Inequalities in health (NHS GGC) Flashcards
What does inequality mean?
“The experience of discrimination caused by the differentials in relation to allocation of power, wealth, status, access to resources, and equality of opportunity.” NHSGGC Equality Scheme
• Power: do you think you have power? Is it validated? Would others agree?
• Nurses role includes empowering people
what are health inequalities
“Health inequalities are the unfair and avoidable differences in people’s health across social groups and between different population groups. They are most commonly associated with socio-economic inequalities but can also result from discrimination.” Health Scotland
What does discrimination mean?
Unlawful discrimination is when a person (or group) is treated less favourably than another person or group, because of a protected characteristic or characteristics.
Who gets the best deal from our health services?
People who….
¥ Understand the health service and have the confidence to use it (confidence links with power and empowerment. If a patient does not have this, they must have people to advocate for them – nurses!)
¥ Can communicate and be communicated with (many patients require an interpreter)
¥ Are comfortable with medical information (have caution with jargon! Having a better understanding makes it easier to ask questions and be more comfortable with their own condition)
¥ Have lifestyles which fit current appointment arrangements
¥ Can get in, through and out of services (what about the cost of travelling to treatment? What if the person is disabled? How accessible is healthcare really?)
¥ Have health problems largely unrelated to life circumstances
¥ Have something in common with the care provider (increased empathy)
what does Equality Act (2010) & Public Sector Equality Duty do
¥ Eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment and victimisation
¥ Advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
¥ Foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Equality Act helps make sure that people with the highest need get the services they deserve.
what are The Protected Characteristics
¥ Age ¥ Disability ¥ Gender re-assignment ¥ Marriage & Civil Partnership - not service provision ¥ Pregnancy & maternity ¥ Race ¥ Religion and belief ¥ Sex ¥ Sexual orientation ¥ Social Class (not by law but recognised by GGC)
what is included in the Human Rights Based Approach
¥ Right to life
¥ Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
¥ Freedom from slavery and forced labour
¥ Right to liberty and security
¥ Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
¥ Freedom of thought, belief and religion
¥ Freedom of expression
¥ Right to marry and start a family
¥ Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
what are Human Rights PANEL Principles
¥ Participation ¥ Accountability ¥ Non-discrimination and equality ¥ Empowerment and ¥ Legality.