Gastro Flashcards
whats the most common peptic ulcer
whats the casue of peptic ulcers
break down of mucosa
= sterid, nsaids, aspirin
increase in stomach acid= stress, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, spicy foods
signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer
epigastric pain/disconfort
nasuea and vomiting
dyspepsia- heart burn, reflux, bloating, belching= indigestion
haeatemesis- cofee ground vomit
iron deficincey anemaia
gastric ulcer pain worse on eating
duodenal ulcer pain better on eating
fpatient has indigestion and when eat the pain worsens. what is this
gastric ulcer
what investigfations for peptic ulcer
endoscopy is diagnositic
rapid urease test- CLO = see if h.pylori
biopsy when there to see if cancerous not ulcer as look similar
management of peptic ulcer
like gord
ppi strong one
if got h.pylori then 7 day regime of ppi and amoxicillin and either clarithromycin or metronidazole twice daily
if allergic to pennicillin have metronidazole and clarithromycin
lifestyle adives
risk factrs for deeloping peptic ulcer
h.pylori infection
stress, alcohol, smoking
potassium supllements
recreational drugs
zollinger ellison syndrome
complications of peptic ulcers
bleeding from ulcer- can be life threatening
perforation=> acute abdomen and peritonitits
scarring and stricture= pyloric stenosis = hard for food to empty out of stomach = upper abdo pain, nasuea and vomiting worse after eating and ditention
patient had a peptic ulcer then took ppi for it. they they found they got full quickly and were vomiting and abdo pain worse after eating. what is this complicartion
pyloric stenosis
whats gord
acid from stomach refluxes throgh lower oesopahgeal spincter and irritaes lining of oesopahgus
whats dyspesia
comples of upper gi symtoms thats typically there for at least 4 weeks
= feeling of indegestion
signs and symtpoms of gord/ covers dyspesia
heart burnacid regurgitation
retrosternal/epigastric pain bloating
nasuea and vomiting
noctunral cough
hoarse voice
asthma affected
dental erosions
risk factros for gord
obestiy tight clothing
trigger foods
smoking and alcohol coffee stress
drugs that lower oesphageal spincter pressure= CCB, anticholinergics, theophylline, benzodizapines, nitrates
pt comes with gord symptoms. what do you do
offer h.pylori test
if not wanting test give ppi for 4 weeks
if oesphagitis then 8 weeks
lifestyle advice
when would you refer a patient with gord symptoms for an endoscopy
restiant to treatment
pt doesnt want long term medication which is needed
firsk factors of barrets
dysphagia = red flag 2ww
weight loss
over 55= 2ww
upoer abdo pain and relfux
nasuea and vomitng
low hb
high platelet count
treatment for gord
lifestyle advice= use pillow at night eat smaller lighter meals
weight loss
decrease tea, coffee, alcholol
avoid heay melas before bed
sit up after a meal
avoid triggers
acid neutralising med when needed= gaviscon, rennie
ppi = omeprazole, lansoprazole
ranitidine= h2 r antagonist - alternative to ppi
surgery= laproscopic fundoplication= wrap fundus around lower pesopageal sphincter
h.pylori test
what h.pylori test are there and how does h.pylori damage stomach
burrows through mucosa to avoid acidic enviroment which exposes wppithelial cells to gastric acid
h.pylori produces urease which converts urea to ammonia to reduce acid envirmoment. ammonia dmaages the epithelial cells
urea breath test with carbon 13
stool antigen test
rapid urease test - done in edocscopy. get biopsy
how to treat gord with h.pylori present
triple therpay fr 7 daysppi + amoxicllin + clarithromycin or metronidazole
what type of bactieria is h.pylori
gram negative aerobic
whats barrets oesopahgus
squamous-> columnar
symtpoms will subside moramlly when this happens
goes from columnar with no dysplasia to low grade dysplasia to high grade dysplasia to adenocarcinoma of oesopahgus
treat barrets
like gord =
ppi or if low grade or high grade dysplasia can do ablation therpay to kill the cells and allow new ones to form= cyrotherpay/ laser therpay/ photodynamic therapy
