Induced abortion Flashcards
What is an induced abortion?
The willful termination of pregnancy.
True or false: Worldwide one woman dies every six
minutes from unsafe abortions.
Are the most of induced abortions performed on a global scale safe or unsafe abortions?
The most are unsafe abortions.
What are the differences between a safe and unsafe induced abortion?
Unsafe abortions are carried out by people either lacking necessary skills and/or medicines and equipment, and/or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards. Only safe abortions have negligible health risks.
What are the most common complication due to unsafe abortions?
Trauma to cervix, uterus, vagina or abdominal organs.
Infection (and sepsis).
Poisoning from substances/toxins used to terminate pregnancy.
True or false: Restrictive abortion laws are associated with lower abortion rates.
False. (E.g. The rate is 29/1000 women in Africa and 32/1000 woman in Latin America. Whereas the rate is 12/1000 in Western Europe.)
What age group has the highest rate of induced abortion in Norway? How has the rate of induced abortions developed in different age groups over the last years?
Women 20-24 years have the highest rate.
The rate of induced abortions have declined in all age groups over the last years.
In Norway certain preventive measures have been implemented to reduce the rate of induced abortions. What are the preventive measures?
Sex education.
Easy access to contraception. Public health nurses and midwifes can prescribe hormonal contraceptives.
Emergency contraceptives without prescription.
Until what week can a woman have an induced abortion on request in Norway?
Until week 12 of pregnancy.
At what time in pregnancy is abortion not allowed, under any circumstances, by law in Norway?
If the fetus is viable abortion is not allowed in week 21+6.
What is the doctor consulted by a woman wanting to request/apply for a induced abortion under obligation to inform about?
How the abortion is carried out.
Possible complications.
Support provided by society, if she decides not to have an abortion.
Alternative methods of contraception after the abortion.
What is to be included in a consultation with a patient wanting to request an abortion?
Rhesus typing and chlamydia test.
The patient has to sign the request for induced abortion.
A specific journal is filled out by the health care provider.
The hospital is obliged to ask if she wants further counseling.
Examination with transvaginal ultrasound.
What is most common in Norway, surgically or medically induced abortion?
Medically induced abortion.
If a woman applies for an abortion after 11+6 weeks of pregnancy who evaluates her apply? What happens if the apply is denied?
A committee of two doctors evaluates the woman’s application. If her apply is denied the application is automatically re-evaluated by a new committee called an appeals committee.
What are reasons abortion may be granted after 12+0 and 18+0 weeks of pregnancy?
Unreasonable strain on the woman’s mental or physical health.
Difficult circumstances.
Major risk the child will suffer from a serious disease.
Rape or other sexual crime.
If the woman is suffering from severe mental illness or mental retardation.
How common are complications following safe induced abortions?
Complications occur in 5 % of cases.
What are the most common complications following medically and surgically induced abortions?
Medical: Bleeding, incomplete abortion (prolonged bleeding or infection), and failure of treatment.
Surgical: Bleeding, infection, perforation, and Asherman’s syndrome (infertility).
How are induced abortions followed up/controlled in Norway?
Medical abortions: U-hCG 4 weeks after abortion. If positive contact gynecological outpatient clinic.
Surgical abortions: No control needed.
How long is it normal to bleed following an induced abortion?
It is normal to bleed more than during ones normal menstruation during the first 10-12 days. Sparse brown or dark reddish discharge is normal during the first 2-3 weeks.
What is it important to avoid for a period following an induced abortion?
Avoid using tampons.
Avoid sexual intercourse and tub baths for the first two weeks or until the bleeding has stopped.
For how long is it normal that a pregnancy test is positive following an induced abortion?
It is normal for a test to be positive up to 3-4 weeks after the abortion.
What is there to note about the first menstruation following an induced abortion?
Menstruation usually returns 4-6 weeks after the abortion, and is often heavier and longer in duration than a normal period.
When should a patient resume normal physical activity following an induced abortion?
Patients should be encouraged to resume normal physical activity as soon as possible.
Is it normal to continue to experience period-like pains following an induced abortion?
Yes, it is.
In what cases should patients seek medical help following an induced abortion?
If pain or heavy bleeding with clots lasts longer than 2 weeks.
If bleeding lasts longer than 4 weeks.
If the patient experiences fever (temp. > 38 degrees celsius).