Why use indicators?
Assess food sanitaion
Shelf life
Product Qualit
Reasons to use indicators:
- Save money
- Screen large lots of foods
- Save ime
Coliforms Examples
Family – Enterobacteriaceae, genus –
Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia
and Klebsiella
Coliforms Normally found in the
Intesinal tract of humans and animals
Characterisics of a perfect indicator organism:
Be easily disinguishable from other members of the food lora
Present at higher counts then pathogen of concern
Detected and ideniied within short ime
Have same growth and survival rate in a food as the pathogen
Should not sufer sub-lethal injury rate more then the pathogen (physical or Chemical)
Should be present when the pathogens are present in the food
Should have a direct relaionship between the level of the presence of the pathogen
The presence of coliforms suggests that there is
Sanitaion problems
Fecal coliforms are
Gram- Negaive , rods that ferment lactose at 45.5°C produce acid and gas from
Are more indicative than
fecal coliforms
as Quality and Safety Indicators
The primary sources of fecal Enterococci are the
Intesinal tract of humans and warm blooded animals.
Potential Control Methods for Bacteria
Prevent contamination
them Kill
control growth
Source of Hazard
Ingredients Potenial Controls
- Supply-chain programs
* Process controls, e.g., cooking, chilling
Environment Potenial Controls
- Sanitaion controls, e.g., cleaning,saniizing, sanitary design, zoning
- Process controls, e.g., cooking in package
People Potenial Controls
• Process controls, e.g., cooking in package
• Sanitaion controls, e.g., zoning
• GMPs, e.g., training, personal hygiene,
disease exclusion