Infection and response pt1 Flashcards
What is a communicable disease?
an infection disease
What causes communicable diseases?
What are pathogens
microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
How do pathogens spread?
direct contact
What are vectors?
organisms that carry pathogens
How are pathogens spread by water?
by drinking infected water
How are pathogens spread by air?
pathogens can be carried in the air and people breathe it in
How can the spread of disease can be reduced or prevented ? (4)
Being Hygenic
destroying vectors
isolated infected individuals
What are the differfent types of pathogens?
What do viruses do ?
reproduce rapidly in body cells causing damage to the cells
- The cell will usually then burst to release
all the new viruses. - This cell damage makes you feel ill
What is measles
Measles is a viral disease showing symptoms of fever and a red skin rash. Measles is a serious illness that can be fatal if complications arise. For this reason most young children are vaccinated against measles.
How is measles spread?
by breathing in droplets from an infected person’s sneezes or cough
What is HIV
when the body’s immune system is badly damaged and cannot fight off other infections or cancer.
How is HIV spread?
by sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids
What happens when HIV is untreated?
the virus enters the lymph nodes and attacks the body’s immune cells
How can HIV be controlled?
antiretroviral drugs
What is TMV?
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a widespread plant pathogen affecting many species of plants including tomatoes.
-It gives a distinctive ‘mosaic’ pattern of discolouration on the leaves
How does the distinctive ‘mosaic’ pattern of discolouration on the leaves negatively impact the plant?
affects the growth of the plant due to lack of photosynthesis.
What is a bacteria
very small cells which produce rapidly in the body
How does bacteria make you feel ill?
they may damage cells directly or produce toxins that damage tissues
What is salmonella?
a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning
How is salmonella spread?
bacteria ingested in food, or on food prepared in unhygienic conditions
What is caused when salmonella bacteria secretes toxins?
Fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea are caused
How is salmonella prevented?
poultry are vaccinated against Salmonella to control the spread
What is gonorrhoea?
What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea?
- a thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis
- pain when urinating.
How is gonorrhoea treated?
originally treated with penicillin but many resistant strains have now appreared
How is the spread of gonorrhoea prevented?
treatment with antibiotics or the use of a barrier method of contraception such as a condom.
How is gonorrhoea spread?
sexual contact
How do fungi spread?
by producing spores which can spead to other plants and animals
What is rose black spot?
a fungal disease where purple or black spots develop on leaves, which often turn yellow and drop early.
Why is rose black spot bad?
It affects the growth of the plant as photosynthesis is reduced
How does rose black spot spread?
It is spread in the environment by water or wind.
How can rose black spot be treated?
using fungicides and/or removing and destroying the affected leaves.
What are protists?
single-celled eukaryotes some are parasites
what are parasites and how are they transferred?
organisms that live on or inside other organisms and cause them damage
often transferred by vector, which doesnt get the disease itself
What is malaria
a disease that causes recurrent episodes of fever and can be fatal.
How is malaria spread?
everytime the mosquito feeds on another animal, it infects it by inserting the protist into the animal’s blood
How is malaria prevented?
by preventing the vectors, mosquitos, from breeding and by using mosquito nets to avoid being bitten.
also using insecticides