CD4 count is AIDS defining?
How is HIV transmitted?
Vaginal, anal or oral sex
Sharing injecting equipment eg IVDU
Vertical transmission - child birth or breast feeding
Medical procedures eg blood products, skin grafts, organ donation (not in UK)
How is HIV diagnosed?
Blood tests - look for HIV antigen (made by virus) and HIV antibody (made by immune system)
Can now do rapid tests (less than 1hr). If negative this is very accurate
What are the 2 ways to prevent HIV?
Use condoms
PEP - post exposure prophylaxis - which is emergency antivirals aiming to prevent HIV infection after exposure