Incarnation Flashcards
How is Jesus shown as Gods incarnate
“And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:31-32)
Jesus means saviour in hebrew- fulfill promises made to Jews by God
Most high- referencing God. Jesus is his son
Differences in Lukes and Matthews gospel
Luke’s account:
In Lukes gospel the annunciation focused on Mary , Angel Gabriel meeting Mary, Jesus conceived through HS by Mary by accepting God’s task , Gabriels messages shows God is fulfilling his promise of sending the Messiah to the Jews
Matthew’s account:
Tells the story of how Joseph planned to break up with Mary because she was pregnant before marriage, angels tells him Mary pregannt with the HS , Angel calls Jesus ‘Emmanuel’ which means ‘God is with us’ and confirms Jesus is the Son of God , Angel confirms Jesus will save humanity
Similarities in the annunciation story:
Mary was a virgin
God worked through human beings to being about his plan for humanity
Jesus was concieved by the power of the Holy Spirit
Jesus was the son of God
The angel Gabrial announced Jesus’ birth
How is Jesus seen as the word of God
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) :
“In the beginning” the word existed before all thing (eternal)
“Word was with God” -word and God united. Power comes from God whilst the word gives guidance
“Was God”- word comes from within (self expression)
The word became flesh and lived among us” (John 1:14) :
“Word became flesh”- word took an human nature
“Lived among us”- expressions of God love to humans
How is Jesus viewed as son of man
Title given to Jesus.
Jesus is similar to humans since he has experienced suffering and death
Jesus views himself has equal to humans
How is Jesus viewed to be son of God
Jesus is asked if he is the Messiah and Son of the Blessed one. Jesus replies ‘I am’ - mark 14
Jesus acknowledges that he is son of God and shares his power but also refers to himself as son of man emphasising humanity and divinity
“Jesus is the image of the invisible God” - collosians 1:15
“In Jesus Christ, God himself came to the earth” - Youcat 10
Different christian symbols and their meanings
Symbol in early Christianity used for secret meeting places
I = first letter means Jesus
Ch= means God
Jesus is saviour , Son of God
Alpha = first letter of greek alphabet and the Omega is the last - Jesus is the begining and the end - “I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come” Revelation 1:8
Chi-rho meaning = remind of the death of Jesus - Jesus is messiah
Catholic reasons for art
Huge influence on beliefs for Catholics
God took on finite (not forever) limitations when he became human – humans are finite too
We don’t have evidence of what Jesus looked like – any representation or view of him is valuable
God became human for ALL people – only realistic that we show him as any ethnicity
Art work can help focus prayer and worship
Catholic reasons against art
God is infinite (forever) but art is finite (not forever)
If you pray to a statue/image some might get the impression you are worshipping that object
They can give the wrong idea about God
Goes against the 2nd commandment – Do not worship idols (statues/artwork)
CCC 2132 “whoever venerates an image venerates the person potrayed in it”
Interpretations of the crucifix
Acts as a reminder of Jesus’ crucifixion and Gods act of love in freeing people from sin and death
Interpretations of the Christ the redeemer
The outstretched arms represent Jesus on the cross and the openness of the father and son – the message of Jesus is for everyone.
The statue is very large signifies omnipotence
Jesus is overlooking everyone (his people)
Interpretations of the Sacred Heart
crown of thorns surrounding the heart to represent the crown that was placed on Jesus’ head when he was mocked by soldiers at his crucifixion - shows the suffering he went through
Jesus hand is pointing to his heart - signifying his love for us
Hole in Jesus hand - suffering he went through
Flames coming from thr hesrt - represents Jesus’ burning love for us
What are the beatitudes
(Matthew 5:1-12 )Sermon on the mount- Jesus takes the old law given to Moses in the Old Testament and changes the focus. He takes the focus from action to attitude. Christians believe he took the Old law and made it perfect.
By changing the attitude the temptation for thr action has been changed
What are the parable of the sheep and goats
Matthew 25:31-46- Jesus stresses the importance of helping those in need and who are poor. This is the essence of Christianity and Catholic teaching today.
St Irenaeus teachings about Jesus
He teaches that the incarnation is not only a teaching about the importance of the Gods love but also about the human race.
As Jesus is fully God and human, he is a meeting point between God and humanity.
Jesus is the perfect vision of God