Incarnation Flashcards
What is the Incarnation?
When God took on the human condition to become Jesus
What does Luke 1:26-38 tell the story of?
The annunciation
What is the annunciation?
When the angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God
What does Matthew 1:18-24 tell the story of?
The visit of the angel Gabriel to Joseph
What do Luke and Matthew’s accounts teach?
That Jesus is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit
What is the Word of God?
Another name for the Son of God, who is both fully God and a seperate person of the Trinity
What does John 1:14 show?
How the Word of God became human in the form of Jesus
How is Jesus similar to the Word of God?
He is God’s expression of his love for humans
What do Christians believe about Jesus?
That he is both fully human and fully God
How did Jesus describe himself during his lifetime?
As the ‘Son of Man’ to emphasise humanity
How did Jesus confirm he was the Son of God?
- While at his trial before the Jewish Council
- Indicated that he shared in God’s divine nature and power
How do Christians value symbols?
As a simple way of expressing deep religious beliefs
What are some examples of important Christian symbols?
- Ichthus (fish)
- Alpha and Omega
- Chi-Rho
What does the Ichthus acronym say about Jesus?
Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour
How was Ichthus used by early Christians?
Declaration of their faith
What does Alpha and Omega represent?
God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end
What is Chi-Rho a reminder of?
Death of Jesus
In what religions is it an offence to show God in any form?
Judaism & Islam
Why do the Catholic Church allow human image depiction of God?
God showed himself on Earth as a human in the incarnation
Why are paintings/sculptures of God a reason against religious art?
An infinite God cannot be accurately represented using finite (limited) human means
Why may praying in front of a statue or image mislead people?
Others may get the impression that it is being worshipped as a God
Why do Jews and some Christians not agree with religious art?
Against the second commandment
Why is Jesus being fully human support the Catholic Church in religious art?
Art captures Jesus’s human qualities
Why is Jesus as fully God support the Catholic Church in religious art?
Because Jesus revealed himself on Earth as a human
Why is Jesus saving humanity support the Catholic Church in religious art?
- Jesus can be shown as any ethnicity
- Because all people were affected by his death and resurrection
Name three examples of Jesus’s statues
- Christ the Redeemer
- Sacred Heart Statue
- Crucifix
How did Jesus give his followers and new and deeper understanding of the law?
Old Testament commandments and rules that God gave to the Jews
Why did Jesus create The Beautitudes?
- To develop a law that is more perfect
- Focus on people’s attitudes
What is the parable of the Sheep & Goats?
A story in the Bible in which Jesus tells his followers that in serving and caring for other people, they are serving God
Name a quote that shows how Jesus expects Christians to care for others
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” Matt 25:35-36
What did the theologian St Irenaus show?
That the incarnation was important for bringing God and humans closer to each other
What did St Irenaus say about Jesus?
A human being who is fully alive is ‘the glory of God’
What can Christians show by following Jesus’s example?
‘Life in man is the glory of God’
What is a heresy?
Beliefs that go against the teachings of the Church
Name an example of a heresy
Beliefs that suggest that Jesus is not both fully human
What documents try to create a balance between presenting Jesus as fully human and fully God?
- Dei Verbum 4
- Verbum Domini 12
How does Dei Verbum 4 show that God is revealed and speaks through Jesus?
“For He sent his Son… so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God”
How does Dei Verbum 4 show that the Son of God became a human to live among other humans?
“Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, was sent as a ‘man to men”.
How does Verbum Domini 12 show that the Word of God limited himself to human form?
“the eternal word became… a child, so that the word could be grasped by us.”
What is grace?
The free gift of God’s love to all people
Why do Catholics view the whole of reality as a sacrament?
God is present in the whole of his creation
What is a sacrament?
A sign of God’s grace
What did the incarnation help people to understand?
- God’s love
- God as a living presence in the world
What does God’s living presence result in?
The sacramental nature of the world
What are the seven sacraments?
Seven rites in the Catholic Church that give grace to a person
How do the seven sacraments impact a person’s life?
Makes it more holy
What are the actions of baptism?
- member of Church
- Water poured = removal of sin
What is the effect of baptism?
Person becomes child of God
What are the actions of confirmation?
- confirm they are a member of the Church
- Forehead oil
What are the effects of Confirmation?
What do Catholics believe about humans?
- Are made in image of God
- Therefore life is holy and should be protected
What do Catholics believe about human life?
Begins at the moment of conception
What passage supports Catholic beliefs on human life?
Luke 1:39-45
What bible verse shows that Jesus was present from the moment of conception?
“For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.” Luke 1:44
Who is the Incarnate Son?
When God took on the human condition to become Jesus
Define eternal
Without beginning or end
What is the Magisterium?
- Decisions of the Magisterium should be accepted by all Catholics
- Trachings of the Catholic Church endorsed by Pope & Bishops
How might Catholics protect unborn children?
- support a pro-life organisation that campaigns to reduce the abortion limit or ban abortion completely
- support an organisation that cares for women who have decided not to abort their child, but who are facing emotional or financial problems as a result