Creation Flashcards
What is the Image of God?
The creation story in Genesis 1 shows that God is creator of everything, and that he created humanity in his own image.
What is Transcendent?
Beyond and outside life on earth and the universe.
What is Omnipotent?
What is Stewardship?
the idea that Christians have a duty to look after the environment.
What is the Sanctity of Life?
the belief that life is precious or sacred because humans are made in ‘God’s image’.
Give a quote about omnipotence and its meaning
- “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
- Genesis 1:31 says everything God made is ‘very good’; God is so powerful he can make everything the way he wants it.
What does belief in God’s omnipotence inspire Christians to do?
Trust in God, as they know he has the power to do or change anything.
Give one quote about transcendence and its meaning
- “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)
- God only needs his own word in order to create; when he says ‘Let there be…’; that thing immediately comes into being. God is completely above and beyond the created world - he is transcendent.
What does the idea of transcendence mean?
- God is beyond human understanding
- Christians believe God cannot fully be described in human words
- God’s transcendence inspires awe.
God is the only…?
God is the only creator, who has created everything.
Why is God’s creation special?
- Because of all it has been created by God
- Therefore it should be cared and looked after.
What does Genesis 1:27 show?
- God created humans in his own image
- This means humans share qualities with God (like love and compassion)
- These qualities allow humans to have a close relationship with God.
What does the Word of God mean?
Inspired by the Holy Spirit.
What is the Bible?
- The sacred book of Christianity
- Contains different types of writing (literary forms) such as historical accounts, poems and letters, which were written for different audiences and purposes.
What is the Old Testament?
- Describes how God guided the Jews throughout their early history, before the arrival of Jesus.
- It contains four main sections.
What is the New Testament?
- Deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles (Jesus’ closest followers, who became leaders of the early Church).
- It can be split into four main sections.
What are the sections/genres of the Old Testament?
- Law
- History
- Wisdom
- Prophecy.
What are the sections/genres of the New Testament?
- The Gospels
- The Acts of the Apostles
- The Epistles
- The Book of Revelation.
What is Prophecy (OT)?
- The books of the prophets whose inspired words challenged the people to remain faithful to God
- Taught them that God is active in the world.
What is The Gospels (NT)?
Covers the actions and teachings of Jesus.
What is The Epistles (NT)?
- Letters that were written by the apostles
- Discusses how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life.
What is ‘imago dei’?
- Catholics will often use the Latin term ‘imago dei’ to describe this unique relationship (image of God (mental, moral and social qualities of God.)) between God and humans
- It singles out humans as those specially chosen by God.
Give one quote about imago dei
- “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”(Genesis 1:26-27).
What are the different understandings of imago dei?
- Some understand it to mean that humans share God’s character and nature, or that humans are representatives of God on earth
- Others understand that it allows humans to be in communion with God, and gives responsibility over his creation.
What are the characteristics of humans?
- Imago Dei
- Dignity
- Sanctity of Life
- Free Will
- Stewardship.
What does the Church say about the dignity of human beings? Quote
- Genesis 1 states that God made humans ‘in his image’ (Genesis 1:27)
- All humans are equal because they have all been created by God and share in the qualities of God.
What do Catholics believe about the dignity of human beings?
- For Catholics, this means that all people have dignity - they are worthy of honour and respect
- Catholics believe that everyone should respect their own dignity and the dignity of other people.
What does Genesis say about the Sanctity of Life? Quote
God blesses all humans after he creates them (Genesis 1:28).
What do Catholics believe about the Sanctity of Life?
- All creation is holy because it has been created and blessed by God
- Belief in the sanctity of life means that every stage of life should be treated with care and respect.
- This is an important reason why Catholics are against euthanasia.
What do Christians believe about the human gift of free will? Quote
- Christians believe Genesis 2 shows that God has given humans free will
- It describes how God made the garden of Eden for Adam to live in.
How is free will presented in God’s conversation with Adam?
- God tells Adam that he may eat from any tree in the garden except for the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’
- Although God ‘commands’ Adam not to eat from the tree, he doesn’t actively prevent Adam from doing so
- He gives Adam a choice: the free will to decide for himself whether or not to eat from the tree.
Why doesn’t free will mean that humans can do whatever they want without consequences?
- Christians believe that using free will to sin results in turning away from God, and this is why evil exists in the world
- Using free will to live in a way that pleases God brings humans closer to God.
What does Genesis 1:28 say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
- God tells Adam and Eve to ‘subdue’ the earth and ‘have dominion’ over every living thing.
- This suggests that humans have been given power and authority to rule over all other creatures.
What does Genesis 2:15 say about the human characteristic of stewardship?
- God puts Adam in the garden of Eden to ‘till it and keep it’
- This suggests looking after the world with care and love.
What does Genesis 2:15 and 1:28 teach about the human characteristic of stewardship?
- That Christians have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God.
What do Christians believe about the human characteristic of stewardship?
That the world is a gift from God, but God expects them to protect and care for the world in return.
Give a quote about the human characteristic of stewardship
“This responsibility for God’s earth means that human beings… must respect the laws of nature and the delicate [balance] existing between the creatures of this world.” Laudato Si 68.
