Inequality Flashcards
LO2: desc and eval some expls for health inequals.
black report 1980:
- Artefact= health inequal due to how stats collec. Numerator (occupat distrib of those die dur study period) and denom (occup distrib at last census). BUT data probs us= underestim inequal.
- Soc selection= direc causat from health to soc posit. Ill move down and vv. Studies sugg only small contrib to soc econ diffs mort and illness.
- Behavioural- cultural= ill health due to peoples decisions, knowl and goals. Poor more dam behav. BUT soc proc not indiv choice.
- Materialist= inequal health arise from diff access to mater resources. Lack contr work/liv env. Accum dur life. Most plausible BUT need research precise routes.
- psychosocial expl- in addit to direc effs of mater liv stands. Soc grad of psychosoc facs/stressors eg neg life events, soc supp, auton at work. Stress impact direc (physiol, imm sys), indirec (behav and mental health).
- income distrib wilkinson- rel (not av) income affs health. Countries with greater income inequal have greater HC inequal. Social evaluative threat= stress= poor health. Redistributive policies can work.
LO3: desc and eval ev in inequal in acc to HC.
-inequality= things not equal.
Inequity= inequals that are unfair and avoidable (or not acc for by clinic need). Can have inequal w/o inequity.
-utilisat studies meas receipt of services, but what about those who cant/dont. Ev contradic and diffic interp.
-deprived more use GP and emerg. Under use preventative and specialist services.
Depriv and acc theory- poor use in crisis and use of more porous services . Event based consultat, normalisat of ill health, not have resources to engage with health services, lack cult align with health services.
LO1: desc rel btw health and variables incl soc class, ethnicity, gender in mod britain.
-socio economic classif from higher managerial to routine.
-index of multip deprivat- income, employment, health and disabil, educat skills and training, liv env, crime. Small areas ranked.
- low soc class worse death rates, life expec and disabil free life expec.
-soc class inequal in UK and within regs. Depriv strong assoc with ill health, more of life ill.
-diversity and health inequals- diffs in health cond preval in ethnicities even when adj for soc econ status.
Prim care use high south asian, low chinese. Discrim of service provision? Responsiven and meeting diff needs.
Sig heterogen wihtin ethnic grps. Behav patt shaped by soc econ.
Gender- male higher mort and suicide. Fem higher life expec, more reported ment health iss, more disabil and LT illn.
Sex= biol facs. Gender= soc facs. Eg more men in higer class jobs.