In-Class Quiz Flashcards
Which species has the largest ovary?
The hormone synthesized and released from the hypothalamus is _______
Endometrial caruncles are NOT present in _____ species.
A) bovine
B) canine
C) ovine
D) caprine
The species with the shortest ratio of uterine body to uterine horn length is _____
A) bovine
B) ovine
C) swine
D) equine
Progesterone receptors are located in ______
A) nucleus
B) cytoplasm
C) nucleus and cytoplasm
D) nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane
D) nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane
All of the following statements are correct except ________ AND ________.
A) the ovary is considered a primary female reproductive organ
B) the oviduct is a coiled tubular structure which extend from the ovaries to the uterus
C) the uterus is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
D) the cervix is a sphincter-like structure located between the uterus and the vagina
E) the vaginal wall consists of endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium
F) external genitalia consists of vulva, clitoris, vestibule, and vestibular glands
C and E
All of the following about the mare reproductive system are correct except ______ and _____.
A) the ovaries are bean-shaped
B) the ovarian cortex and medulla are inverted
C) the ovarian arteries crawl along the utero-ovarian vein
D) a deep recess present on the mare’s ovary is called an ovulation fossa
E) the uterine horns are arranged parallel to the uterine body
F) the clitoris is very prominent
C and E
The hormones and their biochemical properties are matched correctly except _______ and ________.
A) oxytocin - amine
B) melatonin - peptide
C) FSH - glycoprotein
D) estrogen - steroid
E) prolactin - protein
F) prostaglandins - fatty acid
A and B
All of the following statements are correct except ______ and ______.
A) Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) transports cholesterol from the outer mitochondrial membrane to the inner mitochondrial membrane
B) Cyclooxygenases-1 or 2 catalyze the formation of prostaglandin H2
C) nuclear receptors transmit signals to effector proteins via second messengers
D) FSH receptor has a DNA binding domain
E) signal transduction is the intracellular transfer of information through a signal pathway
F) downregulation is the decrease in total receptor number in the cell
C and D
Oxytocin is produced by _______ and _______.
A) Arcuate nucleus
B) dorsomedial nucleus
C) ventromedial nucleus
D) suprachiasmatic nucleus
E) paraventricular nucleus
F) supra optic nucleus
E and F
True or false: in hens, the ovaries are bilateral, round to oval, and firm
True or false: LH receptors are located on the cell surface
True or false: the mesosalpinx is divided into three parts: the infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus
True or false: once released, peptide hormones circulate freely in the blood, while steroid hormones bind to carrier proteins
True or false: the surface of the endometrium has folds in the queen
Match the endocrine gland to the hormones it produces.
A) Pituitary
B) Pineal
C) Placenta
D) Ovary
E) Testis
1) Progesterone
2) Testosterone
3) LH
4) melatonin
5) eCG
1) D
2) E
3) A
4) B
5) C