casues of upper gi bleed
mallory weiss tear
oesopaheal varices
peptic ulcer
stomach/duodenal cancer
pt jaundice
low hb
high urea
oesophgeal varices due to liver disease
s and s of upper gi bleed
coffee ground vomit
haemodynamically unstable= low bp, tachycardia
low hb
high urea
may hae symptoms of underlying pathologu
jaundice= liver disease causing oesophageal varices
epigastric pain and dyspesisa= peptic ulcer
invetigations for upper gi bleed
glasgow blatchford score= risk of having upper gi bleed score baove 0 high risk
rockall score = pt have had endocsopy and risk of rebleed
management of upper gi bleed
abcde approach irst for resus
access = 2 large bore cannula
endoscopy- within 24 hrs
drugs= stop nsaids and anticoagulants
what do you look for in bloods of supexed upper gi bleed
fbc for hb
u and e for urea
lft for liver disease
coagulation by looking at inr, and fbc for platlets
cross matcch 2 units of blood
when do you transfuse a pt with upper gi bleed
give blood, platlemts and fresh frozen plasma if major haemorrhage
too much blood can be harmful
platelts if actve bleeding or if thrombocytopenia - less than 50
prothrombin complex concentrate if actively bleeding and on warfarin
what do you do if suspected oesopahgeal varices
give terlipressin
prophylactic broad spectrum anitbiotic
ogd to stop bleed = banding vcarices or cauterisation of vessel
Watery travellers diarrhoea with stomach cramps and nausea
what is cause
enterotoxigenic E.coli
how does loperamide work
opioid receptor agonist
Loperamide is a μ-opioid receptor agonist which does not have systemic effects as it is not absorbed through the gut
The mechanism by which loperamide works is through stimulation of μ-opioid receptors in the submucosal neural plexus of the intestinal wall. This, in turn, reduces peristalsis of the intestines decreasing gastric motility.
what presntation of mesenteric ischemia
severe abdo pain
v high lactate= 7.1
low co2
low bicarb
acidic ph
A markedly raised ALP suggest what
pathology of the bile duct
or bone issues
autoimmune hepatitis will show what with the lfts
v high alt and ast
high but not very high alp
have antimitochondrial antibody negative
whats primary sclerosing cholangitis
stiffening ad hardening of the bile ducts and inflammtion of the bile duct
intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts become strictured and fibrotic
chronic bile obstruction leads to liver inflammation (hepatitis) leads to fibrosis leads to cirrhosis
have obstruction of the bile into the small intestine
not sure on casue- genetic/autoimmune/intestinal microbiome/ enviroment
patients with ulcerative colitis are strongly asociated with what condition
primary sclerosisng cholangitis
risk factors for priamry sclerosisng cholangitis
ulcerative colitits
fma hist
chroic right upper quadrant pain
what is this
primary scleorisng cholangitis
similar to priamry billirary cirrhosis(cholangitis)
what investigfations do for priamry sclerosing cholangitits
rasied ALP the most of all lfts
can have raised ast and alt later on in more severe disease too
rasied billriubin in more severe disease as strictures become more severe
pANCA, ANA, aCL antibodies may be present but not specific to disease only there to aid in treaamtnet cus can give immunosupressants if got these antibodies
how to diagnose primary sclerosisng cholangitits
MRCP- mri of liver, pancreas and bile ducts
may show bile duct strictures/lesions
whats primary sclerosisng cholangitis assocaitedwith and comolications
acute bacterial cholangitis
colorectal cancer
cirrhosis and liver failure
biliary strictures
fat soluble vitamin deficiey
how to manage primary sclerosisng cholangitits
liver transplant will cure
ursodeoxycholic acid
colestryamine = prevents bile acid reabsrbed in intestine = less go into blood
monitor for cholangiocarcinoma, liver failure/cirrhosis and oesopageal varices
primary sclrosing chokangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis/cholangitis is associated with bile duct cancer?
