Indigenous Tourism And Authenticity Flashcards
Indigenous tourism issues
Who are the indigenous people? The politics of heritage World heritage Issues of authenticity Issues if commodification Empowerment or neocolonialism Cross cultural tourism impacts Marketing of indigenous tourism Indigenous cultural property rights
West Australian indigenous tour operators committee
Formed in 2000
Practical response
Raise profile of indigenous tourism within the industry
Notions of authenticity
Boorstin 1964
MacCannell 1973
Bruner 1994
Wang 1999
Boorstin 1964
The pseudo event (image outshines the original)
Commodification if culture
Homogenisation and standardisation of tourist experiences
MacCannell 1973
Front and back regions (goffman 1959)
The search for authenticity of experience
Staged authenticity
Desire to recapture our lost lives by submerging ourselves in the authentic experiences of the daily lives of others
Bruner 1994
- Authentic reproduction
- giving the appearance of being original (museum)
- historically accurate - Complete and flawless replication
- historically genuine and accurate simulation - Original rather than copied
- no reproduction can be authentic - Authority or legal recognition
- authorised as real by those in power
Wang 1999
Key approaches to discussion of authenticity 1. Etic (looking in from outside) - objective, objectivism eg. Museums Constructive, constructivism 2. Emic (insiders perspective) - post modern - Existential (intra/interpersonal)
- criteria based (something either is or isn’t)
- socially constructed (points if view, beliefs, perspectives)
- symbolic authenticity derived from images and expectations
- inauthenticity is not the problem posed by boorstin and mac
- emergent authenticity (Disneyland, no original, irrelevant whether setting is real or false)
- notion of protecting original through acceptance of staged settings (eg. Cohens 4 areas: authentic people in authentic environments, authentic people in inauthentic environments, inauthentic people in authentic environments, inauthentic people in inauthentic environments)
- authenticity it being