INCA - 1890-1914 Flashcards
What did Lord Salisbury do in 1899?
He appointed 39 year old George Curzon as Viceroy of India
Curzon ruled India in what style?
Of a Roman Emperor - legendary arrivals with displays of imperial pomp and ceremony
What did Curzon believe in?
A moral, imperial duty and took great pride in representing Britain and its imperial mission
What was Curzon mindful of?
Growing criticisms from professional middle class Indians and the INC representative body.
What were the INC particularly critical of?
British trading arrangements, restraints on Indian industry and the heavy taxation to which the Indians were subjected in order to pay the high-earning British civil servants of the Raj.
Where did pressure also arise from?
Social and humanitarian groups such as “Servant of India Society” - popular amongst untouchables
What were some of Curzons most noticeable reforms?
-Provision for famine reliefs/irrigation projects
-Rearming native regiments
-Expansion of provincial police
-Promotion of scientific and medical education
-Lowering taxes
-Gold standard
-Construction of 6,000 miles railway track
Which group did Curzon found in 1901?
Imperial Cadet Corps 1901, to give Indian Princes/nobles a military role
What did Curzon do which showed respect to Indigenous culture?
-Helped fund a costly restoration of the Taj Mahal
Under which act was the Taj Mahal restored?
Ancient Monument Preservation Act 1904
Who were the North-West Frontier Province of 1901 (NWFP)?
A group created to protect the border from Russian threat.
What was Curzons temporary invasion from 1903-1904?
An invasion of Tibet to counter Russias perceived ambitions in the area
Why did Curzon partition Bengal?
He believed that by dividing the troublesome province of Bengal he would weaken any internal enemies of the Raj
Who was most opposed against the partition of Bengal?
The population of 78,000 mainly Hindus, who felt a strong regional identity
When the partition was carried out an uproar was caused amongst who?
The Hindu Elite of West Bengal, whom many of owned land in the East that they rented out to Muslim peasants
What was the partition of Bengal seen as?
A direct attack by the British on the ancient legal boundaries of India, claimed it was payback from Curzon for their criticisms
How did the indigenous respond?
Strikes, protests and boycotts of British goods
What could be argued in contrast to the uproar?
There were actually many within the Muslim elite who supported the partition
What happened to the Muslim elite who supported the partition of Bengal?
They formed the All Indian Muslim League in 1906 to safeguard the rights of Indian Muslims
When were both parts of Bengal reunited?
In 1911
Which party won the general elections of 1906? Who was appointed secretary of state?
The Liberal party, John Morley was appointed
What did the INC think of the Liberal party?
The INC admired the Liberals and respected their principles of equality, with hope of movement towards independence
Who was the new viceroy after Curzon?
Earl of Minto, from 1905
What change did Earl of Minto represent?
He treated the INC with more respect and took time consulting them on possible reforms
What important reform did the liberal party introduce?
The Indian Councils Act of 1909
What did the Indian Councils Act of 1909 change?
-It allowed 27 Indians to be elected from provincial constituencies to Viceroys council
-Reform allowed greater Indian participation in government
-Direct elections were introduced for local council elections, which allowed for up to 135 Indians to secure seats. Seperate representative councils were offered to Muslims.
Who and when was Minto replaced by?
By Lord Hardinge in 1910
What was Hardinges most significant reform?
He reunited the partitioned Bengal in 1911
What controversial decision did Hardinge make?
He moved the capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi
What did Hardinge do with the INC?
He forged a close relationship with Gokhale and the moderates to represent his opposition to the extremist views
Indian calls for what increased throughout this period?
For self-government, due to the new Liberal government however no time frame was given
How did Hardinge react to the first world war?
Without consultation he declared war on Indias behalf
How was Hardinges decision to put India in the war treated?
The indigenous mostly accepted and supported the British efforts throughout the war
Who were two main missionaries in India during this time period?
-Mary Carpenter
-Amy Carmichael
What did Mary Carpenter do?
-Founded a “ragged school” and reformatories in Bristol
-Formed the National Indian Association, which was formally established in 1870
-Highlighted need for women to work in prisons with female offenders
-1868, achieved funding to set up a teaching training college for women
What was Mary Carpenters background?
-Born 1807, her father a christian Minister
What was Amy Carmichaels background?
Irish with devoutly Christian parents
What did Amy Carmichael do?
-In Belfast, ran a popular Sunday morning class for “shawlies”
-Found vocation in India working with girls/women
-Rescued girls from various customs that forced into prostitution