Infection - Concept 2 Flashcards
Any infection or inflammation of the membranes covering the brain or spinal cord
A bacterium often found in the nasopharynx that may cause septicaemia or meningitis
meingo/o - membranes covering brain and spinal cord
coccus - berry shaped
Inflammation of the lung
pneum/o - lungs or resperation
ia - state or condition
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose
Staphylococcus Aureus
A species of gram positive bacteria responsible for a number of infections including boils and abscesses
Staphyl/o - grape like clusters of bactera
A gram positive spherical bacteria occurring in chains or pairs.
A disease caused by the toxoplasma protozoa
Any molecule that is capable of stimulating an immune response
Special proteins that help the immune system to destroy antigens
Cells capable of ingesting foreign cells
The ingestion and destruction of foreign cells ( bacteria)
Process whereby leukocytes ( white blood cells) travel to an area
Blood cells move from the intravascular compartnement to the interstitial compartment
Name the 3 types of leukocytes
Granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes
What is the function of a granulocyte?
- release a range of chemicals important for the immune response
- injesting foreign particules during an imflammatory response removing famaged tissue in prep for new tissue growth
What percentage of leukocytes are granulocytes in a healthy person?
What is the function of a Lymphocyte?
Lymphocytes begin life in the bone marrow and mature in lymphoid organs. They move throughout the lymphatic and blood vessels
What are the 3 branches of lymphocytes?
T lymphocytse
B Lymphocytes
NK cells
In the chain of infection, define the reservoir?
Permanent habitat where an infectious agent can survive but can not necessarily multiply.
Portal of exit
Infectious agents need to exit from the reservoir to invade the the host
Mode of transmission
Contact, cough, spit, airborne, blood, faceas, rector. How the infection is trasmitted.
Portal of entry
Entrance to the body, same as exit. maybe through broken skin
Suscepptible Host
Someone who is susceptible to the infection
- Age
- Immune system
- Health issues
- Hygene
- Nutrition
Name all 6 steps of the chain of infection
Infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host.
What are the 4 stages of infection?
Incubation period, Prodromal stage, Illness stage, Convalesce stage