Infection Control and Asepsis Vocabulary Flashcards
Aseptic Techniques
Methods used to maintain a pathogen-free condition
A container that exposes equipment to moisture at high heat and pressure for a certain amount of time
Body Substance Isolation
A variety of aseptic techniques used to maintain a barrier between a healthcare worker and a patient’s bodily fluids
Chain Of Infection
A series of connected steps that explains how infectious diseases are spread
The process of removing visible contamination on an object
Critical Items
Items that present a high risk of infection if they are contaminated with infectious agents
A process that kills most, but not all, infectious agents on an object
Ethylene Oxide Sterilization
A process used to sterilize materials that are sensitive to high temperatures and moisture
General Asepsis
A condition of being mostly free from pathogens
A living thing infected with a disease
The presence of foreign bodies, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that may cause disease
Infection Control
The act of preventing the spread of infection
Infectious Agent
A disease-causing body, such as a virus or bacterium
Medical Asepsis
A condition that is sterile, or free from infection
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
A type of disease-causing bacteria that cannot be treated with many common antibiotics