infection Flashcards
suprapubic pain
whats these symptoms of
UTI- that causes cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
whats often the only symptoms of a uti in the frail elderly
whats a sign of pyelonephritis
loin/ supraoubic/ back pain
renal angle tenderness on examination- where the hilum of kideny is
what do you need to look for if the patient has pyelonephritis
signs of sepsis
what investigations do you do for suspected uti
urine dipstick = nitirites certain and leukocytes
if got either these then send midstream urine sample off to microbiology lab for culture and sensitivity
what in a urine dipstick prove uti
nitirites - treat as uti
nitirites and leukocytes = treat as uti
leukocytes byself= treat uti if got clinical signs
what investifation to do for uti suspect
urine dipstick
if nitiries/leukocytes present senf midstream sample to microbiology for sensitivity and culture
whats the main bacterial cause of uti
what are risk facotrs for uti
urinary catheter
women with incontinece/poor hygeine
sex - spreads bacteria from back around perineum
how do you. manage uti
woman = 3 days anitbiotics
5-10 days if immunosupressed woman, got abnormal anatomy or impaired kidney function
7 days if man, pregnant, catheter related uti
main abx= trimethoprim
or nitrofurantoin
what do you do for pregant women with uti
7 days abx of nitrfurantoin (not third trimester as cause haemolytic anemia in newborn)
2nd line = cefalexin/amoxicllin
trimethoprim = safe but not in first trimester or someone who has med that affect folic acid (anti epileptics)
how do you manage pyelonephritis
if signs sepis send to hosp
community =
7 days of either cefalexin, trimethoprim, co-amoxiclav, ciprofloxacin
if preg and not needed hosp then cefalexin
red hot or swollen
tight/ tense skin
bullae formed
golden yellow crust
thickened skin
whats this signs of
whats golden yellow crust sign of
- staphycoccus aureus infection
whats differentials of cellulits presentation
acute gout
ruptured bakers cyst
septic arthritis
what the causes of cellultis
staphycoccus aureus
group a streptococcus=> streptococcus pyogenes
group c streptococcus=> streptococcus dysgalactiae
consider mrsa if in nursing home/ in out hosp
how do you classify cellulits
eron classification
1= no systemic toxicity nor comorbidities
2= systemic toxicity or comorbididites
3= sign sustemic toxicity or sign. co morbidities
4= sepsis or life threatening infction
3 and 4 go to hosp or also if frail/ v young, immunocompromised
how treat cellulitis
when do you suspect that sinusitis is bacterial cause
lastsed for over 10 days
purulent nasal discharge
discoloured nasal dicharge
sevre loval pain
38 degrees over
deterioration after initally mid
whats the causes of sinusitis
bacterial or viral
usually tigfgered by a upper resp viral infection
nasal blockage
discolpured / purulent nasal discharge
facial pain
facial pressure
mucosal oedema
fever/ tender over sinuses
whats this
what do you treat sinutisit with
get better over 2-3 weeks itself
symptoms less than 10 days no abx- offer paracetmaol/ibruprofen
symtpoms lasted over 10 days = give 2 weeks of nasal steroid spray hgih dose
symtoms last over 10 days and likely bacteral = offer antibitotcs= pehnoxymethylpenicillin first line for 5 days
if not improved after2-3 days give co-amoxiclav
if penicillin allergy consider:
erythromycin = if preg
sinusitis, otis media and tonsillitis are commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection
whats the bacterial casues of sinusitis, otis media and tonsillitis
group A streptoccocus - strep pyogenes
or if not then streptococcus penumoniae
haemophilus influenzae
morazella catarrhalis
staphylcoccus aureus
how long does it take otis media to resolve
3-7 days byself
s and s of oitis media
buldging red tympanic membrane
if mebrane ruptured then discharge
tugging ear
ear pain
slight hearing loss
treatemnt for otis media
if systmeiccal unwell, more serious illness or high risk of getting comolications then give antibitocs
= amoxcillin first line for 5-7 days
not repsonded after 2 days give co-amoxiclav
or penicllin allergy give erythromycin- if preg
s and s of tonsillitis
tonssilar exudate
sore throat
hard to swalow
swollen tonsils
tonsillits is commonly caused by viral or bacteira
if bacterial tonsillits what most common cause
group a streptococcus- strep pyogenes
how do you know if the tonsillitis is likely to be bacterial of cause
centor crtieria
get a poijt for each and if over 3 then 40-60% likely bacteria and so give abx
absent cough
fever 38 or over
tonsillar exudate
tender anterior cervical lymph nodes
if suspect bacterial tonsillitis how do you treat
phenoxymethylpenicillin for 10 days
broader spectrum=
what should you have a low threshold of suspicion for when inflammed joint
septic arthritis
rapid onset
often one joint- odten knee
hot joint
stiff and dec range of movement
systemic symtpoms- fatigue, fever, sepsis
whats these suggest
septic arthritis
what differentials are there of symtpms of septic arthriti
gout - urate crustals. negatively birefringent
pseudogout- calcium pyrophosphate crystals positively birefringent
reactive arthritis- triggered by uretritis and gastroenteritis and associated with conjunctivitis
what investigations do you do for septic artrhtisi
aspirate joint
may be purulent fluid
send off to lab for crystal microscopy, antibiotic sentivities, gram staining, culutre
what treatment give for septic arthrtis
empirical iv antibiotics to start
3-6 weeks on antibitocs
flucloxacillin and rifampicin
