Indian Jones and The Riders of the Lost Arc Flashcards
1. Show a little backbone, will ya?
Spine - позвоночник
1. courage and strength of character: (bravery) / покажи немного характера
1. Let’s get back to this site: Turkdean Barrow, near Hazelton
2. The company’s head office is sited in Rome.
- a place where something is, was, or will be (учаток, место, располать)
- to exist or be built in a particular place:
Barrow - курган
Contains a central passage and three chambers, or cists
passage - a long, narrow space that connects one place to another (Проход, проток, коридор)
chamber - a room used for an official or special purpose (палата, зал, камеры)
cist - tomb - гробница
cyst - киста
We mean the removal of the contents of the barrow
Мы имеем в виду вынос содержимого кургана
Life and limb
something that is very dangerous (жизнь и здоровье)
limb - конечность
There was a golden coffin buried at the site
На этом месте был похоронен золотой гроб.
Account for
1. This accounts for the holes dug all over the barrow
2. She was asked to account for the missing money
3. Oil accounts for 40% of Norway’s exports.
- to be part of a total number of something: составлять
- to be the reason for something, or to explain the reason for something: объяснять
- Этим объясняются ямы, вырытые по всему кургану.
Grave goods
погребальный инвентарь
1. At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.
2. I’m sure everything you do for the museum conforms to the International Treaty for the Protection of Antiquities
- to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society:
- to do things in a traditional way
- соответствовать, подчиняться, прис
Army Intelligence
Армейская разведка
The occult
the study of magic or mysterious powers
You have no idea of his present whereabouts
Вы понятия не имеете о его нынешнем местонахождении.
Falling out
1. I’m afraid we had a bit of a falling out
2. Rachel and Fi had a falling-out and now they’re not speaking to each other.
an argument
Intercept a German communique
перехватить немецкое официальное сообщение
Hitler’s a nut on the subject
Гитлер не в теме, не соображает
Acquired headpiece, Staff of Ra
Найден наконечник Посоха Ра
1. The contract contained a restrictive covenant against building on the land.
a formal agreement or promise between two or more people:
1. The chest the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments
1. Сундук, который евреи использовали для хранения Десяти заповедей
Carry around
1. We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the actual number was much higher
existing in fact:
действительный, фактический
When they settled in Canaan, they put the Ark in a place called the Temple of Solomon
Когда они поселились в Ханаане, они поставили Ковчег в месте, называемом Храм Соломона.
Well of Souls
Колодец душ
Wiped clean by the wrath of God
Очищенный гневом Божьим
1. The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
2. New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the store.
Famous, noticeable
1. He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn’t quite believe him.
2. The congresswoman said she was resigning, but refused to elaborate on her reasons for doing
- containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts: сложный, замысловатый
- to add more information to or explain something that you have said: вдаваться в подробности, уточнять
It’s capped with an elaborate headpiece
Это ограничено изысканым наконечником
1. We could just pick out the trail in the weak beam of the flashlight.
a line of light that shines from a bright object
The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions
Lay waste to
1. The bomb laid the city centre to waste.
2. The bomb laid waste to the city centre.
to completely destroy something: Devastate (опустошать)
1. Last year the company seemed/looked invincible but in recent weeks has begun to have problems.
impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended:
in the first place
That thing represents everything we got into archeology for in the first place
in or at the beginning / в первую очередь / прежден всего
Эта штука представляет собой все, ради чего мы вообще пришли в археологию.
1. I’m really rather envious
wishing you had what another person has
1. Я действительно завидую
1. Some people are superstitious about spilling salt on the table.
based on or believing in superstitions (= beliefs based on old ideas about luck and magic rather than science or reason): суеверный
1. He’s a cautious driver.
2. Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am
A cautious action is careful, well considered, and sometimes slow or uncertain
1. Pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!
2. I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
- to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground:
- to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go:
- тащить
bits of junk
куски мусора
Must’ve slipped my mind
должно быть, вылетел из головы
1. The company’s CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities.
morally bad: гнусный
Take your lousy hands off!
паршивый, мерзкий
1. The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.
2. “I’ll clean the kitchen if you clean the car.” “OK, it’s a bargain.
Until I get back my $5k, you’re going to get more than you bargained for
- something on sale at a lower price than its true value:
- an agreement between two people or groups in which each promises to do something in exchange for something else:
- Торговаться, сторговаться, сделка, выгодная покупка
I’m your goddamn partner
Я твой чертов партнер \ Я твой партнер черт возьми
consequential / inconsequential
1. My services are entirely inconsequential to them
Consistent, important / несущественный, незначительный
1. The two groups were shanghaied into signing the agreement, despite their objections.
to force someone to do something or go somewhere
1. Ice age bones are being excavated in the caves
2. Three skulls and one full skeleton were discovered during the excavation of an Egyptian tomb
to remove earth that is covering very old objects buried in the ground in order to discover things about the past:
1. I was absolutely enormous when I was pregnant.
2. You’ve been an enormous help.
extremely large:
Have a date
Назначить свидание / возьми финик
Settle down
1. She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.
2. Eventually I’d like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.
3. OK everybody, settle down. become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it: осваиваться с чем-либо
2. to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner: осесть, обзавестись семьей
1. He said you were a bum
2. The most gifted bum he ever trained
someone who has no home or job and lives by asking other people for money
Took a hell of a lot for you to alienate him
Тебе потребовалось чертовски много усилий, чтобы оттолкнуть его
1. He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
an enemy
1. A complicated system of sewers runs under the city.
2. a sewer pipe
a large pipe, usually underground, that is used for carrying waste water and human waste away from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid of:
You and I are very much alike
similar to each other:
It would take only a nudge to make you like me
подталкивать, легкий толчек
1. It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.
2. My hands get very rough in the cold.
Грубый, шероховатый
In the center, the Frenchman had embedded a crystal
Вставлять, врезать, встраивать
Raised markings
рельефная маркировка
And take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is
И заберите один кадам в честь еврейского Бога, чей это Ковчег.
1. Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren’t yet known.
2. premature birth/death
happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or suitable time
1. We walked along the narrow mountain ridge.
a long, narrow raised part of a surface, especially a high edge along a mountain
Could you fetch me my glasses from the other room, please?
to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it, him, or her back:
You must’ve switched baskets
Вы, должно быть, поменяли корзины
Cut me loose
Освободи меня
They’ll start combing the place for us
Они начнут прочесывать для нас это место.
Perhaps the Ark is still waiting in some antechamber for us to discover
Возможно, Ковчег все еще ждет в каком-то вестибюле, чтобы мы его обнаружили.
Vital (adjective)
1. A strong opposition is vital to a healthy democracy.
2. The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood.
necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important:
жизненно важный
1. The gold medal continues to elude her
If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it. Ускользнуть
1. She’s really squeamish and can’t stand the sight of blood.
easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of: брезгливый
Bring the pry bars
Принесите монтировки
1. Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements.
to stop someone from feeling angry: умиротворить
outraged minority groups - возмущенные группы меньшинств
1. I think she coped very well under the circumstances.
2. Obviously we can’t deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.
a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is:
1. We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
2. At the wedding he sang a song specially written for the occasion.
повод, событие, мероприятие, случай
stubborn [ˈstʌb.ən]
1.They have huge arguments because they’re both so stubborn
2. You’re as stubborn as that girl
A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else
1. I had a brief look at her report before the meeting.
2. She was wearing a fairly brief skirt, as I recall.
Adj: lasting only a short time or containing few words: SHORT IN TIME
V: to give someone detailed instructions or information:
1. I enjoy outdoor pursuits, like hiking and riding.
2. The two children ran through the field in pursuit of their puppy.
- an activity that you spend time doing, usually when you are not working: ACTIVITY
- the act of following someone or something to try to catch him, her, or it:
- Стремления, преследование, поиски
You traitor! You get your hands off of me!
Ты предатель! Ты убери от меня руки!
1. He was a bastard to his wife.
2. You lied to me, you bastard!
1. She watched the snake slither away.
to move smoothly by twisting and sliding
Pull on the latch
Потяните защелку
make something up
1. make up an excuse: I made up an excuse about having to look after the kids.
make up stories: My dad was always really good at making up stories.
2. Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?
3. I have £20,000 and I need £25,000 but my parents have promised to make up the difference.
- to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive: INVENT
- to prepare or arrange something by putting different things together: PREPARE
- to make an amount of something complete or correct: COMPLETE
- Выдумывать, составлять
I’m making this up as I go
Я придумываю это по ходу дела
Смола, деготь
1. House prices have soared
2. The birds were soaring high above.
- to increase to a high level very quickly
- to move quickly and smoothly in the sky, or to move quickly up into the sky
- Взмывать, взлеать, парить
- a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees
- a name that you call someone you love or like very much
- Мед, дорогой, дорагая
1. Smaller cars have better mileage and so cost less to run. / What’s the mileage on your car?” “Oh, about 40,000.
2. The car costs £70 a day to rent, but you get unlimited mileage (= no charge for the miles travelled).
3. There’s no mileage in complaining to the director - she’ll just ignore you.
- the distance that a vehicle has travelled or the distance that it can travel using a particular amount of fuel: DISTANCE TRAVELLED (пробег)
- the amount of money that you are paid or that you must pay for each mile you travel: MONEY FOR TRAVEL
- the advantage that you can get from a situation: ADVANTAGE
1. The ship was carrying a cargo of wood
1. a savage attack
2. A sheep had been savaged by a dog
3. Her performance was savaged by the critics
дикий, дикарь, жестокий, растерзать [ˈsæv.ɪdʒ]
The altar has been prepared in accordance with your radio instructions
accordance: following or obeying a rule, law, wish, etc.
Jewish (Jew)
1. New York has one of the largest Jewish communities in the world.
Еврейский (еврей)
1. I don’t work at weekends - my private time is sacred.
2. This area is sacred to the Apaches.
relating to a religion or considered to be holy
священный, духовный
1. The students accomplished the task in less than ten minutes.
to finish something successfully or to achieve something:
1. First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain.
2. In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.
to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else:
Persist (Verb)
1. The cold weather is set to persist throughout the week. / If the pain persists, consult a doctor.
2. If he persists in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss
- If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist:
- to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way:
1. Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession
2. Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
the fact that someone or something persists
1. He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.
- interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation Корыстный
- a soldier who fights for any country or group that pays them наемник
1. I’ve never had any political aspirations.
2. It’s a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.
- something that you hope to achieve