Indigenous Flashcards
Process of establishing and maintaining colonies in one place by those from another place and the impact to those who are already there For indigenous result has been destruction of culture and people
Largest indigenous group in Canada well established in all provinces
Man or woman whose wisdom and authority in cultural matters are recognized by their communities greater knowledge than others
Indian Act
Federal law created in 1876 that defines and regulates native peoples and their lands
Largest of three Native American groups that make up Sioux nation
Mexican civilization
Indigenous ritual - family hosts feast and offers gifts. Marks milestones such as marriage childbirth death and may include music theatre dancing
Residential schools
Church run schools funded by government to assimilate and convert to Christianity the indigenous peoples
Stolen generations
Generations of Australian aborigines who as children were taken from their families by the govt and sent to foster homes or govt or church run homes. Records scarce so many were not able to reconnect with their families
Sun dance
Annual summer ritual practiced by peoples of North American plains. Meaning of solar symbolism can vary
Term coined by scholars to classify variety of usually superhuman figures who appear in stories of cultures around the world tricksters disrupt society norms and often teach important lessons
Vision quest
Fasting ritual by members of native North American communities. Lasts several days. Involves journey to the wilderness. Rite of passage to adulthood or prep for war
Indigineous means
Original to the land
To be indigineous is to
Belong to a community that is defined by its members genealogical relations to one another and by its connection to place
Indigineous religion refers to
The beliefs experiences and practices concerning non falsifiable realities of those who identify as indigineous and who rely on kinship and location to define their place in the world