Incontinence and retention Flashcards
Female urinary bladder can store:
350 ml
Male urinary bladder can store:
450 ml
Histology of urinary bladder:
Outer adventitial layer: connective tissue
Middle smooth muscle: detrusor muscle
Inner: transitional epithelium
Mictuition is controlled by:
Pontine micution center
The sympathetic nervous system acts to:
Retain urine: relax detrusor, contract internal sphincter
The parasympathetic nervous system acts to:
Urinate: contract detrusor
Nerves involved in mictuition:
- Pelvic afferent (sensory)
- Pelvic nerve (PS)
- Hypogastric (S)
- Pudendal (Somatic)
Receptors involved in mictuition:
M3, B3, a1, nicotinic
External urethral spincter is:
Skeletal muscle, under voluntary control
Pelvic and pudendal nerves come from which level of the spinal cord?
Test to look at problems filling and emptying bladder:
Cystometry measures pressures in what:
- Rectum
- Bladder
- Intrinsic bladder pressure (bladder - rectum)
Pressure measurements are measured in synchronicity with:
Flow rate
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Bladder outflow obstruction
Types of male lower urinary tract symptoms:
- Voiding
- Storage
Voiding symptoms:
Weak, intermittent stream Staining Hesitancy Incomplete emptying Terminal dribble
Storage symptoms:
- Frequency
- Urgency
- Nocturia
- Incontinence
What is common in men but uncommon in women?
Voiding difficulty
Causes of voiding difficulty:
Increased outflow resistance from obstruction at bladder neck or prostate
Detrusor muscle failure (less likely)
Detrusor muscle failure can be primary or secondary to…
Bladder outflow obstruction
What hormone is though to be involved in cell hypertrophy of prostate?
5 a reductase =
Converts testosterone into DHT
What may you see on cystometry of BPH:
Pressure double and only manages to pass half the flow
Acute urinary retention =
Painful inability to void with relief of pain following bladder drainage
Diagnosis of urinary retention:
volumes between 500-800 ccs
BOO and retention in women in:
Rare, usually has a urogenic cause
Zones of the prostate:
Peripheral, central, transitional
Complications of BPH:
Obstruction - retention Overflow incontinence Bladder stones Kidney damage Increased risk of infection
Causes of retention:
- Urethral obstruction
- Neurological
Treatment of retention
Intermitted self-catheterisation
In-dwelling catheter
Alpha blockers, phytotherpay
Phytotherapy =
Use of plant-derived medications in treatment
Alduzosin hydrocholrise, dozazosin, tamsulosin, prazosin :
Alpha blockers
MoA of Tamsulosin:
Blocks alpha receptor on sphincter - relaxes sphincter
Ex of 5ARI:
Alpha blockers work to:
- Improve symptoms
4ARIS work to:
Reduce symptoms and prevent progression
Onset of symptoms relief with BPH meds:
1-2 weeks with alpha blockers, longer with 5ARIs
Transurethral incision of prostate
Transurethral resection of prostate
What should you consider in any patient presenting with voiding difficulty, particularly those with incontinence
Detrusor failure or underactive detrusor function. Incontinence may be overflow.
Incontinence =
A storage symptom. Any involuntary loss of urine
2 ways incontinence can be an issue:
- Social
- Hygiene
Types of incontinence:
Stress incontinence =
Leakage of urine due to extra abdominal pressure (coughing, sneezing, laughing). Usually due to problem with sphincter.
Urge incontinence =
Sudden urge and intense need to pass urine. Usually due to bladder spasms
Mixed incontinence =
Stress and urge
Overflow incontinence =
Due to chronic retention
Incontinence is common in:
- Women
- Hospital
- Nursing homes
UI QoL issues
Distress, embarrassment, inconvenience, hygiene, self-esteem
falls, fractures, depression, increased likelihood of institutionalisation
Risk factors for UI:
- Pregnancy, childbirth
- Obesity
- Age, menopause
- Constipation
- Chronic cough, smoking
Treatment of stress incontinence:
- Pelvic floow exercises
- a-adrenergic agonists
- oestrogens
- tricyclic antidepressants
- surgery
Surgical treatments for stress incontinence:
- Elevation or support of bladder neck: TVT, TVT-O, TOT, SIMUS
- Enhance urethral resistance: bulking agents (e.g. collagen)
Tension free vaginal tape
Tension free vaginal tape oburator
Transobturator tape
Single incision mid urethral tape
Treatment of overactive bladder/urge incontinence:
- Behavioural therapy, relaxation
- Anticholinergics
- Botox
- Surgery
Oxybutynin, tolterodine
Surgery for overactive bladder:
Sacral nerve stimulation
PTNS = percutanous posterior tibial nerve stimulation