Industrial Revolution Flashcards
What was the year when the closed system policy was started for Japan?
When was the year the Treaty of Kanagawa was signed?
There was 14 years of disturbance in Japan due to unequal treaties conflict, when did it ended and what happened.
In 1868, disturbance in Japan ended, and it was decided that the Meji will take control of all the powers of the Shogun.
To ‘renegotiate’ the unequal treaties in Japan, what was the plan and when it happened?
A delegation was sent to the West in the year 1871
By what year Japan was persuaded to open up fully to commercial trade and why?
By 1858, Japan decided to be open to commercial due to the treaty of Edo signed with America and many other international treaties.
What year did California and Oregon became part of the USA?
Who led the American armed naval mission to negotiate with Japan and when?
Commodore Matthew Perry led the mission in 1853
What were the terms of the Treaty of Kanagawa
- Open up the isolated ports of Hakodate and Shimoda to the ships from America
- Allow Americans to station a consul in Shimoda
- Treat the shipwrecked sailors well
- Give USA the ‘most favoured nation’ status
When was the Charter’s Oath signed by the young Meji Emperor/
April 1868
Who was sent to Europe to study the different government systems there and when?
Ito Hirobumi was sent in 1882.
When was the new constitution announced to the Japanese by the Emperor?
Why was the Charter’s Oath important?
It declared that now promotion to the highest positions in society is open to all- not just those in the privileged classes. It also told the Japanese people to learn from the rest of the world.
What is the FIRST condition or point stated in the Charter’s oath?
Assemblies shall be established and all matters of the state decided by public discussion
What is the SECOND condition or point stated in the Charter’s oath?
All classes, high and low, shall unite in vigorously tackling the problems of the state.
What is the THIRD condition or point stated in the Charter’s oath?
The common people, as well as civil and military officials of the state, shall be allowed to pursue their vocations and ambitions, so there is no discontent among them
What is the FOURTH condition or point stated in the Charter’s oath?
Evil customs of the past shall be abandoned and everything based on the principles of natural justice
What is the FIFTH condition or point stated in the Charter’s oath?
Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundations of the Empire
What was the year when the samurai proudly held privilege of wearing swords was forbidden?
Even though the Meji Emperor announced the Charter’s Oath, Japan was not a democracy. By whom the coutry was ruled?
The elites (the most powerful, wealthy sections of the society)
What is the FIRST key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
The legislature was called the Diet
What is the SECOND key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
The Diet consisted of the House of Peers and the House of Representatives
What is the THIRD key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
Voters had to be male, over 25, and 15 yen per year taxpayers. This meant between 98 and 99 people in 100 could not vote
What is the FOURTH key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
Supreme Power rested in the hands of the Emperor
What is the FIFTH key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
The Emperor was the supreme commander of Japan’s armed forces
What is the SIXTH key point in Meiji Japan’s Constitution?
Everyone in Japan had the right to free speech and free worship and had the freedom to join political parties
What happened to the daimyo after their privileges and domains were abolished?
They were compensated, and many became local governors of their former territories. Also became wealthier after reform, as their debts were written off and no longer had pay the samurai
Delegations were sent to Europe and USA by the Japanese. They failed to fulfil the aim of renegotiating the unequal treaties, but as they explored the west, what studies did they make note of?
They made careful notes of the societies and technologies they saw in the west and adopted key models
Which Japanese official was sent on the Iwakura Mission and when?
Okubo Toshimichi was sent for the mission of 1871-73
By when did the population of peasants and fishermen in Japan was halved?
by 1920
What caused the impulse in the population change of peasants in Japan?
It was due to improvements; such as implementation of new farming methods, stronger crops, and effective use of fertilisers
State the numerical growth of people employed in the industry , trade and finance from 1870 to 1900
1.6 million to 5 million
How did many new factories open?
By investment from the government- the new Ministry of Industry ran coal mines, cement works, shipbuilding yards and textile mills
When was the first silk mill using machinery opened and how did it develop?
in 1870, and it was developed with the support of government subsidies
To what extent did the production of silk escalated?
The production of silk multiplied 5 times in 25 years
In what did the export of silk help?
Export of silk helped to pay for the imports of raw materials needed for other industries
What did industrialisation led to the expansion of in Japan?
domestic and foreign trade
What helped the encouragement of commercial growth?
The building of merchant ships and establishment of banks
When was the first telegraph line built?
When did construction of Japan’s first railway started?
What was established in 1871?
A government postal system
What was introduced in 1872?
Gas lighting was introduced into Japanese cities
When did electricity became available in Tokyo?
By 1887
Why the government could not afford to keep investing in industry?
It had to pay a huge compensation for the samurai in 1876 and to pay to put down the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877
Between which years did the price of rice doubled?
Between 1877 to 1880