Infection control and prevention Flashcards
Cleaning for plinth, linens (pillowcase, large towel), bolster, and ankle weights
- Disinfect everything that was touch by me and/or my Pt during the session
- Follow the specific manufacturer’sguidelines for each piece of equipment requiring cleaning
Use medical-grade detergents and disinfectants
* enough contact time, cleaning product and mecahnical action (wiping/scrubbing)
* Microfiber cltohs for effective removal of germs
* Move from cleaner areas to dirty area
* put them in dedicated area for dirty linens
After cleaning
* Wash your hands
* Follow policies to indicate the room has been cleaned for the next Pt
How to ensure a room is clean before using it to practice slide board transfer with Pt
Make sure the room was cleaned
- follow the cleaning protocols and look for identifying factors that indicate the room is clean (folded pillowcase on top of a pillow)
- If unsure–>wipe the bed using medical grade disinfectants
Gather all the equipment needed and place it in the room
- Only bring in equipment that i need–>keep it tidy
- Ensure the equipment is from the clean area and clean+ ready to use
- Use equipment cleaned by medical grade disinfectant
Use clean pillowcase/clean plastic pillow cover that can be wiped down between Pt use
Wash my hands prior to initiating the Rx session
Multidisciplinary rehabilitation department sharing same area
How to ensure that facilitate are implementing effective infection control?
Create clenaing and infeciton policies
- in written form
- Clear cleaning process/routine
- Include ways to identify when cleaning tasks are complete (checklist, label)
- Identify how often items should be cleaned
- Stored in a manner for easy access
Educate the staff memeber
- Ensure all staff are knowledgeable about the cleaning and infection policies
* 1:1 training for new hires
* In-services on infection control
* Review policies regularly during team meetings
- Staff should document the use of the infection prevention and control protocols to ensure there is evidence that these protocols are being followed
- Occasional evaluations to ensure the effectiveness of cleaning
E.g. Review documentation to see records that indicated regular and appropriate cleaning
Why hand hygiene is important?
- Prevent spread of communicable diseases and infection
- eliminate transient microorganism that have been pick up through contact with Pts/ contaminated equipment/environment
How to clean hand with soap and water?
Remove any items that harbor germs
E.g. watches, floppy sleeves, rings
Perform correct hand hygiene technique
- create a lather for 20-60s
- all motions to create effective friction
- cleean all areas of my hands including the web spaces and my wrist
Wash hand with soap > alcohol?
- hands are visibly soiled
- Contacted C-diff/Norovirus
When should you clean your hand
- Before/After touching a Pt
- Before clean/aseptic procedures
- After body fluid exposure/risk
- After touching a Pt/their surroundings
How to decrease spread of infection during cold and flu season
- Encourage frequent hand washing between handling materials/contacting Pt
- Promote proper respiratory etiquette withini the clinic
- Encourage routine cleaning of high traffic surface areas (doorknobs, railling, seats in waiting area)
- Advise staff/Pt to stay home when sick
Once an item is clean, how to ensure it stay clean
- Follow clinic policies/procedures regarding cleaning
- Use checklists, labels/written documentaion to ensure other staff knows how to identify clean vs soiled items
- Store clean items/supplies in a dedicated space away from high-traffic areas to keep them from becoming contaminated
- I would ensure that dirty items are kept at least 3 feet away from clean items to avoid contamination
- I would identify clean equipment/devices with a label
Direct contact transmission
- physical contact between an infected person and a suspectiable person and the physical transfer of microorganisms
E.g. touching a infected individual, contact with oral secretion, body lesion/fluid
How to prevent infection transmission of diseases from direct contact transmission
- Wear correct PPE when working with a Pt with a disease that spread through direct contact: Gloves and a gown
Follow all isolation precatuions: private room & avoid bringing any soiled items out of the room
- place all soiled linens and gowns in the proper bins in the room
- leave equipment (gait aid) in the room to used repeated by the same Pt vs take out between uses
- Hand hygiene before & after working with the Pt
Indirect infection transmission
- Some microorganism is capable of surviving on surfaces for an extended period of time
- Susecptible person is infected from contact with a contaminated surface
E.g. touch a piece of contaminated equipement or doorknob and then touch their face
How to reduce indirect contact transmission
- Properly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (doorknobs, handrails, table)
- Employ proper hand hygiene
- Wear appropriate PPE (gloves and gowns when working with Pt with known diseases with contact infection transmission (MRSA, C-diff)
Donning & Doffing of droplet precaution
Stay outisde of the Pt’s room
- Hand hygiene
- Gown>Surgical Mask>Goggles/face shield>Gloves
Stay at least 2m away from the Pt to prevent droplet from reaching
Hand hygiene between each equipement
- Gloves>Gown>Goggles/face shield>Surgical mask
Perfrom US on HIV Pt with tennis elbow
Need to change Rx?
- Performing US on intact skin–> Rx should not change at all
- I am treating the Pt, not their disease and I would want that to reflect in my clinical practice. Given my knowledge of the disease and how it is transmitted, it would not impact my session in any manner
I would not take infection control precautions unless needed
E.g. open wound–>contact precaution (gloves & gown)–>properly disinfect equipment and properly dispose of PPE after the session.
2-wheeled walker breaks and Pt fall
PT responsibility to ensure that the equipment I am using with Pt is in good working order
- Before using the device, I would perform a thorough inspection to ensure it was in good working order
* bolts and screws were tight
* rubber stoppers and handles were in good working order
* Try out the walker to ensure it rolls safely and does not collapse
- pay close attention to when it was last serviced
- Document when inspections and equipement maintenance occurs
How can you ensure the modalities you are using are properly calibrated and in safe working order?
- If I am using a modality, I would know the manufacturer’s requirements for calibration
- If no recommandation–>yearly calibration and electrical testing must be completed by an electronic/biomedical technician and documented
- Keep a log of repairs made for each device
When using
- Avoid using extension cords
- Visually inspect the physical integrity of the device before each use
* Leads, cords, plugs, accessories, conductivity of carbon rubber electrodes
Self-adhesive electrodes: can the same Pt reuse?
- Yes: as long as they are in good working order (good adhesive and stick to skin)
- NOT between Pt
- Non-adhesive electrode can be re-used between Pts after being properly disinfected
Modalities seems to be faulty
If I ever suspected that equipement was malfunctioning
* immediately stop using the device to ensure Pt safety
* my responsibiltiy to ensure that my equipement is calibrated and in good working order
remove the device so it cannot be used by any other staff member
* connect with management to have the device inspected and tuned/calibrated before being used again clinically