Infection Flashcards
What is your initial subjective work-up of an infection?
Determine severity:
-Rate of progression
-Previous treatment
-Medically compromised host
What is your physical exam for an infection?
-Pain, swelling, erythema, purulence, warmth, loss of function
-Vitals: Malaise, temp, tachycardia
-Labs: Leukocytosis
-Airway eval/management
How should airway be evaluated and managed in an infection?
-Mallampati Class, obstruction (stridor, coarse airway sounds, sniffing position)
-Trismus (masticator/pterygomandibular)
-O2 sat <94%
-Pt should be sitting up with supplemental oxygen and suction
-Fiberoptic scope by ENT
-Early intubation (awake fiberoptic, tracheotomy)
What imaging do you obtain and what do you look for with an infection?
-CT with contrast
-Rim enhancing lesions, airway deviation, gas formation
-Obtain a new CT for any worsening scenerio
What is the pathogenesis of an odontogenic infection?
-Establishment of infection
-Spread through cancellous bone
-Erosion through cortical bone
-Enter soft tissue
-Facial plane infection
-Fascial spaces- Potential spaces between anatomic structures, act as barriers to limit spread of infection but do connect and allos spread of infection
What are the borders of the buccal space?
-Anterior: Corner of mouth
-Posterior: Masseter m, pterygomandibular space
-Superior: Maxilla, infraorbital space
-Inferior: Mandible tissue and skin
-Superficial: Subcutaneous
-Deep: Buccinator m
What are the borders of the infraorbital space?
-Anterior: Nasal cartilage
-Posterior: Buccal space
-Superior: Quadratus labii superioris m
-Inferior: Oral mucosa
-Superficial: Quadratus labii superioris m
-Deep: Levator anguli oris m, maxilla
What are the borders of the submandibular space?
-Anterior: Anterior belly digastric m
-Posterior: Posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus mm
-Superior: Inferior/medial surface of mandible
-Inferior: Digastric tendon
-Superficial: Platysma m
-Deep: Mylohyoid, hypoglossus, superior constrictor mm
What are the borders of the submental space?
-Anterior: Inferior border of mandible
-Posterior: Hyoid bone
-Superior: Mylohyoid m
-Inferior: Investing fascia
-Superficial: Investing fascia
-Lateral: Anterior bellies of digastric m
What are the borders of the sublingual space?
-Anterior: lingual surface of mandible
-Posterior: submandibular space
-Superior: Oral mucosa
-Inferior: mylohyoid m.
-Medial: Tongue muscles
-Lateral: Lingual surface of mandible
What are the borders of the pterygomandibular space?
-Anterior: Buccal space
-Posterior: Parotid gland
-Superior: Lateral pterygoid m
-Inferior: Inferior border of mandible
-Medial: Medial pterygoid m
-Lateral: Ascending ramus of mandible
What are the borders of the submasseteric space?
-Anterior: Buccal space
-Posterior: Parotid gland
-Superior: Zygomatic arch
-Inferior: Inferior border of mandible
-Medial: Ascending ramus of mandible
-Lateral: Masseter m.
What are the borders of the lateral pharyngeal space?
-Anterior: Superior and middle pharyngeal constrictor m
-Posterior: Carotid sheath
-Superior: Skull base
-Inferior: Hyoid bone
-Medial: Pharyngeal constrictors and retropharyngeal space
-Lateral: Medial pterygoid m
What are the borders of the retropharyngeal space?
-Anterior: Superior and middle pharyngeal constrictor m
-Posterior: Alar fascia
-Superior: Skull base
-Inferior: Fusion of alara and prevertebral fascia at C6-T4
-Lateral: Carotid sheath and lateral pharyngeal space
What are the borders of the pretracheal space?
-Anterior: Sternothyroid-thyrohyoid fascia
-Posterior: Retropharyngeal space
-Superior: Thyroid cartilage
-Inferior: Superior mediastinum
-Medial: Sternothyroid-thyrohyoid fascia
-Lateral: Visceral fascia over trachea and thyroid gland