industry glossary Flashcards
Where media organisations who have specialised in producing media products in one form move into producing content across a range of forms.
a huge, privately owned company that owns numerous companies and assets across a range of industries and types of market
a society wherein a small group of ultra-wealthy, powerful people dominate all others and control aspects of government, industry and culture
horizontal integration
when a company owns different assets at the same level of production
vertical integration
when a company owns assets up and down the chain of production at different levels
patterns of ownership
referring to how the control of major companies is often limited to a narrow demographic section of upper class men
The coming together of previously separate media industries and/or platforms
how social and political diversity are reflected in media content
cost a lot to make and id created for profit, has mass audience
A film made outside of the financial and artistic control of a large film company
The process by which media products are constructed
The methods by which media products are delivered to audiences, including the marketing campaign
viral marketing
Where the awareness of the product or the advertising campaign is spread through less conventional ways including social networks and the Internet
a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers
the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
The dissemination of media products to audiences/users
a player’s representation of themselves within a game
A larger newspaper that publishes more serious news, less copy
newspaper whose content focuses on lighter news, for example celebrity gossip, sport and television
The beliefs, values and customs of, for example, media organisations
An entire series of, for example, a film including the original film and all those that follow
AAA game
high-budget, high-profile games that are typically produced and distributed by large, well-known publishers
gate keeper
The people responsible for deciding the most appropriate stories to appear in newspapers.
a media product with global reach is a product that is distributed around the world
A set of messages, values and beliefs that may be encoded into media products
media platform
the range of different ways of communicating with an audience
Media texts, including television programmes, magazines, video games, newspapers etc. as well as online, social and participatory platforms
A radio and television broadcaster that is financed by public money and is seen to offer a public service by catering for a range of audiences and providing information, as well as entertainment
a person or body that supervises a particular industry
The combination of elements to maximise profits within a media organisation or product.
a company controlled by a holding company
The streaming of live radio programmes from the website at the same time as they are broadcast on the radio
news agenda
The list of stories that may appear in a particular paper. The items on the news agenda will reflect the style and ethos of the paper
Massively multi-player online role-playing game
An enthusiast of a particular media form or product