What is natural law?
The idea that humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong.
Why does the Catholic Church teach that humans are born with the ability to know what is good and what isn’t? Quote
- God made all of creation good (Genesis 1). Humans are part of this creation
- Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). They share in his qualities, including being good.
What does natural law mean to the Catholic Church?
- Following natural law is important because it is part of God’s will for humans
- Humans should not need rules to tell them what is right. Natural law states that humans should know right from wrong intuitively.
What are some principles of natural law?
- The most basic natural law is to do good and avoid evil
- You should also protect and preserve life
- This is related to the idea of the sanctity of life, which teaches that all life is holy and sacred, so it should be protected.
Do religion and science support each other?
What is the fundamentalist (literal) interpretation of Genesis?
- The Bible is the word of God so it must be accurate in all respects
- God loves humans so it wouldn’t mislead them by giving them incorrect information
- Humans have no right to prefer their own interpretations to the actual words of God
- This means that many fundamentalists believe the universe and all life in it were literally created in six days.
What is the non-literal interpretation of Genesis?
- The Catholic Church teaches that the creation stories are myths
- Catholics believe that the creation stories are not meant to be scientific explanations of how creation happened
- For example, ‘day’ means a much longer period of time
- This means that Catholics can accept the creation stories alongside the Big Bang Theory and the theory of evolution.
Why does the Catholic Church teach that the creation stories are myths?
- They are stories that intend to convey deep or complex spiritual truths
- They are not meant to be taken literally.
What, for Catholics, are the main messages of the creation stories?
- God made everything
- Everything God made was good
- Humans are the high point of God’s creation.
What beliefs does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam express?
- Adam waiting for God’s touch for life: humanity depends on God for life
- God and Adam both look powerful, lying in similar positions, image of God
- God looks older than Adam, God is eternal while humanity is not
- Adam shown as perfect, reflects God making things ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31)
- God only brings humans to life, shows their uniqueness by God
- God and Adam trying to hold hands - close relationship with God
- God carried by angels - transcendent.
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam contradict Christian beliefs?
- Genesis 2:7: God alives Adam by breathing into nostrils, not by touch
- Painting shows God and Adam same size however God is higher up.
What beliefs does the Hand of God express?
- Lines of God’s hand to edge of painting (universe): God’s creation, influence of touch
- God’s hand is larger than cloud: God’s greatness.
How does the Hand of God contradict Christian beliefs?
Conveys more about God creating everything as opposed to God’s relationship with humanity.
How does the Creation of Adam and Hand of God reflect God’s nature?
- Both show God is creator
- Both show God is powerful and eternal.
How does the Creation of Adam contradict how God is shown?
- God is shown as an old man
- Criticism for not reflecting the eternal God.
How does the Creation of Adam reflect God’s role in humanity?
- Focuses on creation of humanity more than anything.
What are examples of CAFOD support sustainability?
- Encouraging people in England and Wales to live more simply and use fewer natural resources. E.g. CAFOD gives out livesimply awards for sustainable communities
- Helped to found the 2015 Beyond Campaign, which supported the creation of the UN Sustainable Development
- Working with groups like MONLAR in Sri Lanka, which helps farmers to adopt sustainable, effective and inexpensive farming methods (e.g. natural fertilizer)
- Supporting/setting up projects that use renewable energy (such as solar panels).
What is the Second Vatican Council?
Between 1962 and 1965, the Pope and bishops held a series of meetings to talk about important issues and update the Catholic Church’s teachings on a number of topics.
What does Gaudium et Spes 36 state?
“if methodical investigation…is carried out in a genuinely scientific manner…it never truly conflicts with faith.”.
What is the authority of the Magisterium?
- Catholics are guided in their interpretation of the Bible by the Magisterium
- Comes from the Pope and Bishops
- They have the authority to shape and confirm the Church’s teachings.
What do Catholics believe about the Magisterium?
- That it is continually inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit
- This means they can trust the Magisterium to correctly interpret the meaning of the Bible.
How can Catholics take care of the environment at a local level?
- throw away less waste
- recycle more
- walk, cycle or use public transport.
How can Catholics take care of the environment at a national level?
- pressure politicians to support environmental laws
- support and buy environmentally-friendly products
- pressure companies to follow environmental policies.
How can Catholics take care of the environment at a global level?
- pressure governments to implement policies agreed at international meetings e.g Rio +20
- boycott or help to expose international companies that threaten the government.
How does sustainability link to Catholic beliefs?
- Much of the world’s energy and many of the products we use come from natural resources
- Sustainability links to the Catholic belief that God made every part of creation good, so all of creation is important and valuable
- Catholics believe that promoting sustainable living helps to respect the goodness of all of God’s creation.
What is CAFOD?
- The official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales
- Aims to help people in poverty - in order to create a more balanced and sustainable world
- Supports projects that promote sustainable living and help to protect the environment.
How do Catholics believe the Bible is the Word of God? Quote
“Sacred scripture is the word of God…while sacred tradition takes the word of God…and hands it on to their successors in its full purity” Dei Verbum 9.