Gender, Race And Sexual Exploitation In Tourism Flashcards
Linda k richter 1995
- Gender and race are critical variables of analysis in the way our society functions of inequality, power, privilege and political socialisation
- Tourism reflects wider society
- socia/political dimensions - Tourism an independent variable
- ie. tourism has impacts on gender and race - Tourism a dependent variable
- ie. gender and race have impacts on tourism - Power of tourism to capture our imagination
- helps shape our reality
- Knowing what it does is important
Tourism behaviour
- differential access by class, income, gender
The weekend
Icon of the long weekend
- created to suit men’s work, industrial revolution
- no longer dominant in out thinking
40% USA business travel in female though only 20% execs
Almost all Asian business travel is male
Non whites in tourism mostly employees, few black people travel
Employment patterns
Sexual harassment
- sexualised environment (romance and sex, sun sand and sex, are all female employees fair game/prostitutes?)
- business segregation (men generally in control, women on front counter)
- men rarely work as equals with women (fewer women are managers)
Neocolonial hiring (new form of colonialism based on money)
- poor jobs are for locals, women and minorities
- management jobs are for ex patriots, men and whites
Advertising - what images used
White Anglos travel
Non whites serve
Female body for sale
Controlling tourism - who governs ?
White or Asian male enclaves of power and influence in our region
Central governments
Multi national corporations
Major leading institutions
Tourism industry itself
Tourism organisations and ngo’s - world wide and domestic - male dominated
Network of organisations and individuals working together for the elimination if child prostitution, child pornography and trafficking or children for sexual purposes