INCA - Colonial Policy Flashcards
What fraction of troops in France in 1914 were either Indians or British soldiers who had formerly served in India?
1/3 of troops
What did many Indians volunteer to do?
Serve the King-Emperor, because excitement to fight for an imperial victory was high
how much did India contribute to the ww1 effort?
The government contributed £100 million to Britains war effort
What did the INC, led by Tilak and the AIML led by Ali Jinnah make a pact to do?
Fight for self-government using non-violent constitutional means
What was the purpose of the August 1917 Montagu Declaration?
To promise more “responsible” self-government for India, as an acknowledgement of Indias war efforts
In 1914 the Raj was ruled by how many British civil servants?
Just over 1,000
How many officers in the Indian police force during this period?
around 200,000 officers
What did British authority ultimately rest on?
The Indian Army which was commanded by British officers and supported by British troops
What did the GOIA (1919) establish?
A Dyarchy
How was a dyarchy establish through the GOIA 1919?
-Viceroy retained control of major areas, defence and foreign affairs
-Viceroys council remained purely appointed body - but now had to explain actions
-Legislative council split in two
-Provincial councils run by elected Indian ministers took responsibility for local government, health, education and agriculture
How did the British and the Indians view the 1919 GOIA?
British - felt it was a first step towards self-government
Indians - felt cheated and dissatisfied
What were two failed attempts made to provoke mutiny in the British Indian Army?
1915- Ghadar Conspiracy
1915- Singapore Mutiny
1919 Rowlatt act caused which major conflict?
The Amritsar Massacre
What happened in the Amritsar massacre?
-British army troops led by Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, fired on a crowd containing a mixture of Indians who had gathered to protest against the arrest of nationalist leaders
-Estimates claim 379 men, women and children killed in the bloodbath and a further 1,200 wounded
What did Dyer also do after the Amritsar massacre?
He had hundreds of Indians arrested and flogged for being responsible for the gathering, 18 executed and Dyer censured his actions. After which he left to return to Britain.
-Given a sword inscribed with the words - saviour of the Punjab by HofL
What nationalist movement happened through 1920-1922?
Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920-1922
What was the triumvirate of Indian Independence?
Motilal Nehru, Jawahalal Nehru and Gandhi - Labelled Son, Father and holy spirit
What incident happened in 1922?
Chauri Chaura incident, demonstrators attacked and set fire to a police station, 3 civilians and 23 policemen killed. INC called for an end to non-cooperation movement due to this
What was the Simon Commission 1929-1930?
-A review of the GOIA 1919, ordered by Lord Birkenhead
-Began in 1927 led by Sir John Simon, a liberal politician
-As a lawyer he was trusted to act intelligently
-Commission was widely criticised by Indians and some in Britain
What did the Simon commissions recommend?
-A federal system of government be created across India
-Increase in power to provinces
-Defence, international security, and foreign affairs should remain in the hands of a British Viceroy
What was the Round Table conferences and when did they happen?
1930 and 1931
-Irwin announced dominion status as a preferred option - attracting criticism
-Nationalists in India had little confidence In Irwins proposals
-January 1931 Gandhi freed and had discussions with Irwin
-Gandhi freed from prison and agreed to end civil disobedience
-Churchill described it as “hideous act of self mutilation”
-Many nationalists turned against Gandhi
What did the GOIA (1935) establish?
Created a federation of India by:
-Seperating Burma from India
-Provinces self-governing
-Introduced national legislature
-Expanded the number of people who could vote from 7 mil to 35 mil
Why was the GOIA 1935 attacked in both Britain and India?
Britain - It went too far
India - It didn’t go far enough
What did Churchill say about the GOIA (1935)?
“It marked the definite decline and even disappearance of authority in India”