Infection Flashcards
inflammation of the mucous membrane
catarrhal inflammation of the nose
rash inside the body
rash on the body
inanimate object that may be contaminated with infectious organisms and serve in their transmission
Forchheimer spots
pinpoint red macules and petechiae over the soft palate and the uvula
Koplik spots
clustered, white lesions on the buccal mucosa (opposite the lower 1st and 2nd molars)
Nagayama’s spots
red papules on the soft palate
an organism, typically a biting insect or tick, which transmits a disease or parasite from on animal to another
Pt presents with hx of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, fever, and mild non-productive cough for the past two week. Pt now reports a more severe cough with forceful inspirations that have a “whooping” sounds. What illness does the nurse suspect? What might some nursing management be?
Pertussis aka whooping cough
Managed with antibiotics, respiratory support, and hydration
Airborne precautions
Pt presents with fever, sore throat, HA, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Upon inspection nurse notes red strawberry tongue and red maculopapular pinpoint blanching rash with sandpaper feel. What might the nurse expect this to be? What nursing management does the nurse expect?
Scarlet fever
Administer antibiotics, hydration (nothing acidic or spicy)
Respiratory precautions
Examples of bacterial dz
Pertussis (Whooping cough) and Scarlet Fever
Pt presents with fever, malaise, painful vesciles on buccal mucosa, tongue, and hard palate, and grayish-white vesicles on base of palms and soles. What dz does the nurse suspect and what will she do to manage it?
Hand-foot-mouth dz
Push fluids, admin analgesics/antipyretics, hand hygiene
Respiratory precautions
Pt presents with hx high fever, cough, mild conjunctivitis, and coryza. Parents report child had white spot in the mouth which the nurse identifies as Koplick spots and then had a dark red to purple maculopapular rash which spread from the face to the trunk. What dz does the nurse suspect and what management will the nurse implement?
Measles or rubeola
Supportive care, hydration, respiratory support, bed rest, antipyretics, vit A, dim lights
Airborne isolation
Pt presents with low-grade temp, HA, malaise, lymphadenopathy, and small red spots on roof of mouth that nurse identifies as forchheimer spots as well as a pink to red macules and papules that began on the face then neck and trunk. What does the nurse suspect and what will management be?
German measles or rubella
Supportive care, hydration, rest
Respiratory droplet precautions
Pt presents with rash that started on chest, back, and face in different stages including red macules, papule, vesicles, and crusted over vesicles with intense pruritis as well as fever malaise, and anorexia. What does the nurse suspect and what will management be?
Varicella or chicken pox
Supportive care (help with itching), hydration, respiratory support
Contact and airborne
Pt comes in with pale rose pink maculopapular rash that parents report started on trunk. Before this the pt had been having a high fever but is now afibrile. Upon exam nurse notes nagayama spots on the roof of the infants mouth. What does the nurse suspect? Nurse management?
Roseola Infantum
Supportive care, hydration, rest
Respiratory droplet
Pt comes in with bright red “slapped cheek” rash on face which then progressed to red macular “lacy” rash on trunk. Parents report history of flu-like sxs and low grade fever. What does the nurse suspect? Management?
Erythema infectious aka fifth disease aka slapped cheek disease
Supportive care
Respiratory droplet
Patient presents with parotid swelling with hx of fever, HA, sour taste, and pain with chewing. What does the nurse suspect and management?
Supportive care, hydration
Droplet precautions