Indication/Diagnosis Flashcards
Learn the indications for LAS specific drugs
Amiodarone Hydrochloride
- Cardiac Arrest with shockable rhythms:
- unresponsive VF
- pulseless VT
- If unresponsive to defibrillation administer after 3rd shock
- Cardiac chest pain
- Adults with clinical/ECG evidence suggestive of myocardial infarction or ischaemia
Atropine Sulfate
- Symptomatic bradycardia in presence of ANY of these adverse signs:
- absolute bradycardia (pulse <40 beats/min)
- systolic BP below expected for age
- paroxysmal ventricular arrhythmias requiring suppression
- inadequate perfusion causing confusion, etc
- bradycardia following ROSC
NB - hypoxia is most common cause of bradycardia in paediatrics, therefore support ABC and O2 should be first-line therapy
Benzylpenicillin Sodium
- Suspected meningococcal disease in the presence of:
- a non-blanching rash (classic, haemorrhagic, non-blanching rash(may be petechial or purpuric)
- signs/symptoms suggestive of meningococcal septicaemia (stiff neck, photophobia, etc)
Adrenaline 1:1000
- Anaphylaxis
- Life-threatening asthma with failing ventilation and continued deterioration despite nebuliser therapy
Adrenaline 1:10,000
- Cardiac arrest
- Severe Anaphylactic reactions after initial resuscitation
- Symptomatic allergic reactions falling short of anaphylaxis but causing pt distress (eg, sever itching)
- Mild/moderate/severe croup
- refer to modified Taussig Score
- Pt who have prolonged (>5mins) OR repeated (>3/hour) convulsions who are currently convulsing - not secondary to hypoxic/hypoglycaemic episode
- Eclamptic convulsions (initiate if seizure lasts over 2-3 mins or is recurrent)
- Symptomatic cocaine toxicity (severe hypertension, chest pain or convulsions)
Glucose 40% (oral gel)
- Known or suspected hypoglycaemia in a conscious pt with no risk of choking/aspiration
- Clinically suspected hypoglycaemia
- Unconscious pt where hypoglycaemia is considered likely cause (BM <4.0mmol/l)
NB - Glucagon only to be administered when oral glucose administration is not possible or is ineffective, AND/OR when IV access to administer 10% glucose is not possible
Glucose 10%
- Hypoglycaemia (BM <4.0mmol/l) or suspected, when oral administration is not possible and a rapid improvement in clinical state and blood glucose level is required
- Unconscious pt where hypoglycaemia is considered likely cause
- Management of hypoglycaemia in pt who have not responded to administration of IM glucagon after 10 mins
Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN)
- Cardiac chest pain due to angina or MI, when systolic BP is >90mmHg
- Breathlessness due to pulmonary oedema in acute heart failure when systolic BP >110mmHg
- Pt with suspected cocaine toxicity presenting with chest pain
- Severe/Life-threatening Asthma - provided IV access is easy and administration does not delay transport to hospital
- Anaphylaxis - only after adrenaline (if indicated) and chlorphenamine administration
- Adrenal Crisis:
- established adrenal crisis, administer ASAP (IV route preferable)
- suspected adrenal insufficiency or unexplained collapse in steroid dependant pt (IM is sufficient, do not delay transport)
NB - if there is any doubt about previous steroid administration, better to administer further hydrocortisone
- relief of mild to moderate pain
- Pyrexia with discomfort (might relieve unpleasant aches/pains that often accompany febrile illness)
- Soft tissue injury
Ipratromium Bromide
- Acute, severe or life-threatening asthma
- Acute asthma unresponsive to salbutamol
- Exacerbation of COPD, unresponsive to salbutamol
Morphine Sulfate
- Pain associated with suspected MI
- Severe pain as part of a balanced analgesia regimen
- Pain management for adults in EOLC if:
- contact palliative care team
- medication has not been prescribed
- medication has been prescribed but is not yet available/has run out
- medicines are in place without a pt specific document signed by an independant prescriber
Naloxone Hydrochloride (Narcan)
- Reversal of acute opioid or opiate toxicity for respiratory arrest/depression
- Unconsciousness associated with respiratory depression of unknown cause, where opioid overdose is a possibility
- Cardiac arrest where opioid toxicity is considered the likely cause
- Pt exposed to high-potency veterinary/anaesthetic preparations should be given Naloxone urgently if:
- consciousness is impaired
- exposure occurred within the last 10 mins, even if asymptomatic
NB - if an antidote is supplied with an opioid medication, such as diprenorphine (Revivon) or naloxone, administer immediately
Nitrous Oxide (Entonox)
- Moderate to severe pain
- Labour pain
- Prevention & treatment of opiate-induced nausea & vomiting (eg. morphine)
- Treatment of nausea & vomiting
- Prevention & treatment of opiate-induced nausea & vomiting (eg. morphine)
- For travel associated nausea & vomiting
- Relief of mild to moderate pain or high temperature with discomfort (not for pyrexia alone)
- As part of a balanced analgesic regimen for severe pain. Paracetamol is effective in reducing opioid requirements while improving analgesic efficacy
- Alternative analgesic when morphine is contraindicated
- Acute asthma where normal inhaler therapy fails to relieve symptoms
- Expiratory wheezing associated with allergy, anaphylaxis, smoke inhalation or other lower airway cause
- Exacerbation of COPD
Sodium Chloride 0.9%
Adult fluid therapy:
- medical conditions with/without haemorrhage
- trauma related haemorrhage
- burns
- limb crush injury
Child fluid therapy:
- medical conditions
- trauma related haemorrhage
- burns
- to confirm patency of IV/IO cannula
- to follow drug administration
- Post-partum haemorrhage within 24hrs of delivery where bleeding from the uterus is uncontrollable by uterine massage
- Miscarriage with life-threatening bleeding and a confirmed diagnosis (eg. where pt has gone home with medical management and bleeding begins)
Tranexamic Acid
- Prevention and treatment of significant haemorrhage following trauma
- Pt aged >12 with TIME CRITICAL injury where significant internal/external haemorrhage is suspected/known
- Injured pt aged >12 fulfilling step 1 or 2 of the LAS Major Trauma Decision Tool & believed to be at risk of significant haemorrhage
- Significant illness and/or injury
- Critical illness requiring high levels of supplemental O2
- Serious illness requiring moderate levels of supplemental O2 if pt is hypoxaemic
- COPD & other conditions requiring controlled or low dose O2 therapy
- Conditions for which pt should be monitored closely but O2 therapy is not required unless pt is hypoxaemic
Midazolam (pt own)
- Convulsions lasting >5 mins & still fitting, or >3 convulsions in 1 hr
- Convulsions continuing 10 mins after first dose of medication
NB - when midazolam is prescribed for a pt the clinician MUST follow the prescriber’s instructions for its administration.