Improving Sentences Flashcards
types of sentences
- request or command
- ie. finish your homework, go to the store.
Which indefinite pronouns are always plural? singular?
- plural: both, many, several, few, others
- singular: SSSAAANNNEEE + either, neither, other, each, one
direct or indirect object
- direct: answer “what” or “whom”
- indirect: answers “TO whom” or “FOR whom” ; normally is: verb, INdirect object, direct object
What is an infinitive verb?
“to” + verb
What connector makes a compound subject
What are special subjects that look plural but are singular?
sports, politics, statistics, mathmatics, physics, news, economics
Eight dollars (are/ is) how much the movie costs vs. Dollars (are/ is) worth more in some countries than others
- is; singular when talking about a dollar amount
- are; plural when talking about dollars in general
either…or; neither…nor; not only… but also; subject verb/ pronoun antecendent agreement?
- look at the subject losest to the verb and agree those (same with pronoun antecedent agreement)
present participle vs. gerund
- both are verbs that ALWAYS end in - ing
- present participle: act as adj or verb ; if take out whole phrase, sentence still makes sense
- gerund: act as noun (so subject, object, object of prep. or verb, or predicate nominative aka subject complement); if replace phrase with it, sentence still makes sense
technical parts of:
* simple sentence
* compound sentence
* complex sentence
* compound-complex sentence
- aka complete sentence; has a subject and verb; has ONE idependent clause
- has 2 or more independent clauses (simple/ complete sentences); connected by FANBOYS (coordinating conjunction) or semicolon
- has 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clauses connected by a subordinating conjunction (while, when, because, although, before, after, since if, whenever, where, which, until)
- has at least 2 independent clauses and at least 1 dependent clause
when to capitalize kinship (ie. cousin, grandma, uncle)
when it precedes a personal name like joe, grandma mary, uncle malik ; DO NOT capitalize if preceding it is: a, an, his, her, my, our, theirs.
what word is always capitalized?
what is NEVER capitalized?
president barack obama vs. obama, the president of the US, which president is capitalized?
first one
Which 2 words are ALWAYS plural?
I, You
What is the main subject verb agreement rule?
subjects that are singular have verbs that end with an -s.
independent + independent clauses are joined by what?
coordinating conjunctions (fanboys) OR semicolon
independent + dependent clauses are joined by what?
subordinating conjunctions (while, when, because, although, after, before, since, if, whenever, where, which, until)