independent study-Streptococcus mutans Flashcards
Can you correctly SPELL the full name the microbe you are studying
genus and species, where relevant
Streptococcus mutans
Genus: Streptococcus
Why is the microbe worth studying?
What is UNIQUE about it?
the bacterium is responsible for tooth decay and has a major role in our dental health
Has it been in the popular media/news and if so what made it newsworthy?
-main cause of tooth decay and dental caries (chronic infectious disease that results from tooth-adherent cariogenic bacteria that metabolize sugars to produce acid which demineralizes tooth structure)
-is cariogenic pathogen, has acid-tolerance and forms biofilms
-gram positive
Where is the organism found or where is it likely to be isolated?
found in the human mouth, in the oral cavity
What can you deduce about its preferred environmental conditions (pH, temperature etc)?
can survive and thrive in acidic environments
Does this organism have any unusual metabolic features?
If so, describe it/them and the properties that allow for this unusual tolerance or process.
-metabolizes sugars to produce acid
-use glycolysis to convert sugars to pyruvate, and pyruvate to lactate since sugars in excess that are in anaerobic, lactate dehydrogenase converts pyruvate to lactate
If it is cellular, to what domain does it belong? If viral, to what family does it belong?
Domain: bacteria
What does the organism look like? (What are its structural / morphological or cellular properties?)
spherical, gram positive that appears as chains of cells
Does it possess special attributes /structures/properties/characteristics & if so
what are their functions?
Have increased organic acid production and ability to thrive in low pH environments and form biofilms
If so, what is its host-range & mode of transmission?
If so, what is its host-range & mode of transmission?
Host range is humans, can be transmitted through shared utensils, tooth brushes, and other toiletries, as they colonize on hard surfaces of teeth
What are the virulence factors? Does it produce a toxin (and what is the toxin called?) & how potent is the toxin?
-Produces toxin called Fst-Sm, a small hydrophobic peptide
-Uses sucrose to adhere to and accumulate in dental biofilms
What is the effect of the toxin on the host and what is the mechanism of action of the toxin?
If no toxin, or in addition to a toxin, what properties/factors/components allow it to infect, cause disease/damage to the host?
Is the infection treatable and how? Are vaccines available?
Antibacterial mouthwashes, oral probiotics
What is one aspect related to this organism that is the subject of CURRENT
RESEARCH efforts? Such efforts are usually published within the last three a n
Is it a microbe with potential for use in BIOTECHNOLOGY (or for any other
applications), and if so, how?