individuals final Flashcards
Hypothesis Testing
occurs through the use of reflective listening and summaries to clients about what is important to them. If we are wrong in hypothesis the client will often correct us.
double sided reflections
reflections that show a clients ambivalence that sometimes they are unaware of.
Desire to change
ability to change
reason to change
need to change
evocative questions
These questions ask the client directly for change talk.
“In what way does this concern you”
“How would you like things to be different”
asking the client to elaborate
“tell me about a recent time when you spent money on gambling that you needed for something else”
Looking Back
Asks the client to remember how things were before the problem
“Do you remember a time when things were going well?”
Looking Forward
Asks clients to imagine hoe things might unfold in the future
can ask how things might go if the client doesn’t change or if they do change
exploring goals
explore how the target behavior fits in with the values and goals the client holds dearest.
“What sort of person do you want to be?”
Indicate that this is a summary
Change talk
Next Step
Key question
What’s next
Collecting Summary
Gathers together what clients have said, keeps the momentum moving forward, and shows client their most important thoughts on change.
Linking Summary
Adds the element of contrasting current ideas with those offered in the past or from other sources
Transitional Summary
Helps clients not only see the relationships but also to consider additional options or directions
Sort Goals
Arrive at a Plan
Reaffirm Commitment
Decreased Resistance
sign of readiness for change
resistance decreases
Decreased Discussions
client seems to have talked enough about the area of concern. There is a feeling of waiting for the next step
The client appears to have reached some resolution and may seem peaceful, relaxed, calm ,unburdened. This can also have a tone of loss, fearfulness or resignation
Change talk
Where resistance decreases and change talk increases
Questions about change
Clients may begin to ask what they could do about the problem.
The client talks about how life might be after a change.
Simple Reflections
Stay close in content but keep the conservation moving.
amplified reflections
add some intensity to the resistant part of the statement
involves either a reflection or a statement of agreement, followed by a reframe.
places a client’s statement in a new light, a new perspective, this approach often involves recasting resistant or sustain talk element.
Siding with the negative or coming alongside
responses acknowledge that this may not be the right time, place, or circumstance for change
emphasizing personal choice and control
responses make the obvious obvious. Such a response reminds clients that only they can choose to change their behavior.
Shifting focus
responses acknowledge that the current area feel unproductive and shift to an area that may be more helpful or productive for the client.
basic empathy
in which the social worker mirrors client’s statements
Inferred empathy
in which the social worker makes guesses about feelings based on clues in the clients statements
invitational empathy
in which the social worker encourages client to talk about their feelings
discovery-oriented questions
are designed to invite the client to communicate her or his purpose in communicating with you and to express goals for the relationship
verbal following
“I see”
“tell me more”
provide only enough response to inspire the client to continue speaking
“is that right?”
contributes to the understanding the uniqueness of the client’s message rather than generalizing or framing
is the expression of an idea of the relevant points of the immediate past statement of the client in your own words
Is a way to confirm an understanding the client’s message and address assumptions
Reamer’s Model
- identify the ethical issues
- identify the individuals, groups, and organizations that are likely to be affected
- tentatively identifying all possible courses of action
- examine pluses and minuses of options
- consult with colleagues
- make the decision and document decision making process
- monitor and evaluate the decision.