Cause of the renaissance Flashcards
The Crusades
Declared by the pope; military attempts by the Christians to liberate the holy lands from the Muslims.
Black death results
Decline in power for the church
- Had no answers/cure
- Priest kept dying
The survivors
- Get the leftover: cause of inflation
Trade increase
- more money/assets = more trade
Who painted the chapel ceiling
What was known as the “Rebirth” of classic art
The renaissance
people who support art and literature
Lorenzo - “the magnificent”
member of the medici family family; powerfull patron of the arts
philosopher who led the humanist movement
Central theme of the humanist ideas. Each person has importance and reach their highest potential.
What is the change in artwork in this time period
The art becomes less religious and more realistic then art from the middle ages
New features in the art
- individualism
- balance and proportion
- perspective
- new material and techniques
Combined religious art with renaissance spirit
Was a sculptor; considered “one of the greats”
Leonardo da vinci
“The renaissance man” - one of the most well rounded artist
height of the dutch masters
Albrecht Durer
Painter and print-maker
Jan Van Eyck
“father of oil painting” ; very well know
Thomas Aquinas
Wrote “Summa Theologica” (highest knowledge)
Attempts to predict events by watching the movement of the stars
Attempts to find a formula to turn lead to gold - evolved into chemistry
Wrote “The divine comedy” - wrote in vernacular
The common spoken language in an area
Wrote “The prince” in which he instructs how to gain and stay in power.
wrote “The Canterbury Tales” described English life and shaped the modern English language
architectural styles with round arches, thick walls, small windows
Greatest Spanish writer of the renaissance. Wrote “Don Quixote”
architectural styles with high arches, outside supports, tall windows
Babylonian Captivity
French pope ruled from France, not Rome
Great Schism
The Italian pope upset the French cardinals, so they elected their own pope
the change of religion in Europe (some successful and some not)
protesters of the catholic churches
documents sold in catholic churches that gave salvation
Leader in Christian humanism
John Wycliff
Religious reformer in England
Martin Luther
Challenged church - 95 theses - Started reformation
To be kicked out/ disowned by church
Peace of Auesburg
Allowed the local ruler of an area to choose the religion of specified area.
John Calvin
Founder of the Calvinist churches/ Calvinism. Believed in predestination
John Knox
Carried Calvin’s ideas to Scottland
Henry VIII
Break with church - (wanted to marry)
Council of trent
Made new policies for the church to go by
- only the church can explain the bible/ interpret
- Banned selling of indulgences
Vasco da Gama
Portuguese explorer; traveled around the southern tip of Africa
Sailed West to get East - Discover Spain
(Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 14 hundred 92)
John Cabot
Explored New England; coastline of England
Amerigo Vespucci
Wrote the letters and descriptions of “new world”, now known as America.
Conquered Aztec empire
Francisco Pizzaro
Conquered Incan Empire
First to circumnavigate the world in a caravel
Triangular Trade
trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
mixed Spanish and Native american person
Economic system with Native labors and Spanish land owners
Middle Passage
Transportation of slaves from Africa to the Americas through the port. Brutal and Deadly
Columbian Exchange
Global transfer; food, plants, animals
Motives of the explorations
God - Spread religion
Glory - Gain Fame
Gold - gain wealth