primary sclerosisng cholangitits- cholangiocarcinoma
primary biliary cholangitis/cirrhosis is associtated with hepatocellular carcinoma
whats primary biliary cirhosis/cholangitits
autoimmune condition
immune system attacks small bile ducts in liver= canals of hering
causes obstruction of bile out = cholestasis
the back pressure leads to liver inflamammtion–> fibrosis–> cirrhosis–> liver failure
what will be rasied in the blood in primary biliary cholangitis/cirrhosis
billirubin, bile acid, cholesterol will be raised as they cant be excreted out throigh the bile duct into the small intestine so get absorbed into the blood
signs and symptoks of priamry biliary cholangitis/cirrhosis
often starts asymptomatic as it then starts to preogress
pruritus=due to rasied bile acid in blood
jaundice= due to rasied billirubin in blood
pale greasy stools= due to less billrubin getting into the intestine so stools paler and due to les bile acids getting into small intestine so cant absrob as much fat so greasy stools
gi disturbance and abdo pain- right upper quadrant
xanthoma and xantherlasma= high cholesterol in blood
signs of cirrhosis= ascites, splenomegaly, spider naevi
why us cardio vascualr disease risk increased in primary biliary cirrhosos/cholangitits
cholesterol isnt excreted in the bile due to it being blocked so more cholesterol absorbed into the blood so get depsotis in the blood vessles
whats the casue of primary biliary cholangitis/cirhossis
anti-mitochondrial antibodies
how to diangose/investigations for primary biliary cholangitits/cirhosis
rasied alp= cholestatic pciture
other liver enzymes and billirubin may be rasied esp in later satge
anti-mitochondrial antibodies
may have antinucelar antibodies
rasied ESR
rasied IgM
liver bioppsy to diagnosie and stage
complicaitons of primary biliary cholangitits/cirrhosis
advanced liver cirrhosis
potal hypertension = top two
symptomatic pruritus
distal renal tubular acidosis
hepatocellular carcinoma
risk factors fir pirmary biliary cholangitits/ cirrhosis
other autoimmune conditions- thryoid, coeliac
rheumatoid conditions- ra, sjorgrens(have dry mucous membranes too), systeic sclerosis
patient is
right ipper quadrant pain for while
poo greasy and pale
very itchy and slightly yellow
eyes sore (dry eyes)
primary biliary cirhosis/cholangitits
treatment for primary biliary cholangitits/cirhosis
ursodeoxycholic acid= decrease intestine absobion pf cholesterol
colestyramine = binds to bile acids in small intestine and prevents reabsorbtion so helps with the itching
liver tranplant at end satge
immunosupression- steroids for some
whats primary bilairy cholangitis associated with
anti mitochondrial antibodies
whtas primary sclrosing cholangitits associated with
is associated with inflammatory bowel disease, and often has P-ANCA positivity.
