Health Promotion Flashcards


LO2: disting btw prim, sec, and tertiary prevention; and btw 3 health promotion strategies.


-health prom 5 approaches- medical or preventat. Behav change. Educ. Empow. Social change eg smoking ban.
-3 levels o prevention:
1) prim prev- aim to prev onset of dis or inj by reduc expos RFs.
4 main approaches- immunisat. prev contact with env RFs eg asbestos. Precautions with communicable dis. Reduc RFs from health rel behav.
2) secondary prev- aim detect and treat dis or RFs at early stage to prev prog/poten fut complics and disabil. Eg screen eg CA and glaucoma, monit and treat eg BP.
3) tertiary prev- aim minim effs of est dis. Eg maxim remaining capabils of disabled pt, renal transpl, steroids for eg asthma.

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LO3: illust some dilemmas raised by health promot.


-health promot conseqs- dilemmas and the preven paradox. Eval.
-dilemma 1: ethics of interf in lives.
Poten psych impact of health prom messages eg powerless, or anx. Also state state interven in people lives- rights and choices.
-dilemma 2: victim blaming.
foc on indiv behav change plays down impact of wider soc econ and env determs. Eg housing conds, water and air, workplace, roads, green sp etc. High perceived costs of healthy living.
-dilemma 3: fallacy of empowerment.
Giving people info not give them pow. Unhealthy lifest not due ignor but adverse circumst and soc econ determs.
-dilemma 4: reinf neg stereotypes.
Prom messages can reinf neg stereotypes assoc with a cond or grp. Eg leaflets aimed at HIV preven in drug users reinf that they are to blame.
-dilemma 5: uneq distrib of responsib.
Implem healthy behav in fam often left to women. Eg healthy eating advice and responsib of getting fam eat better.
-dilemma 6: preven paradox.
Intervens that make diff at popn lev might have little eff on indiv. If popn average moves there are many people who had no eff.
Link with lay beliefs- if people not see selves as a candid for a dis they ignore health message. Knowl of anomalies and rand of a dis also impact views on candidacy.

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LO4: Recog diffics of eval outcomes of health promot.


-eval= rigor and systematic collec of data to assess effectiven of a prog in achiev predeterm objecs.
-why eval? Need ev based intervens. Accountabil- ev gives legit to intervs and polit supp. Ethic oblig to ensure no harm. Programme managem and dev.
-types of heath prom eval:
1) process- foc on assess process of prog interven. Aka formative or illuminat eval. Employs range mainly qualit methods.
2) impact- ass immed effs on interven eg Qairre, attend rec. tends to be more popular choice due to ease.
3) outcome- meas LT conseqs. Meas what is achieved eg impr lives, reduc symps, harm reduc.
Timing of eval can inf outcome:
Delay- some interv might take long time for eff.
Decay- some intervens wear off rap.
-eval diffics- demonstr an attributab eff diffic because:
Design of the interven. Poss lag time to eff. Many intervening or concurr confounding facs. High cost of eval research as large scale and LT often.

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LO1: disc determinants of health and dis.


-physical env, soc and econ env, indiv genetics/chars/behavs etc.
-a health career through life. Input from geteics, behav and coping skills. Exper of healthcare direct or indirect. Media. Culture, physical env, soc econ env.
-context of peoples livesdeterm their health so victim blaming or crediting healthy people innapp. Indivs cant contr many of the determs.
-health promot in developed countries:
1910-40: public health- reform physical env.
1950-60: health educ- targ indiv health behav. (Victim blaming).
1970-80: health promotion- broader appr incl political/soc.
WHO. Declarat of Alma Ata 1978-
Health=fundam right. Inequalities in health are unacceptab. Imprs in health req inv of other sectors, not just invest in HC systems. Global strateg health for all by 2000.
-health promot defin= proc of enabling people to incr contr over and to impr their health. Health is a pos concept emph soc and personal resources, as well as physic capacities. So health prom not just responsib of health sector, but goes beyond healthy lifest to well being.
-princips of health prom:
Empow- enable indivs and comms more pow over determs.
Participatory- inv all concerned in all stages of proc.
Holistic- foster physic, soc, mental and spiritual health.
Intersectoral- collab of agencies from relev sectors.
Equitable- guided by concern for equity and soc justice.
Sustainab- changes that indivs and comms can maint after funding.
Multi strateg- var apprs incl policy dev, organisat change, comm dev, legislation.
-health prom and public health- public health has placed more emph on ends. Health prom more value on means of achieving those.
Public health= health protec+health prom.
Health prom= health educ x healthy public policy.
-health prom england 2016-
Public health england 2013- protec and impr health and wellbeing and reduc inequality. Brings togeth prev agencies eg health protec agency, regional public health directorates, nat screening committ, public health observatories etc. Aims to empow loc comms, enab profess freedoms and unleash new ev based ideas.
-sociological perspecs-
1) struc critiques- mater conds that cause ill health marginalised, foc on indiv responsib.
2) surveillance critiques- monit and regul popn.
3) consumption critiques- lifest choices are health risks ALSO tied up in identity construc.

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