improper women (athens) Flashcards
what is prostitution
a trade where sexual acts are performed in exchange for money
what is a pornai
a low class greek prostitute who would have worked in a brothel
what is a metic
a foreign residant
what is a symposium
a drinking party where men are only allowed
what is a hetaira
a higher class greek prostitute who owned her own clients
what does plutarch, life of pericles, 24.3 show us
that aspasia was so famous and influential that she had connections with socrates. socrates describes her buissness as “neither decent nor respectful “
what does demosthnes 59_36 tell us
Neira left Phrynion, the Athenian man, because she did not feel loved, neglected, or treated unfairly. She took all the things that she owned in Phrynion’s house and ran off.
what does Alex,fr.103PCG tell us about athenian views of pornai
this source shows that men viewed porne as money obsessed, scheming, fake and well spoken to decieve others. they use makeup, clothing and other tricks to inhance their beauty, this shows that athenian men cared about looks.
what does herodutus note about rhondonis
rhodondis who is a prostitute.She was extrmely popular which lead to her wealth and paid for a momnument of herself a the religious site of Delphi. most greek men would not have the means todo this
was prostitution legal or illegal in athens
prostitution was legal in athens
who could be prostitutes
males and females
how do we know that