Christianity 2 Flashcards
Hebrew word for messiah or annoyed one
Formal expulsion from the church for moral misdeeds - RC
Speaking in tongues - feature of charismatic movements
Good news - news of redemption - accounts of Jesus’ life
Account of Jesus’ life attributed to his disciples Mathew Mark Luke John
Image - distinctive Byzantine form of portraiture used to depict Jesus Christ Mary and saints
Releases from time in pergatory - selling these was one of the abuses that led to the Protestant revolution
Catholic doctrine - realm where soul proceeds after death in preparation for heaven
RC name for eucharist
Tradition intensely felt spiritual union with the divine
Order founded by Bruno demanded vow of silence and austerity
Series of military campaigns over 2 centuries - Latin christians from Western Europe attempted to recover Jerusalem from Muslim control
Most basic ordained position created during organization of the Christian movement
Effects of christians from different church traditions / beliefs to develop closer relationships and better understandings - unity of different Christian denominations
Belief or opinion that is contrary to an orthodox religion noticeably christianity
World view - reason and science are the best ways to understand the world and dignity and compassion should be how we treat each other
Term used for individuals seen as channels of divine grace
Person who is healed due to their religious beliefs
Mom of jesus
Member of religious community of women - poverty chastity and obedience
Member of religious community of men poverty chastity and obedience
Form of government in which a religious institution is the source from which authority Is obtained
System of government where priests rule in the name of god
4th gospel
Gospels that include virgin birth
Mathew and luke
Gospel with two chapters not found in mark
Why was jesus crucified
He defied religious beliefs at the Ike and declared he was king of the Jews
Rising of jesus from the dead
Synoptic gospels
Mathew Mark Luke - they have a unified viewpoint
Edict of Milan
Proclamation that established religious tolerance for Christianity in the Roman empire
Bldg with the style of civil law courts and tribunals - Dias hall 2 stories celestory windows sides extended by arms giving floor plan cross shape
Three main issues after death of Jesus that had to be sorted out
Nature of the trinity
Nature of jesus - human or not
Role of mary
Councils of nice air Ephesus and Chalcedon determined what
Affirmed deity and externality of Jesus Christ
Defined relationship between father and son as one of substance
Affirmed father son holy spiritual were three coequal Coeternal entities
The anti materialist secret knowledge of revelation - chosen disciple believing group of people
Gnosticism is different than orthodox Christianity how?
Orthodox Christianity believes in the accepted norms of Christianity - original scripture ideology
Sacramental meal of bread and wine - recalls last supper before crucifiction
Ritual of initiation in Christian faith
Cyril and Methodist were successful bringing Christianity to Slavic people be ause
They used language that the people could understand allowing people to spread the word verbally and written
Iconoclasm controversy
The destruction of religious icons and images, monuments for religious or practical reasons
The resolution to the iconoclasm controversy
It was ok to have icons but one could not worship them
Impetus for the crusades
Turks who had taken over Jerusalem their holy city and to reunite as a religious identity
How did the pope convince people to go and reclaim their land - crusades
Promised those killed would be martyrs; targeted Jewish and islan concerts excommunicated trials and death
Reconcile philosophy and theology - has formalized education
Focussed on experience and dissolved the line between humanity and divinity
Summation of theology
Sharpened distinction between reason and faith
Believed some Christian assertions lay beyond reason
Frances of assisi
Founder of franciscans movement
Francescans movement
Developed to rebuild the church and live a life of poverty like jesus
Why are saints important to catholic church
Believed to have worked a miracle - served as role models - believed to be related in spirituality as a family of faith
Martin Luther objected to what
Selling of indulgences
Rejected the notion that christians coukd expiate their sins by confessing them and doing penanc
Martin Luther believed
Jesus has divine grace that reaches out to human beings saving and redeeming them regardless of their merit or performance
Sola fide
Faith is never alone - earnedvby acceptance of Jesus execution - faith in god alone is needed to get to heaven
Sola scriptura
Christian scriptures are the sole infallible rules of faith and practice
Priesthood of all believers
Universal priesthood
Doctrine that all humans have access to god through Christ and do not need a priestly mediator - all christians are equal
Calvin doctrine of pre-destination
Eternal suffering or saviour are already determined for us
2 kingdoms doctrine
2 different ways to rule one world
God rules
Temporal - reason/science - way to govern
Spiritual way to govern - gospel spirit through word
Adult baptism; baptism choice; church should ensure community; remain apart from politics; lay preachers; anti establishment; pacificists
Swiss reform
Reformed Protestantism; calvinist
Protestant- gods power - human moral weakness - salvation through grace of god - god knows who is saved and who is jot
Authority of scripture and rational intellect- retain Eucharist but not in Latin - Christ’s body present not from bread and wine - spread thru migration missionary
Moral spiritual peace found in experience of Christ
Religious society of friends
Combine intellect and spirituality
Quiet until moved to speak by holy spiritual
Humanitarian and refugee work
Baptism of mature believers
People should chose the faith
Choice should be private
Without political interference
Proclaimed a general redemption for humanity
Larges protestant denomination in America
Large black presence
Authority of institutional church
Formulation and maintenance of doctrines
Emphases of discipline
Three movements that emerged during modern era
Protestant cuts across denominations Assurance of gods grace and acceptance is a spiritual rebirth Born again Against Darwinism Against biblical criticism Billy graham
Tongues after feast receiving gifts of speaking in foreign languages
Mystical languages of the heavens
Emphasis on immediate person experience not doctrine
Accessible to those w/o education
Strong cross cultural appeal
Five principles of fundamentalist movements
Literal interpretation of bible One way to heaven accept Christ Bodily resurrection Nation of Israel gods chosen nation will play a role in end of human history Abortion murder gay against god