difference of primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosisng cholangitits
both thought to be autoimmune
similar in presentation
PBC= anti-mitochondrial anitbodies and affetcs the smaller intra hepatic bile ducts mainly
PSC= assocaited with IBD and some ahve pANCA posititvity and affects mainly the medicum and larger bile ducts intra and extra hepatic
progression of alcholicliver disease
alcholic related fatty liver disease(reversible if no drinking takes 2 weeks)
alcoholic hepaitits - inflammation of liver. mild is reversible with permeenat stop drinking also get in binge drinking
cirrhosis = irreversible= nodules of scar tissue
whats recommened alchol intake
14 units a week
over 3 or more days
no more than 5 units in one dat
complications of alcohol
alcholic liver disease
cirrhosis - andthe complications
alchol dependence and withdrawal
alcholic cardiomyopathy
wernicke-korsakoff encephalppathy
signs of liver disease
caput medusae
palmar erythema
bruisin- due to less clottin
spider naevi
investigations for alcholic liver disease
fbc= raised MCV
lft= rasied alt an ast and esp rasied gamma GT
rasied alp later on
raised billirubin in cirhsosi
low albumin- low syntheitc function of liver
increased prothrombin time (less clotting factors made)
u and e deranged in hepatorenal syndrome
us = fatty liver= increased echogenicity
fibroscan= elastiticty of liver- asses degree of cirrhosis
endocsop- asses and treat oesophgeal vcarices
mri and ct= fatty liver inflammation
hepatocellular carcinoma
abnormla blood vessles
liver biopsy- confrim fatty liver/cirrhosis - need to do if thinking of treating for steroids
management of alcholic liver disease
stop drinking
high b vitamin and protein diet
detox regime
treat complicatios
lover tranplant - need be no drinking for 3 onths prior to referal
steroids may help short term - need get bleeding etc sorted first and no long term help
whats the stages of alhol withdrawal and what happens
6-12hrs= tremor, sweating, anxiety, craving, headche
12-24hrs= hallucinations
24-48hrs= seizures
48-72hrs= delerium tremens
why does alchol withdrawal and the symptos happen in delerium tremens
alcohol is gaba = so body produces less gaba and increases glutamate to respond to try balance
when abruptly stop have exessive glutamate thats not regulated and have excessive adrenergic activity
hallucinations and delusions
acute confusion
ataxia= diff coordinating movements
severe agitiation
how do you manage alchol withrawal
chloradiazepoxide - librium
= benzodiazapine
give orally and reducing regime for 5-7 days
less common use diazapam
also give iv high dose vitamin B = pabrinex
then give orally dose of thiamine to prevent and treat wernickes korsakoff syndrome
whats wernicke korsakoff syndrome
think patient alcholic. confusion eye muslces and ataxia going mad
think wernickes encephalopathy
due to b1 deficicney as less absorbed in gut with alchol and also poor diet
first have wernicke encephalopahty= medical emergency
oculomotro disturbanes
then get korsakoff syndrome = mosttly irreversible
memory impairment- anterograde and retrograde
behavioural changes
need institutional care
prevet and treat with thiamine and stop alchol
causes of hepatitis
alcholic hepatitis
non alcoholic fatty liver disease
autoimmune heaptitis
viral hepaitits
drug indices hepatits= paracetamol overdose
presentation of hepatitis
can be asymtpomatic/non-specific
nasuea and vomiting
abdo pain
fever in viral
muslce and joint aches
pruritus- itching
rasied alt and ast more than alp
rasied billirubin
what viral hepatitis is dna and what is rna
hepatitis b is dna
rest are rna
whats most common viral hepaitits
hepatitis a
relatively low in uk compared to rest of world
what hepaitits viral is transmited foecal-oral and what is blood and bodily fluids
a and E are foeco oral route = contaminted water/food
B,C,D are blood and bodily fluids
B can be transmited vertical transmission via pregancy and delvery to baby
s and of hepaitits A
n and v
can casue cholestatis= pale stools and dark urine
moderate hepatomegaly
treatment for hep a
resolves by self 1-3 months
basci analgeisa
vaccination available
whats the screening test for hepatitis B
HBcAb = for previous infection
HBsAg = for activie infection
of these are positigve then test for HBeAg and viral load= HBV DNA
HBcAb with IgM that high means what
active infection and acute
igm means active infection
high tire means acute
low titre means chronic
HBcAb with IgG mwans what
past infection if the HBsAg is negative
HBeAg means what
acute phase of infection- replicating
the more there is the more infectious person is
if HbeAg is negativ but HbeAb is positive means what
had replication phase byt mow stopped and les snfectious
whats usedin the hepb vaccine
so if have HbSAb then could have infection but could also have ust had vaccine
vacicne ge tin three doses and test fir the antibody to see if reacted to the antigen to see if vaccin worked
management of hep b
notify to public health
stop smoking and alcohol
screen using fibroscan for cirrhosis ad us for hepatocellular carcinoma
screen for other blood born viruses - hep c and hiv and other std
give antivirals
liver transplant