INCA - Nationalism and independence Flashcards
What career did Gandhi train as in London?
A Lawyer
What did Gandhi do in South Africa?
He spent 20 years from 1893 campaigning against racism and segregation
What did Gandhi do in 1915?
He returned to India and became president of the INC
What did Gandhi do in 1917 & 1918?
He campaigned in the state of Bihar, Ahmedabad and Gujarat
What did Gandhi do after the 1919 Amritsar massacre?
He helped to organise the non-cooperation movement of 1920, the civil disobedience movement of 1930-31/1932-34 and the quit India campaign of 1942
What was the Salt March?
In 1930 Gandhi led a large group on a 241 mile walk to the sea to make salt without paying the salt tax
What was the results of the 1930 salt march?
-Gandhis arrest and held in prison for several months
-Negotiations with Irwin leading to the Gandhi-Irwin pact
What were some of the features of the Gandhi-Irwin pact?
-INC end the Civil Disobedience Movement
-Gandhi represent the INC at the Second round table conference
-All prisoners arrested for the civil disobedience movement would be released
-Salt tax would end
What did others think of the Gandhi-Irwin pact?
INC members felt their concerns were not represented and Gandhi was being too cooperative
What was Gandhis book and what beliefs did he express through it?
Hind Swaraj (1909), in which he expressed:
-Desire for peaceful resistance
-Desire for harmonious relations between Hindus and Muslims
-Rejected Caste system
-An independent India
-Reject industrialisation and urbanisation
When was Gandhi assassinated and by who?
In 1948, by a militant Hindu nationalist
What were some qualities of Nehru?
-Studied in England before returning to India 1912
-Joined INC 1919
-Became president of INC 1928
-Imprisoned 1930
-Supported Britains decision to go to war
-Indias PM in 1947, died 1964
What was some differences in beliefs for Gandhi and Nehru?
-Nehru supported war efforts unlike Gandhi
-Nehru was reluctant to support Gandhis Quit India Campaign
-Gandhi desired a village-India with agriculture and rural ways, Nehru desired industrialisation and modernisation
What are some qualities of Bose?
-Presented a challenge to Nehrus leadership through 1930s
-Promoted militant actions, left INC 1939
-Didn’t support war effort
-Placed on house arrest but escaped to Germany then Sumatra
-Died 1945
Who were the Indian National Army?
In 1943, Bose established the army with around 30,000 prisoners of war being held by the Japanese, he intended to lead to India and free it from British Control
What are some qualities of Ali Jinnah?
-INC member, joined AIML in 1906 and led group from 1913
-Disagreed with non-violence and peaceful protest
-Support idea of separate Muslim state
-Post partition India 1947, became first Governor-General of Pakisation
Who was Edwin Montagu as a British Administrator?
Secretary of State for India from 1917 to 1922, responsible for reforms leading to GOIA 1919.
Who was Sir Harry Haig as a British Administrator?
lifelong colonial administrator in India. In many ways an emergent colonial administrator who came to terms with the idea of Indians as partners of the Empire. Opponent of Gandhis campaigns, described him as a “menace”
Who was Lord Linlithgow as a British Administrator?
Viceroy from 1935-1943, longest tenure of any Viceroy. Promoted extension of the vote to more Indians through GOIA 1935, fierce opponent of Gandhi. Praised in Britain though Indians blamed him for division.
Who was Baron William Hailey as a British Administrator?
Oxford administrator with a long career in service of the Raj, became governor of the Punjab in 1924 and of the United Provinces in 1928. Key participant in conferences leading to GOIA 1935.
What happened to Indian protests during WW2?
In 1939, nationalists largely suspended their protests and supported war effort
How many soldiers from India were deployed in Europe, North Africa and South East Asia?
Over 2.5 million
It’s estimated how many Indian soldiers died in ww2?
How did the Raj contribute to war efforts other than personnel?
-Government borrowed £1.375 billion (almost £57 billion today)
-India used as a military base for Americans when doing South East Asia operations
When were the dominion statuses offered and what were the responses?
1940 - Linlithgow offered Dominion Status, though Nehru rejected it as it was unrealistic
1942 - Churchill offered dominion status but rejected as INC only wanted independence
Were Bose’s INA a large threat to the empire?
Not so much, it received little public support and Bose was killed in 1945
Which two British leaders had conflicting opinions on the ownership of India as a colony?
-Churchill - wished to hold on to India as it was the most economically beneficial, and to retain Britain’s status as a world power
-Viceroy Earl Wavell - Feared India was lost and any attempts to keep it would result in rebellion
When was Winston Churchill replaced? by who?
In july 1945, Churchill was replaced by Clement Attlee. The labour party instead of the Conservative
What was the main reason for the labour party’s success?
It’s proposed domestic policy such as the NHS
Did Attlee have intention of breaking down the empire?
No, his government had no intention of breaking down the empire and Attlee and his Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevan, were determined to defend Britains imperial interests
Why did Attlee wish to retain the empire?
He didn’t want to be seen as the destroyer of the empire
For what reasons was it decided that India should be granted independence?
-Government feared delaying independence would lead to violent resistance
-Activities of the INA meant government lost control in the Indian Army, couldn’t be sure in support
-India no longer beneficial in cotton exports
Who was sent out in 1947 with instructions for granting independence?
Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten, to bring independence no later than June 1948
How many people died in the violence caused by Indias partition with independence for India and Pakistan?
over a million