Industrial Revolution Flashcards
Industrial Revolution
Greatly increases the output of machine made goods that began in England in the 18th century
Agricultural Revolution
Cause of IR: larger farms, more production, fewer laborers needed, population growth.
Jethro Tull
invented the seed drill
Crop Rotation
Improvements on the medieval three field method: Provided much better crop yields
Livestock Breeding
Selective breeding helped create better breeds and improved food production.
Population Shifts
Because of the agriculture revolution, large number of former moved to the cities to find work.
Why did it start in Britain?
- Large population for workers
- Extensive natural resources
- Expanding and stable economy
- Political Stability
Factors of production
Resources needed to produce good and services
James Hargreaves
Inventor of the spinning wheel
Samuel Cromton
Combined the spinning Jenny with water power to make the spinning mule
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin
James Watt
Made vast improvements to the steam engine
Robert Fulton
Build a steamboat. Ferried passengers UP and down the New York’s Hudson river
Growth In population
Living Conditions
Lack of adequate housing, education, police, and infrastructure
Working conditions
Long dangerous days. No government aid in case of injury
Class tension
Growth in the Middle class. Not everyone got the benefits of the Revolution
Positive effects
Creation of more jobs, wealth of nations, general raised. Standard of living and hope that lives could improve
Business owned by its stockholders who share in profits, but are not responsible for its debts.
Global inequities
Widened the gap between industrialized parts of the world and no-industrialized parts of the world.
Society Transformed
Everything from the daily life to life expectancy were affected by industrialization development.
Adam Smith
Wrote the Wealth of Nations in 1776 defending the ideas if free markets or a free economy.
Laissez Faire
policy that government should leave bushines’s alone.
Invisable hand
AS individuals work to meet their own goals, they will be helping do what is best for society as a whole.
Economic system where money is invested with goal of making profit.
Economic system where the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the good of the people
ex. public schools
Karl Marx
Argued that human societies were always divided into warring classes. Said that the working class would overtake the middle class.
A form of complete socialism where private property would cease to exist. Nothing is owned privately.
Workers who joined together to press reforms
Collective Bargaining
negotiations for better wages and working conditions.
Union members refusing to work in order to shut down a factory.
Alexander Graham Bells
Invented the telephone. Instructed deaf students.
Thomas Edison
Created in environment to create new things. Patented 1000 inventions including the telephone and the phonograph.
Guglielmo Marconi
Invented the first radio
Henry Ford
Build automobiles on an assembly line. Mass production.
Orrville and Wilber Wright
Bicycle mechanics who were the first to build and fly a successful airplane.
Louis Pasteur
Discovered that heat killed bacteria. Made milk safe to drink using “pasteurization.
Charles Darwin
Developed the theory of evolution
Marie Curie
discovered radioactivity.
extension of a nation’s power over the other lands
British Empire
Great Britain creates the greatest empire ever known.
Indirect/direct ruler
Systems set up where either the local rulers would rule with the guidance of the imperial ruler, or be directly ruled over by the imperial ruler.
Imperialism’s scope
Lands in every continent were acquired by European or American governments.
Rise of nationalism
Colonized territories started to become unified behind nation identity in order to fight of the imperialistic countries.
Indian Soldiers hired by Great Britain to protect the empires interest.
British ruler that was out in charge of colonial possessions
Indian National Confernce
Formed by the Sepoy’s in 1885 with the demand that they get their Independence from GB
Lawyer who took his independence ideas to India. Succeeded in gaining Indian independence.
Opium war
China tried to stop Great Britain from importing Opium into their country.
Open door policy
Allowed all countries to access China’s goods. Started by the US.
Boxer Rebellion
Revolt by the Chinese against all of the outsiders taking advantage of China.
The “Father” of modern China
Japan Isolation
Japan had lived in the middle age type society until well into the 19th century.
Commodore Perry
U.S. admiral who saild to Japan to open relation to the west.
Meiji Restoration
Japan’s start to “westernizing” their society.
Japan’s war with Russia
Japanese armies attack Russian lands in the East in 1904. Japan won, and people were shocked that Japan was know a major power.
Social Darwinism
The theory that individuals, groups, and people are subject to the same Darwinism laws of natural selection as plants and animals.
Causes of WWI
- Nationalism: “we are the best”
- Imperialism: “I want more”
- Militarism: “Let’s settle are differences through war”
- Alliance System: “I don’t want to do this alone”