Infant Growth and Development Flashcards
According to Erikson what stage of development are infants in?
Trust vs mistrust (birth to 1 year)
How is the trust vs mistrust stage fulfilled?
Caregivers respond to the infant’s basic needs by feeding, changing diapers, cleaning, touching, holding, and talking to the infant. This creates a sense of trust in the infant
According to Piaget, what stage of development is the infant in?
Sensorimotor (birth-2 years)
What is the sensorimotor stage of development?
Infant uses senses and motor skills to learn about the world
According to Freud what stage of development are infants in?
Oral stage (birth to 1 year)
What is the oral stage?
Pleasure is focused on oral activities: feeding and sucking
By 1 month the nurse can expect for the infant to have developed what gross motor skills?
Lifts and turns head to side in prone position
Head lag when pulled to sit
Rounded back in sitting
By 2 months what gross motor skill can the nurse expect the infant to have?
Raises head and chest, holds position
Improving head control
By 3 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect
Raises head to 45 degrees in prone
Slight head lag in pull-to-sit
By 4 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect?
Lifts head and looks around
Rolls from prone to supine
Head leads body when pulled to sit
By 5 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect?
Rolls from supine to prone and back again
Sits with back upright when supported
By 6 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect?
Tripod sits
By 7 months what gross motor skill can the nurse expect?
Sits alone with some use of hands for support
By 8 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect?
Sits unsupported
By 9 months what gross motor skill can the nurse expect?
Crawls, abdomen off floor
By 10 months what gross motor skill can the nurse expect
Pulls to stand
By 12 months what gross motor skills can the nurse expect?
Sits from standing position
Walks independently
At 1-3 months what form of communication should the nurse expect from the baby?
Coos, makes other vocalizations, and demonstrates differentiated crying
At 4 to 5 months of age what form of communication can the nurse expect?
Simple vowel sounds, laughs aloud, performs “raspberries,” and vocalizes in response to voices. Responds to his or her name and “no”
At 7 to 10 months what form of communication can the nurse expect?
Babbling begins and progresses to strings without meaning. Infant may also be able to respond to simple commands
At 9 to 12 months of age what form of communication can the nurse expect?
Infant begins to arrach meaning to “mama” and “dada” and starts to imitate animal sounds. Infant pays increasing attention to speech and tries to imitate words; he or she may also say “uh-oh.” 12 month old also babbles with inflection
What is a pincer grasp and when does it develop?
A fine pincer grasp is when the infant can grasp an object (such as a Cheerio) between his or her thumb and index finger. This develops around 10 months of age
What is stranger anxiety and when does it typically develop?
When the infant becomes clingy or whiny around strangers. Indicator that the infant views him or herself as separate from others. Usually develops around 8 months