Infant Growth and Development Flashcards
Human Growth and Development
What is preterm?
less than 37 weeks
Late preterm is newborn born at 34 weeks to 36 weeks.
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Classify LBW?
Low birth weight (LBW) ≤ 2,500 g
(1) Very low birth weight (VLBW) ≤ 1,500 g
(2) Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) ≤ 1,000 g
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Symmetric IUGR vs Asymmetric IUGR
Symmetric intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)—weight, length, and head circumference are SGA; reflects long-standing compromise and/or factors that are intrinsic to the infant such as a syndrome complex\
Asymmetric intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)—underweight for length and head circumference; reflects acute compromise extrinsic to fetus such as placental insufficiency
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
When do newborns regain their birthweight?
Initial 8–10% weight loss in average newborn in first 3–4 days of life is usually regained by 7 days if formula fed, 14 days if breastfed
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Weight 6 months?
Weight 1 year?
Weight 2 years?
Weight doubles by 6 months, triples by 1 year, and quadruples by 2 years
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Growth chart for <2years old?
Growth chart for >2 years old?
<2 WHO
>2 CDC
Length increase 1 year?
4 years?
Length usually increases by 50% by 1 year, doubles by 4 years,
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
How many inch/month for 6 months or less?
How many inch per month 6+ month?
years—increases by 1 inch (2.54 cm) per month during first 6 months, and then 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) per month through first year
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
When does cranial sutures/fontanels close?
Cranial sutures close during first year of life
Posterior fontanel closes by 6–8 weeks of age
Anterior fontanel closes by 12–18 months of age
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 10). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Binocular Vision development age?
develops between 4 and 6 months
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 11). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Visual acuity development?
Visual acuity is difficult to measure during infancy;
distance acuity has been estimated between 20/150 and 20/400 in newborns,
improves to 20/70 by 2 years,
and 20/30 by 5 years
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 11). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Language development
Birth-5 months
Coos Vocalizes pleasure and displeasure sounds differently (laughs, giggles, cries, or fusses) Makes noise when talked to
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Language development
6-11 months?
Understands “no-no” Babbles (says “ba-ba-ba”)
Says “ma-ma” or “da-da” without meaning
Tries to communicate by actions or gestures Tries to repeat your sounds Says first word
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Language development
12–17 months
Answers simple questions nonverbally
Says two to three words to label a person or object (pronunciation may not be clear)
Tries to imitate simple words
Vocabulary of four to six words
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Language development
18-23 months
Vocabulary of 50 words, pronunciation is often unclear
Asks for common foods by name
Makes animal sounds, such as “moo”
Starts to combine words, such as “more milk”
Begins to use pronouns, such as “mine”
Uses two-word phrases
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
When does social smile begin?
6 weeks or 2 months
Age for Stranger Anxiety?
begins around 6 months and peaks about 12 months;
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Age for separation anxiety?
begins between 8 and 9 months and peaks around 14 months
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 12). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Motor Milestones
Birth-3 months
- Lifts and turns head when lying prone
- When lying supine, will turn head to hear or see something
- Random movements become more purposeful but are typically large, jerky movements
- Brings hands to mouth
- Grasp is a reflex
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 13). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Motor Milestones
3-6 months
- Actively moves arm (reaches and swipes) when child sees an object of interest
- Grasps object voluntarily Plays with own hands and feet
- Watches/plays with hands/toys at midline Transfers toys from hand to hand
- When lying prone, lifts head and chest with weight on hands
- Holds head upright and steady Rolls from stomach to back and back to stomach
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 13). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Motor Milestones
6-9 months
Uses index finger to poke Holds an object in each hand and plays with each Transfers objects from hand to hand Pivots on stomach Pulls to hands and knees Sits without help, plays with toys
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 13). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Motor Milestones
9-12 months?
- Picks things up with pincer grasp (thumb and one finger)
- Drops and picks up a toy
- Manipulates toys with hands and fingers
- Uses both hands together to play Creeps (moves forward on hands and knees)
- Pulls to standing Stands without support
- Walks with support Can take independent steps
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 13). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.
Motor Milestones
12-18 months?
- Walks alone Begins to walk sideways and backward
- Comes to standing without support
- Crawls up and down stairs
- Picks up small objects Stacks one object on top of another
- Puts objects in and dumps them out of containers
- Pulls apart objects, such as pop beads
- Fits single puzzle pieces Scribbles
Silbert-Flagg, JoAnne; Sloand, Elizabeth D.. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide (p. 13). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.