Inequalities in healthcare Flashcards
What issues are prevalent in inequality?
Gnder Ethnicity Housing Education Employment Financial security Health system Environment
What are the gender inequalities?
Men have higher mortality rates at every age
Women have higher morbidity
What are the ethnic inequalities?
Ties with socioeconomic issues
Social, cultural, genetic
What are the inequalities in housing?
1 in 20 adolescents from warm homes at risk of multiple mental health issues, while it is 1 in 4 for cold homes
Excess winter deaths 3x higher in coldest quarter than warmest quarter
How does education affect healthcare?
Higher levels of education tend to be healthier- better understanding and engagement with healthcare services
How does employment affect health?
Unemployment associated with increased morbidity and premature mortality
How does environment affect health?
Deprived areas have poor urban planning, leading to pollution, RTAs…
Areas in cities often have poorer health than countryside
Healthcare inaccessible in countryside
What is the key determinant of healthcare inequality?
What does deprivation increase the risk of?
Low birthweight
Poor dental health
Teenage oregnancy
Who are vulnerable groups?
Homeless Learning disabled Refugees Prisoners LGBT
In what way are homeless people affected by health?
Life expectancy in 40s
35x more likely to die by suicide than general population
What are the inequalities for the learning disabled?
Shorter life span
Difficulty using healthcare
What are the inequalities against refugees?
Language barrier
Exposure to violence, warfare, torture
Social issues often trump healthcare
What inequalities do prisoners face?
Higher mortality- drugs, violence, accidents, smoking
Generally live in most deprived areas both before and after time in prison
What inequalities do LGBT people face?
Higher rates of depression and self harm
Homophobic staff, stereotypes
How can we reduce healthcare inequalities?
Improved housing in deprived areas Equal access to education Improved employment opportunities Improve access to health and social care Government policies and legislation Investment in vulnerable patient groups
What are the roles of the 3rd sector?
Provide means of engaging effectively with communities and individuals
Deliver services to help reduce inequalities