or vancomycin and rifampicin if penicillin allergy
whats the risk facotrs of septic arthritis
recent joint replacment
dog bite/ big cut
infection elsewhere in body and travleed to joint
what pathogen can casue septic arthrtis
staphylcoccus aureus - most common
neisseria gonhorrea
group a strep- strep pyogenes haemophilus influenzae
e coli
whats urinary tract infection
involves infection in bladder casuing inflam of bladder- cystitis and can spread to kindyes= pyelonephritits
risk factors of uti
poor hygein, incontinece women
presentation of lower uti
dysuria= pain, burning, stinging when pass urine
suprapubic pain / discomfort
confusion = esp elferly only sign sometomes
presentation of pyelonephritis
fever= more rpominen t
loin, suprapubic pain, back pain = bilateral and unilateral vomiting
loss appetite
renal angle tenderness on examination
dipstick = nitrites
gram negative bacteria break down nitrates to nitrites
treat as uti
leukocytes and nitrites in dipstick
treat as uti
only leukocytes in dipstick
if clinical evidecne treat as uti
investigations for uti
send midstream urine sample to lab for culture and sensitivity testing
main cause of uti
e coli
gram negative aerobic rod shaped bacteria
what other organisms can cuase uti
e coli- most common
klebsiella pneumonia
psudomonas aeruginosa
staphylcoccus saprophyticus
candida albicans- fungal
antibiotics cna give for uti
how long to give antibiotcs for uti
3 days= women simple lower uti
5-10 days, women immunospuressed, abnormal anatomy, impaired kidney function
7 days men and pregant women and cather uti
pt has uti and has catheter in. treatment
antibiotcs for 7 days
replace catheter
treatment for pregant women with uti
7 days antibiotics
even if asymptomatic
urine for culutre
1st= nitrofurantoin
2= cefalexin/amoxicillin
uti in pregnant women increases risk of what
increase risk of pyelonnephritits
premature rupture of membranes
pre term labour
what antibiotcs avoid when in pregnant women for uti
avoid 3rd trimester
can casue haemolytic anemia of newborn
trmethoprim. avoid 1st trimester or throughout if on meds that affects folic acid
what antibiotic causes haemolytic anemia in newborn
nitrofurantoin - used first line uti ipregancy
whats sepsis
life threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host repsonse to infection
infection in blood
large immune repsonse to infection systemic inflammation
affects organ fucntio n
pahtolphysiology sepsis
macrophages, lymphocytes recognise pathogen= cytokines = activcate other parts immune system= no = vasodilation, inflam throughout body
endothelilal lining increase permeability= fluid into ecm= oedema = dec intravascualt volume and harder for o2 to get to tissues through fluid
active coagulation = fibrin block bv and so dec o to tissues
platelets get consumed= thrombocytopenia haemorrhages= disseminated inravascualr coagulapathy
blood lactate increase= anerobic resp
investigations for sepsis
fbc= wbc and neutrophila
u and e= aki
lft= see function and source infection
crp= show inflamm
clotting= may show DIC
blood culture= show if bacteraemia
blood gas= lactate, ph , glucos e
urine dipstick and culture possibly
cxr maybe
ct= intra abdo infection/absess
lumbar puncture - menigitis,encephalitis
risk factors for sepsis
patient prone to infection, on immune supresion
under 1 or over 75
chronic ocnditions- diabetes, copd
chemo, steroids, immunsupressants
surgery, recent truama, burns pregnancy, post partum
indwelling med device- catheter, central line
whats spetic shock
low bp so less ocygen to tissues
have systolic bp lower than 90 depsite having fluid resus hyperlactameia - lactate ore than 4
how to treat septic shock
iv fluid to increase bp and tissue perfusion
if dont work then inotropes= noradrenalin = to increase bp and stimulate cv system
what organ dysfucntion can occur in sevcere sepsos
coagualtion dysfucntion
hyperlactameia - more than 2
pt has lactate more than 4
infection present
systolic bp 85
what is this
septic shock
lactate more than 4 and systolic bp less than 90
presentation of sepsis
high or low temp
low o sats
low bp
decreased consiousness
signs of infection- cellulitis, cough, dysuria, discharge form owund
non blanching rash- menigiococcus septicaemia
low urine output
mottle skin
arhtmia - new AF
management of sepsis
sepsis 6 give three
take three
treat pt wtihin an hour of presenting
blood test
urine output
blood culture
oxygen - sats want 94-98% or 88-92% in copd
broad spectrum antibiotcs
iv fluid
whats neutropenic spesosi
spesis and neutrophils count less than 1
ccauses of neutropenia
clozapine- schitophrenia
methotrexate- RA
hydroxychloroquine- RA
sulfasalazine -RA
carbimazole- hyperthyroid
quinine- malaria
infliximab and rituximab- monoclononal antibodies for immunosupression
treat neutropneia sepsis
any temp over 38 as neutropenic sepsis in anyone on meds that cause neutropenia / immunosupressed
]give broad spectrum antibiotcs= tazobactam and piperacillin= tazocin
other sepsis rx
what antibiotic use to treat neutropneic sepsis
tazocin= piperacillin and tazobactam
test for legionella
urinary antigen test
how is folic acid synthesisied in bacteria
PABA–> DHFA –> THFA –> folic acid
staphylcoccus gram stain
staphylcoccus = gram +ve cocci
enterococcus gram stain
enterococcus = gram +ve cocci
streptococcus gram stain
streptococcus = gram +ve coccic
gram +ve cocci
gram +v rods
corney mikes list of basica of cars
corney bacteria shape and gram stain
gram +ve rod
listeria shape and gram stain
gram +ve rod
mycobacteria shape and gram stain
gram +ve rod